/bb/ Big Brother 18

Previously on /bb/: No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway. Have your parents buy them for, you plebs.

HoH (Head of Household): Ya Boy
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: TBD

Other urls found in this thread:


is it time for noms?

bridgettefag, i liked you till you put on a trip

sorry bro, DROPPED

how do I mist someone?

>trip in OP
faggots lucky he linked it last thread I have all trips filtered


>filtering Ian

>Bridgette and James tied for 2.80 right now


be a salesman

I'm the second Bridgettefag and added #2. Didn't know that created a tripcode. Forgive me!



never trip in OPs boys

its pretty easy to tell when he posts because of all the hidden replies so I turn it off for a little then

>filtering anyone

thats actually pretty funny reply


Almost had to kick you out of the bomb squad bro

bro stop watermarking your pics

OP here
I'm a faggot

I suck cocks all day

What is she dreaming about?


inb4 reddit



a spindle

So what exactly is Paulie trying to do here?

>Reminder that Corey was 1/100th of a second from being the first player eliminated and Glenn being the one fingerblasting nicole

playing big brother

i cant, the app i use is shareware and it cost $6 to unlock the watermark

He has a daughter bro. That wouldn't be playing with integrity.

Has DA TANK been seen in public or doing interviews or anything?

>keeping hope that he's in sequester for another battleback

Another houseguest recently said when they got evicted their season they were on their way home by 3 PM, he is probably wrapping up an interview with Jeff and ready to go home to fuck Ashten

>gets jealous of any girl doing anything with or near Paulie
>freaks out about Natalie asking if she could take pictures with Paulie
>gets mad about Paulie sleeping in the HN room with Natalie so she wouldn't be alone
>freaks out about Natalie offering some shit I don't remember to Paulie
>freaks out about Paulie putting his leg on Michelle's and Michelle touching his hair a bit
>decides to break out the “big guns”: her bombshell bra and a tight dress or some shit
>Paulie doesn't give a shit
>decides to make a statement by not sleeping with him and asks to sleep with Victor
>Victor says he has to run it by Paulie first
>Paulie says that he doesn't put up with games because he's a grown man, decides he needs to cut her sooner than originally planned
>Paulie tells Victor to sleep with him
>Victor tells her that she can have his bed
>Zakiyah freaks out, screams and complains to every girl in the house
>declares that she's fine with just being friends with him
>ends up crawling in bed with him in the end

Making Bridgette trust him by feeding her insight at what's going on in the house and telling her she's safe, which is true.

He wants to use her as a tool/vote for him later on.

after flirting with bridgette for a month id have the most swollen balls



Hey Ian

pardon me?

>"Shes a little fucking munckin"
>"Bridge is the biggest bully here. Once Frank leaves, I'm gonna shut it down and lay it out"
>"I might punch Bridgette in the face. I'm gonna make her last week here a living hell."
>"I think Bridge is sh*tty inside and outside of this game."


What do you think her pussy smells like?

do the HG's get to see the other goodbye messages later or just the ones julie shows them?

Day knows they're backdooring her right?

To reply to that guy in the last feeds, no Bridgette herself has confirmed she isn't a virgin.

She already mentioned to Frank like 2/3 weeks ago when they were having a serious convo and they started talking about her bf, she admitted she prefers anal. That's pretty much when my opinion of Bridgette switched from annoying to attractive. and I've been waiting ever since for Frank to bone Bridgette's butt, but then he got evicted. So much for that.

I feel like this season has had one of the biggest shifts in the HG's people like from the start to mid season

Like, Frank entered the house loved, became hated, and left the house loved even more

Nicole walked in the house loved and is now hated

People hated Bridgette when she started hanging with Frank but now everybody loves her

Paul went way up then way down

Of course at this point we've settled into hating everyone

July 11 was Zakiyah's birthday. She had two celebrations over two nights, not including the Outback Steakhouse dinner that Bridgette invited her to specifically because it was her birthday. Then she started talking about throwing yet another party for her stuffed giraffe, Rafe.

July 15 was Bridgette's birthday. She told everyone she didn't want a fuss, so when cake mix appeared in the storage room for her, she joked that maybe production sent it for the giraffe. Zakiyah heard about this and decided to really throw a party for Rafe - complete with Bridgette's cake mix - just to make Bridgette feel bad. When Bridgette later confronted the girls, they spun the story that production gave them the cake mix for the giraffe and not her.

7/17 - Zakiyah brags to Day about her bright idea. "It's gonna be the best birthday that she didn't get."

7/18 12:33 am - Zakiyah tells Michelle about the cake mix, including how she shrugged when Frank said it was meant for Bridgette's birthday:

Zakiyah: He was like, well, no one made Bridgette a cake.

