
how do you beat depression ?

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become pornstar

it beats you

you dont, you live with it push it down and pretend to smile, the best way to do that is to squint your eyes when you smile. Only thing keeping me going is paying off my debt before i die

With a bat made of pure happiness

it's a chronic disease, there's nothing to 'beat' or 'cure', i'm afraid.

why do you care about paying off your debt before you die?

Eat right, get exercise regularly and force yourself into social situations.

I guarantee these 3 steps will put you on the road to being more positive. Things are never as bad as your depressed brain are trying to make out.

With a New Deal

With a gun

if i dont its just more my parents have to deal with, and i have ruined their lives enough


serving the beast


You accept the FACT that depression just like happiness is a chemical reaction contained in the three pounds of fat encassed in your skull. It is not a real thing. It comes from YOUR mind. Learn to control that and you get the keys to the pharmacy.

When you hit rock bottom the only direction to go is up. Good luck user

>tumblr_o06c3vjY3W1teru65o2_540.gif (
>how do you beat depression ?

your pic related (and mine) is pretty much it. 3somes with two hot babes, my cock down the throat of one of them, but better if the other is licking my asshole at the same time. pretty much no matter what else is going on, one is licking my asshole (while I'm fucking the other etc)

Not with anti-depressants

Eat right, exercise, and seek professional help. Psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and mental health doctors of all types exist for a reason: disorders like depression are really fucking common and REALLY fucking treatable. With ease, even. Not only can these people talk you through it (honestly, never ask Sup Forums for advice), but they can also provide ongoing therapy and medication if necessary. Fixed my CRIPPLING, VIRGINISTIC depression. I was your prototypical fat, 25 year old virgin that treated his body and mind like trash. Sought treatment. Got fixed. God in shape. Got laid A TON. And now I'm happily married and in a good job.

Try it.

In my personal experience, anabolic steroids.
Never felt so good in my life, the depression isn't suppressed, it is GONE.

>Psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and mental health doctors of all types exist for a reason
see this son

do shit

Don't beat it, it's in style.

This probably but maybe he is too depressed to do anything.
OP whatever you do dont start drinking or popping pills, or you will be depressed because you wont be able to quit, and not been able to do stuff.
Try to enjoy the moment, because sadder things happen later that is what happened to me with Ptsd it fucking sucks but im fighting it kinda.

you don't know what depression even is you pseudo-philosopher faggot

accept that you are depressed, and that you are not a social butterfly, you just a dumbfuck like ever body else. do stuff you want to do, join a club, just have a conversation with someone. I used to be pretty depressed, then i just accepted that im a fucking loser, and started talking to rando's about anything cuz i had nothing to lose. eventually i noticed i was a lot happier on days i had conversations, so i got good at them, end of story. But if you don't want to do it the hard way, just fucking tell someone that cares about you and if no one cares about you, find a psych, their are plenty of options if you need to talk. most of all dont pity yourself, worst thing you can do, also it's fucking disgusting and makes people dislike you.

you don't all you can do is try to live with it

an hero. Proven 100% success rate.

With weed and Lexapro.


Stop visiting it

A lot of things work for a while. Working out, new gf, heroin (that actually made it worse after a while), anti-depressants, new job...and so on. Keeps coming back. I just have to learn to accept that being depressed is my normal state or kill myself if I cannot learn to live with it.

CBD OIL from Canabis - I found it last week and im a diffrent person now, try it really guys i hope you read this.
Not THC is the real medical part of ganja its CBD. Smoked dope for 6 years and helped only semi good. Now i tryed this and it helps alot more without being psychoactive. It should be legal in most countrys because it doesent make you "high" but u feel still a lot better.

I have more reason to be depressed than anyone on /b but I am not. DON'T DWELL on the shit of life! Look closer at the good shit

its illegal where i live

Thank you user.

I been on antidepressants for about 5 years and they turned my brain into mush. I finally had enough of living like a zombie and quit a while ago.

Serious advice here, you change your mindset. You decide to be happy. You decide the only real reason you are not happy is your brain. You are in control of your brain and you can change anything you wabt about it.

Also meditation and maybe psychedelics when you feel in a better place. I have never taken a psych besides weed while depressed, and I don't think I'd want to. I took them once I knew I was on a path to get better and it only accelerated my progress. You can't love another until you love yourself so don't try

Get more exercise

Where did you order yours from?

Make your life not shitty and it will probably sort itself out.

>how do you beat depression ?

1mg doses of mushrooms for about a month
srsly fixed me right the fuck up

got it from german Amazon. Company is called "Medihemp". I got the concentrate with 5% cbd.

I went thru a slew of anti-depressants. Most of them worked, for a little while. And I have always been someone that has worked out and ran and all that. But there were times I really wanted to kill myself, and came so close. But I tried and tried and located a doctor that was a little more concerned than the others and she recommended Paxil for me. Since then, life hasn't been better. You have to try one has the correct answer, don't listen to these faggots

Sertraline. It's worked wonders for me. I no longer wish to kill myself.

I wish I knew for sure.
Some other anons provided good ideas.
Hang in there user