Why do black girls have much more feminine bodies than white girls?

Why do black girls have much more feminine bodies than white girls?

they dont lol

They don't.


those hips and thighs are disgustingly large. her body is disproportionate and only mainstream normies that like r&b and rap would find that attractive.

granted some black women have nice tits, and sometimes asses, but often their skin colour hides cellulite because most black women are not in shape. they don't eat healthy. black people do not eat vegetables and they eat a lot of fried foods. that chick has high blood pressure more than likely.

because they are fucking animals and should be treated as such, traded, sold, bought , enslaved at will.

Because whites are disgusting by the nature?

that only when their in the 18-25 range after that they turn into apes


I like that feminine vagina


Uhm try again sweetie

Curves and thickness.

White chicks are too pro-ana.

Why do they have more masculine faces?

>Not a girl

Same reason black guys tend to have bigger cocks

They were selectively bred by their owners to be fitter, stronger, more well endowed and bare stronger children.

Only the most obedient and well suited to breed got to breed.
Which is why it make me laugh every single time I see Muh BBC, you mad white boi?

White people gave them what they have, without white people they'd still be in Africa


>Gorgeous female body

How do you explain this Danish body then?

that rite ky and Tennessee were breeding states

SO FUCKING TRUE. white people created insulated houses, music and everything black people are privileged for.

They have much narrower waists than white women on average while their hips are narrower but not nearly by as much a margin so their hip-waist ratio is on average much lower assuming they are of a similar fitness level, which makes them look curvier.


>by the nature

She has black features.

Italians aren't white

Without black people America would have never developed in to a super power, America needed black genetics in the past, which is why it takes care of their descendants to this day.

He's a dude.

Black people crated humans.

apes aren't feminine you raging cockgobbler

What is "he" hiding in behind that thigh?

I didn't say apes, I said black women. They have very feminine features.

No. Humans evolved from blacks.
>implying that blacks are the same species as humans

all fake female body.look at her boobs. smh do better

They spend a lot more on cosmetic surgery

They are closer to monkeys......
No joke, the curves grew due the evolution. Inform yourself.

It's science, mr high IQ.

It's a dude. He had to get implants.

fried food!

They smell different too.

Like Burger King onions and Pinesol.

Better than smelling like old baloney, like white people.

It's all about evolution from female preferences by males of a race.
African males prefer meaty, curvaceous, big-breasted women while Whites prefer beautiful-faced and intelligent women

That is fat idiot

It's because they have to work. They need to bust ass to catch the bus. They don't drive everywhere. They aren't worthless lazy 2x4s like all the entitled white girls in the world who'd rather stay home and fuck their dad than make something of themselves.

There are clear biological differences. When identifying homo sapien bones, forensic investigators have to spend quite a bit of time to determine the ethnic origin of a human, but if they are the bones of a black person, the bones are instantly recognizable because there are still clear traits of homo rhodesiensis.