How far up their own ass are they Sup Forums?

How far up their own ass are they Sup Forums?

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Pretty far since they helped a bitch cover up killing her own husband for shekels.

12 inches

Wait.... what?

Treason! What you're speaking of is treason!

I can't remember his name, but they had a Chink animator, the guy who made RBWY (or something like that.).

Guy was allergic to cats and his wife went and got one (tee hee sowwy :^)) this triggered his allergies and he ended up dying on an operating table due to said allergies.

Bernie Burns, head cuck, while he did remove the cats from the RT studio and make sure Chinky could sleep there (as he couldn't at home due to his wifes new cat) knew exactly what she was doing and apparently overheard her plotting it before his death but didn't contact police.

I think his beloved wife that killed him has a new lover now and several million dollars.

OP here
sounds like bull

It can sound like bull to you as much as you like.

Doesn't change the fact that his wife killed him and RT was complicit in his death.

Monty Oum?

what happened with your elyse wwyd? thread?

not my thread
but I'm a fan of Funhaus and IG

That's the one yes.

Also found this
Which lends some substance to her killing him off.

I have a screencap that has a lot of damning evidence, but can't remember what I named it as.

Ah Rooster Teeth. You know I actually really loved them back in the days, back when they were still funny and RVB wasn't as cringey.

(Sane user here) And the animated adventures didn't seem fake as phuack.

Gotta say....

The moment Ray left so did I.

Just wasn't the same Mojo any more.

What the fucking shit. If this is true fuck RT so hard. And women in general.

Rip chink animator for rwby

Op here, doesn't that bull anymore, didn't know that

yeah it feels to much of a company now
I know what you mean

> Scroll through thread
> Not a single nude
Bored now

I usdc to really enjoy their content. I remeber back in the mid 2000's watching Red vs Blue. But they became egocentric and sold out, opting for that shitty prototypical gaming and shit content for little dweebs.

It's always sad to see a good name turn to shit. It generally happens when it stops interacting with it's own community. When they start ignoring the very people that lifted them up to where they are, they don't deserve attention.

I watched them up till the point where they started faking Rage Quit... Do they even do that show any more? I might have to see if Michael grew out of RT...

Michael recently did a sponsored one for Amazon
it was terrible
they prerecord everything months in advance now
feels like microwaved shite

What is the mid 2000's?

Midway through the year 2000?

They've been around that long?

They started shitting on their fans real hard a couple of months ago. Every video was whining about retarded comments (woah, on youtube? amazing!) so their fans must also all be retarded. They stopped it because even Leddit was starting to get pissed off.

>Microwaved shite
You know, I did T know what this feeling was but that sums it up pretty fucking good.

You're thinking of Monty, who went in for a small surgery and was alergic to something the doctors used on him. He died from that.

That story is the furthest thing i've ever seen from the truth. Like how does that story even happen.