Please help me Sup Forums...

Please help me Sup Forums, I've been chasing the wrong dudes my whole life and it took many years to finally realise who I really love..

There was a guy who was pretty much my best friend. We did so much together, we were both fit and he was muscly but... He was an inch or 2 shorter than me. I know it seemed shallow but at the time I could get so many guys because I was pretty attractive (not being an ego bitch or anything) so i discarded him. He was so sweet and caring but i wanted to be wild and carefree.. i was stupid. But problem was every dude I was with turned to be a douche... using me like I'm a piece of meat.

It was my short muscly best friend that was there for me through it all. Waiting for me and loving me. I was selfish and only wanted the bad guys, but I've realised how much I've matured now, Sup Forums... I realised I'm tired of dating those bad boys that are 6ft+ tall and have a tough attitude and don't give a shit about anything except my body.

I finally realise I want a guy like my best friend who has been there all along, and I'm older now so I want to settle down. I want to truly be loved and know what it's like to be taken care of. I want to give him my whole heart and soul and forget about every bad boy that I've been with over the years.

I think he is too heartbroken to love me back anymore. He says I'm using him as a last resort but I'm not I swear I've just finally realised what I need in my life. I want him with me forever and I love him. How do I get him to be with me Sup Forums? To forgive my years of leading on I've done to him?

he won't. Kill yourself

I doubt u read my whole post..

this isnt real and none of this ever happened

fuck off dude go spend time doing something constructive

Read the whole thing, been through a very similar situation. The girl who did it to me is on the edge of suicide and I actually take pleasure in it. That's reality.

If you want the answer, FOLLOW THE FUCKING RULES. Pic is relevant.


So you don't like her anymore?

My best friend said he IS still in love with me but I've turned him down too many times..

I love him so much and I hate it took me this long to realise he was the one for me but I want to make it up to him by giving him by whole self - body, mind and soul.

You should of thought about love while you were riding the cock carousel you stupid whore. You're not even capable of love. Just fuckin end it

Just don't give up. Give him the attention he needs to restore his confidence that you aren't a basic bitch.

Had your chance, let the guy find someone that actually cares.

Also Tits or GTFO.

Yeah it's too late for that you stupid bitch, all he can think about is you and your vacant morals and discarding his love for fleeting euphoria. You fucking disgust me

bait as fuck

I loved her more than anything in the world

>I want to make it up to him by giving him by whole self - body, mind and soul.

where is what you do you walk up to him strip off your clothing get down on your knees with your wrists in the air and tell him you submit to his whims if this doesnt convince him nothing will

What is your body mind and soul worth when it's been used and abused my nameless passerby's? Nothing


trust me

ITT: washed up slut wants to settle down with a nice guy after she fucked every 6ft guy in town.

Get rekt slut

P.s he will never to with you. Go find someone with an extra set of chromosomes.


If this isn't b8... Keep trying. If he gives you a chance be loving and caring, realize it might be tough to earn his trust (at first) unless he's completely set on not being with you, you will be able to make it work

I cant.. I know I was young dumb and slutty. I hate myself for it. But now I want to make it up to him and be there whenever he needs me. Forever. I don't want any other guy, I've finally looked passed him being a shorty and all I see is a perfect guy who will treat me better than all these douchebags had in my whole life.

I have been with many guys, but many were just flings.. those who I thought really loved me proved me wrong. I've given myself to the wrong men and I've had to pay the price. I feel like shit but I know me and my guy friend were.meant for each other. He still loves me and I want to prove to him I will never ever reject or hurt him ever again

He's still deciding whether to hang out with me this weekend (I asked him). I really want to show him my love and affection. I want to show him what I did these douchebags except treat him 100 times better. Treat him like a king. He deserves it after all I've put him through. I just need to show him how much I love him now.

you and Margaret would be good friends. See you in hell

You're on Sup Forums... you know the price for whatever services or requests you have of us and you know whatever advice we have would likely come from a autistic faggot with shitty kinks and a sadistic/masochistic streak.

Tits or gtfo.


Bitch, you dont deserve happiness. You dont get to be carefree and ride every tom dick and harry til you so ugly and wrinkled that you cant get tom dick or harry.

If you actually cared about the guy you keep calling short, you'd set him up with a nice girl who hasnt fucked half the state of california, whore

the fact that you post this in Sup Forums means its bait

Op I don't think you realise how shitty it feels to have someone you're in love with fuck other people, or to be in a relationship with someone after you've confessed feelings to them. It fucking sucks, but all you're thinking about now is yourself. he treats YOU good, so you want to be with him. You'll treat him good so that he can make YOU feel good. Fuck outta here cunt.

We all know, but we are angry men who like arguing


You mean bitter single betas?

Catch me outside how bout dat.

>thinks being single is bad


Reap what you sow, slut. Go buy some fucking cats.

No. After all the men that's screwed me over I finally realised what's good for me and also what a REAL loving caring man is.

I know it seems selfish but I know he will love me again and be with me. I just need help getting him to give me a chance because I'll show him more of me than I did every other man combined. Not just physically too.

