*walks towards you*

*walks towards you*

They look nonwhite.

they'd keep walking after we wished each other a good day.

>mfw one in five men is gay


No iam not in dicks in my butt but thanks anyway

It's called a tan. It looks nice at first then the cancer and damaged skin shows later.

And they just keep on walking because we aren't insane shithead and got shit to do.

when they walk past you their gonna shove you aside because you're a pussy ass bitch.

How do you feel about that faggot

i'm about 15 times bigger than these pussies so they would walk around me. Esp the faggot with all the shitty tattoo's


I'd say happy mardi gras boys and blow them a kiss

i would probably have the wtf look to my face then ask then if they just got back from fucking each other

couldn't possibly be the attention whore with the pre-ripped jeans from JCP and all the tattoos

>walk around me
Yes because you're a fat Ameri-tard on a mobility scooter

Enjoy your diabetes

>Make ape sounds
>Shit in my palms
>throw at them

Thats what you get for being an unshaved fucking subhuman ape
Procceed fucking ops mom in the throad until we both pass out


*walk past*

do not pay attention OP, that makes you gay.
just walk through and hope the oil washes off your butt.

Laugh mentally at the gym twat try hards.

meant for

Those are show muscles, look at real fighters of all types, they don't have bodies like that.
Not that user but I'm confident that while their numbers would win the day, I'd give a good account of myself.

Are these guys considered 'average' male build now?
I've been going to the gym a while with bad results and am only halfway there

KEK. Are you blind or what??

Does the average guy on the street look like that to you?
The average male build is tubby or overweight, the ideal average weight should be on the thinner side not dicks who have dedicated their time to narcissism in a gym or fatties.
Fuck what chicks think.

>this guy doesn't get laid very often

Slide my pants down. Turn around. Grab my ankles. Put my dick in my mouth and start praying.

turn 360 degrees and walk away

I would continue poo. They are on designated street, why they are not the poo as well?

"What d'you faggots want?"

I'm not a spaghetti lord that needs to look like a fag to get laid. I get laid a few times a week benefits of having a girlfriend, not that you'll ever experience that. Good luck with chicks that only date muscle guys :)

Can attest, spent a few years at that body type. Couldn't be happier since gaining some body fat and eating more, feels stronger and healthier


"Fuckin' move, cunt! Ya want ALL the path?!"

Bump because fuck you


"excuse me gentlemen, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?"

>Get into side kick stance

Whats good homie?