Michelle: (fake voice) Oops!

Zakiyah: I said, well, someone made me a cake!

7/18 12:53am - Zakiyah tells the giraffe story again, this time with added insult for Bridgette: "And the little tramp said..." She also confirms that it's Bridgette's cake mix but she's going to use it anyway. Paulie says Tiffany called them mean girls, and Zakiyah replies, "I'll be that for you."

7/18 - Bridgette tells Frank that no one cares about her birthday.

7/25 6:44 am - Bridgette describing the day of the party, how Michelle made sure she knew it wasn't a party for her, how "Rafe" was spelled in huge letters across the cake, etc.

7/28 - CBS includes Rafe's birthday party in their live feed highlights narrated by Jeff Schroeder. Because it was a super fun event.

What the fuck she admitted that?

she's known she's getting backdoored since week 2. if you're paranoid about everything you "know" everything

I'm going to cum inside her vagina. Anal is gay.

how can you be this stupid and still be alive?

why bother with a non-entity like Day?
she's shit at everything. just save her til later

if you make up every theory you're always right
>thinking JMac was also a twin


paulie would hit it

what does paulie see in her?

Lol, jesus, are you joking? I didn't hear her say that, relax.


Admittedly he's seems better now that Frank is gone. I miss Frank though =\

That's awful. She doesn't deserve to be passed around like garbage.

Trip to the Philippines anyone?

no he doesn't fuck off paulfag

a vote


Her body is pretty fucking amazing.

Already had an online fling with a qt there over interpals

Would rather not go to a country where you're allowed to kill anyone as long as they're on drugs, has lots of kidnappings, bombings etc.

You do know SE Asia has more muslims than anywhere else on earth right?

>Has DA TANK been seen in public or doing interviews or anything?

yeah here's his interview with Jeffish

Now isn't a good time. You might get shot.

a lifeless corpse to drag to the end

>Be Bridgette
>Frank tells you to work with Paulie and Michelle in the short term, Paulie because he might be the only person who won't put you up and Michelle because she can't lie for shit
>To not work with Day even though she will try to tempt you because she is a liar and will put you up the first time she can
>To not trust Paul for shit because he is a flip flopping rat that will gravitate to whoever has power
>To try to lay low and just bake and sleep
>To somehow get rid of Day/Nicole/James in some order to pull in Corey and Natalie
>To then get Paulie out so you can stop needing to win HOH or POV every week

Everything going to plan bros

is claire the mist girl?

hopes dashed

type thing

Natalie is Paulie's new Tiffany

Did they steal her soul?

>Fri 1:55 PM BBT Bridgette to Paulie: "Why are they upset that she got the care package?

>Fri 1:55 PM BBT Paulie says that ppl were upset at Natalie's excited reaction (to getting carepackage) bc she's not really playing the game & gets sassy

she is so genuine, only person except for james who isnt mad over nat getting the worst package available

Her and Frank each hold 50% of the other's soul, so in a way yes

They all have brain damage.


Every time Paulie is on screen, I feel like this is Mad Max and he is Immortal Joe or some shit. Why is he ruling the house now?

jesus christ paulie just stop, stop fucking lying to bridgette

she has done nothing to you to deserve this

what happened to paul being a straight shooter and calling people out for their lies and bullshit? it doesnt apply to him and paulie?

Fuck you for making me tear up...

Bridgette says that she hoped that the care package was a Harry Potter Resurrection Stone.

first for devin and fuck this show rn

you hear that guys? Paulie has trained his mind to not be susceptible to brain wash, he is a jedi

What is this tick? This is a micro expression for something. Paulie just lied to her and she did this.

This could actually be worked in really well as a final 3 care package. Basically you get to talk to everyone in jury for like half an hour or something

potentially OP


>trained his mind to resist brainwashing

paulie confirmed member of the navy seals

who cares Frank isn't in jury

this face

>to bring frank back

>At the end of the day...*COUGH THROAT CLEAR*...I can't be misted or gaslighted type thiing

I knew it guys. Donny was his CO.

manlets shush

"My brain is like a wolf"

>And I never fuckin' like get nervous type thing. Y'now what I mean?

>My brain is like a wolf.

which face?

Nigerotti cunt sleepin on cam 3 cucked james out of sleeping with him.

I can't wait for them to not get together after this shit and James kills himself.

We should play a game, real Paulie quote or made up Paulie quote. I'll start:

>If you're weak minded you'll fall into it...This game leaves your mind susceptible to brainwash. I've gone through camps where they've done that stuff, so I've learned how to train myself to see through that when people are trying to use that kinda stuff

bridge is making a mistake getting in with ppv. this will engrage day and michelle and they will go all in on her. hopefully she is rusing to rusemen