No that's not true. I want to make it up to him as well. Treat him so good after all the years I pushed him away.. I love him and I WILL do anything for him once were together. I owe him a lot after all the breakup rants and crying I've done to him..

Im married and im just here to argue. This thread couldve started with the statement "blowjobs are awesome" and id still argue that getting pazuri (or however it is spelled, i hate the term tit wank)

go get rekt slut

fact remains that you ARE using him as last resort (paparoach). You dated all kinds of guys and didn't give him a chance and finally, after exhausting all options, you see him as viable.

Admit it to yourself, first. This was your last resort. Maybe not in the way you intend it, but the fact remains.

You forgot to cover it liberally with venereal diseases and a smattering of mayonnaise.

It's his fucking choice now isn't it? What do you want? Do you expect the "mighty Sup Forums" to tell you how to win over a bitter and constantly rejected man? Do you want us to talk to him about how you used to be a slut but now you're not? How about you try staying single for a while and suffer through the "indignity" of not getting fucked by the man you want for a bit? Pretty fucking lonely isn't it?

Bait personal army request.

yeah well sometimes you fuck up and don't get to take it back and be with who you want. move on or an hero. i'm leaning towards the latter myself.

It doesnt seem selfish it -is- selfish, you stupid whore.

Women are children, who cannot think day ahead. Thats why they are all "carefree" thats how they politely say "stupidly nearsighted"

No you didnt. If you did you wouldn't be saying that shit about him


Suck his dick off, and do it often. Nothing says "I want you and your meat stick" like a BJ where he gets off and you get nothing but a mouthful of cum.

Troll thread/10

> I know he will love me again and be with me
Oh so you're trying to manipulate him too sweet
>After all the men that's screwed me over I finally realised what's good for me
>who will treat me better than all these douchebags had in my whole life

>still trying to act like you arent a selfish whore



i am disappoint Sup Forums

op, show tits with timestamp and then real advice starts rolling in.

or gtfo



fuk u ill say tot wenk

girls are used to getting what they want

sucks when you can't huh? welcome to mens world.

Kill yourself, shallow bitch

read dis opie

den dis

No simpathy for your hoe ass. Go flap them slanky pussy lips elsewhere


OP i can easily fix this.
I'm gonna need a timestamp and some tits to prove you are real first though.
If you really care about this guy you will do whatever it takes to make him happy so be a whore one last time and we will help you fix this.

kys whore

I second the motion

Ive been through it too,but worst, he ended up failing in love with my best friend. Oh well, I'm mature enough to let him go, but still compare him to other guys from time to time :( Time heals all wounds. And girl you slay, you can find other good men

Kill yourself

you're now like a used condom, why would he need you?

You shallow, stupid sluts deserve nothing in life.


three quantifiers and you pick single

You fucking faggot white knights - all you have to do is follow the rules.

That's all you gotta do!

This is what it looks like when sluts hit the wall. Watch, laugh, and be thankful you're not that poor guy.


Bitter and single are just insults

You act like I never get insulted on Sup Forums


You're so a bunch of female hating virgin betas.

even more b8

Too late faggot. Should have realized it before now. Go die, I hate people like you.

Then and Only then, will you get serious replies.

Just tell him the truth. If he really loved you he will accept your "excuse" if you just tell him what you feel.
Otherwise: tits or gtfo

>gives advice
>demands tits or gtfo


Bitter is an insult, single isn't. If you're bitter because you're single just stop being a cunt who's desperate for validation


to be honest i dont think you really love him i think your imagining loving him cause of how much he cared for you you used em as a coping mechanisim understanding that no one will ever love you like he did. He was fit,skinny,nice and caring and you didnt seem to notice it till it was falling out your hand this is what i hate about woman you friend zone a man till you need em.honestly i hope you become a whore that never gets someone to give any fucks about you cause you dont deserve someone like you fucking smash 16 guys and Nooowww you know what you want fuck outta here

Leave a place for a true lady for this fine gentleman.

I'm not bitter because I'm single.
I'm just bitter

Because no one wants you, because you're bitter, because no one wants you, because you're bitter, Because no one wants you, because you're bitter, because no one wants you, because you're bitter, Because no one wants you, because you're bitter, because no one wants you, because you're bitter, Because no one wants you, because you're bitter, because no one wants you, because you're bitter

you suck 14 dicks then you wanna settle down
Kek Classic whore
go do porn

>tfw when you think I dont want to be single

okay lol

Fuck you lady, I have no sympothy for you lot.

are you really sure Sup Forums's the right place to ask for love advice

>Implying this isnt just a troll

Do you really love him, or are you just using him as a crutch after hitting a wall time after time?

It's also possible that he thinks you're getting desperate. How you feel for him might be tainted rose by your frustration, hence why he's reluctant to go out with you. Suggest that you wait for a couple months to get your shit in order and find other non-6 ft. tall men. If you're still dead set on getting him, talk to him about it.

He still says no? Tough shit, "fool me once, shame on you" and all that. Push the issue with him any further at this point and he'll probably break any contact with you. Might as well move on before that happens.

For now, though? Treat him like you would treat your best friend. Not much else you can do except screw up the chances he'll say yes by acting like a hungry hyena