The fucking cucks in my school's "Liberal Activism Club" are raising money to block extracurriculars for a "school wide...

The fucking cucks in my school's "Liberal Activism Club" are raising money to block extracurriculars for a "school wide women's march". I figured Sup Forums could fix this.

My school's idiotic principal has agreed that if they raised $1000 we would have a week without any extracurricular sports, arts, or any clubs that meet regularly. The money for this "protest" is being donated to planned parenthood and other charities to support "women's issues."

This is a completely moronic waste of our education system's resources because some whiny cucks feel excluded from these clubs so they need to ruin it for the rest of us.

A group of Trump supporters in the school are raising money to protest this illegal and reckless decision made by the principal. We doubt we will need as much as them, since these liberals still have no fucking clue how to allocate money properly.

Even if only one or two people donated, we would love to say our protest is "sponsored by Sup Forums".

Comment any way of contacting you to get the donation request link or send Paypal transfer to [email protected]


NYPA Trumpet.
Go to a rally and find some retards for your cause.

b2r you fucking faggot

Trumpets got played.

You faggot nazis gonna die virgins.

Trump fucked you, hard. Better thank him, jizzface.

'I figured Sup Forums could fix this.' Literally fucking eat shit and die you fucking cunt, Sup Forums is not your personal army.


> Literally fucking eat shit and die you fucking cunt, Sup Forums is not your personal army.

Schooled that Bannon-blowing nigger.

Nope. Not gonna give you a handout fucko. Protest like a man cuck.


Sage. Not your army faggot. Be prepared.



how much do you get paid to shill online


fuck off Schlomo


why are all libcucks furries?

Trump is BTFO of all you lefty fags. How fucking mad are you?

It's amazing how the parties have divided more and more over the recent few years. Why can't politics be civil instead of throwing shit at each other?

In this thread crybaby snowflakes.

Dont get mad, you lost.

The left are irrational, hysterical faggots, that's why.

you seem pretty mad pal.

i get paid in the satisfaction of making conservacucks butthurt

>no u

lol, I rest my case. You stay buttblasted little guy.

Come to the liberal activism club.

Come start the revolution if your cool enough.

Calling all anti-fascists!!!!
Please like and share this on social media to show that we are going to stop Drumpf once and for all!

Both sides have their fair share of bad and good. Why empathize on the bad? It just seems a little petty user.

Because it means better control of the people. Think about all the shady shit that happens in Congress while people are arguing about gun rights and who gets to use which bathroom.

Found the snowflakes tinder pic

NYPA underage b&


>Implying the winners get butthurt
>whines online even about whining
We dont call you libcucks snowflakes for nothing.

Sadly snowflakes have no balls or honor to JumpAgainstTrump, most are just basement dwellers who never go out unless in a group.

O boy, lets play fag detect

>look at this funny image i found even though i dont get it

Milo and the gay-right are cucks anyway, fuck these faggots

has no idea about politics but thinks he does


Trumpets are homeschooled faggots, fantasizing to Trump and Epstein's pedo history, with no assets and nothing to lose.

Adults care about preserving what we've worked for.

Trumpets are Russian operatives and need to eat a bullet.

Hard to leap from the top of a tall basement.


bump this shit up

No you moron, it's is against all that is Sup Forums to help faggot that can't help themselves. Lurk more.

cry more loser... oh god these libcuck tears are delicious.

Everyone gather around and enjoy them, drink up!

Extracurricular clubs? Fuckouttahere normie.

This whole thread.... brain damage to the maximus

>give me free money
>if you don't give me free money you are a shill

Enjoy sitting around for a week watching women march. If you actually had a brain you wouldn't raise any money and just get the crew to meet up somewhere else.
They can't stop you from meeting up, you just can't use the school moron.

You are so dumb you deserve the women's march.

Dont worry OP, liberals have about as much brainpower as a cracked out gerbil.

Their better off contained than free to roam in public.

>people having different opinions triggers me so be my personal army

Why are trump snowflakes so fragile?

Assblasted libshit doggo fucker detected

I bet your Canadian too.

This thread is full of the samefaggiest samefag to ever same a fag.


Your tired schtick was never interesting to begin with. Stop pretending to be a conservative.

the libcuck shills are out in force guys

Tump isnt even in his final form and look how broken the snowflake libcucks are just from this thread.

Their just shills, but its still so much fun to watch.

Can you speak without using cool interwebz buzzwords?

Samefags and shills.
Nothing new here.

Fuck off OP

Nope. Every post MUST involve calling someone smarter than him a libcuck, snowflake, or shill!

He's trying to play Sup Forums. He just wants money.

Oh my fucking god, who cares. Just don't go to the rally and have fun with your friends while they're marching. Let them do their thing and you do yours. Fucking idiot highschoolers complaining about meaningless shit

fuck off underage b&

that cuck hunt shirt is funny tho

keek saved

your on the internet newfag, you have to be 18 to use this site. Please leave I think your mom is calling you for dinner.

Are you a bot?

back to Sup Forums you faggots. who the fuck let you out of there. I'd rather have the MLP faggots back instead of you.

Post proof of your claim OP

I doubt a principal of a school would do something like this, too much politics, too much potential to get sued by an angry parent.

Why do I get the feeling you're in HS and none of this matters since none of you can vote?

>literally watching Republicucks fuck our country
>calls Democrats cucks

Lol wut? Everyone knows that Republicucks are the real cuckolds here.

You absolute retard, just accept that these people are disrupting the school for no reason other then "women have bad things happen to them, must be gender inequality"

Funny how easily conservatives get butt hurt. You guys have the thinnest fucking skin

Hi Matt. Just letting you know your school is being forwarded the screencap from your post. Enjoy your suspension/expulsion.


Well no shit. That's why they create/beat off to cuck threads all day whilst calling liberals cucks. It's called projection.


nypa faggot. You probably fap to niggers on your spare time.

You forgot to include yourself, unless you're just a cuck. In which case disregard, but keep voting money into my wallet all the same.


The irony is palpable.