What's the worst country in the world and why is it India?

what's the worst country in the world and why is it India?

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That dick is huge too

Lichtenstein is worse

I'd say Ivory Coast is arguably worse


holy fuck i just realized

seriously...whats in their environment that makes so many of these deformities so common??

watch that edge m8, you might cut someone with it


poo everywhere

That river full of dead people and cow shit that they bath in from time to time.

High density population, higher chances for fuck ups to happen in there, or china

Generations of cousin marriages. I know someone who worked there as a volunteer nurse, one of the first questions they asked expecting mothers was "how closely related are the parents".

Poor living standards, dangerous chemicals lying around like Mercury, sewage in the streets, very poor water quality, shiting in the street, nobody gives a fuck about each other, too many fucktards, illiteracy, British didn't kill enough, etc...

Saroo from Ganesh Talai
>poo in loo

Sad face! :(


Their culture is shit and they don't know how keep good hygiene

Basically this. The poo and stuff contributes, but it's primarily caused by an ultra dense, impoverished population with little to no access to pre and post natal care.

they eat poo and have sex with cows

And this too, again related to high density and extreme poverty.

Poo so bad it has stained their very genetics

America. It's the source of all degeneracy like SJWs, political correctness, 'muh diversity and transniggers. America is destroying western culture.



Poo in the loo


except in the loo

Which American offered you a burger, brother Muhammad? We will kill them in the next Jihad

Why do cuckservatives always fantasize about the large hard veiny cocks of niggers and mandingos in the pussies of their young pure daughters
