10 years after exposing Operation Blackbriar, Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is living in anonymity in Greece, while his old friend Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) is collaborating with whistleblower Christian Dassault (Vinzenz Kiefer) to retrieve incriminating files about the CIA's illegal activities and leak them to the media. After hacking into the CIA's mainframe, Parsons uncovers sensible information about Bourne's father Richard Webb (Gregg Henry), and arranges a meeting with Bourne in Greece, unaware that she has been identified by Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander), the head of the CIA's Cyber-Ops Division. CIA Director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) then deploys The Asset (Vincent Cassel), an ex-operative from the Treadstone Program who harbors a vendetta against Bourne, to eliminate Parsons.

Bourne meets Parsons at Syntagma Square during a public protest, where they are ambushed by The Asset, who kills Parsons. With her dying breath, she gives Bourne the key to a safekeeping box at Greece Central Station, where Bourne finds evidence that leads him to Dassault's hideout in Berlin, where Dassault reveals that Richard was a CIA analyst involved with the Treadstone Program. Lee locates them them, but Bourne escapes, and Lee determines he's going to London to find Malcolm Smith (Bill Camp), a former analyst that has information about Richard's death according to Dassault's intel. The CIA assigns Lee to approach Bourne about returning to service, but Dewey is mistrustful of Bourne and deploys The Asset to accompany Lee and her men to London and kill both them and Bourne, pining Lee's death on Bourne.

Bourne meets Smith at Paddington Square, but is located by Lee. She orders her men to intercept Bourne, but they are betrayed and killed by The Asset. Realizing he's been followed, Bourne is able to escape with Smith to a nearby rooftop, where he asks for the truth about Richard's death.

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Smith reveals that Richard had learned that the CIA was planning to conscript young soldiers, Bourne among them, to the Treadstone Program's behavioral modification program, and planned to expose them. His superior, Dewey, then had him assassinated and covered it up in a terrorist attack, which led to Bourne volunteering for the program to avenge his father's death. Smith is then killed by The Asset, whom Bourne recognizes as Richard's killer.

Realizing Dewey conspired to kill her, Lee helps Bourne escape and informs him that Dewey will be in Las Vegas. Bourne learns that Dewey has been collaborating with businessman Aaron Kalloor (Riz Ahmed), creator a popular social media website called "Deep Dream", to use a program codenamed "Ironhand" to monitor the activities of Deep Dream user and illegally gather intelligence on behalf of the government. However, Kalloor has grown skeptical of the CIA after learning of Dassault's activities and decides to expose their crimes to the public. Dewey arranges for The Asset to kill both Kalloor and Lee during a convention, but Bourne infiltrates the venue and saves them. Realizing Lee is in league with Bourne, Dewey retreats to his hotel suite, where he is confronted by Bourne and admits to murdering Richard. Bourne is wounded by one of Dewey's men and nearly killed before Lee intervenes and fatally wounds Dewey, saving Bourne.

With Dewey death, The Asset attempts to escape, and a vengeful Bourne chases him throughout the Vegas strip and into the sewers, where they become involved in a violent fight that ends with Bourne finally killing The Asset and avenging Richard's death.

Shortly afterwards, in Washington, D.C., Lee reports Dewey's crimes to her superiors and volunteers to replace him as director of the CIA, advocating that more transparency is required from the government to avoid political tensions. She also assures them that Bourne is still loyal to the country and that she will try to convince him to return, and eliminate him should he refuse.

Lee later meets Bourne and invites him to rejoin the CIA, and Bourne assures her he'll consider her offer before presenting her with a data drive containing footage of Lee's meeting with her superiors, which Bourne had recorded to gain leverage against her and the government should they target him again. While Lee watches the footage, Bourne disappears in the crowd.

>Nicky gets killed to set the plot in motion


Got bored reading this

That's the Bourne franchise for you.

>which Bourne had recorded to gain leverage against her

Get some rest Lee, you look tired

i want to see it



They actually play it.

But it's a remix.

I would stand in line for this
There's always room in life for this

Oh baby, oh baby, I live for Bourne fighting in dad pants

yep Stiles was the best part of the Bourne movies

I actually did not even know Vikander was in this movie until I read this thread

The direction, cinematography and action set pieces are top notch, worth to watch just for them alone.

>CIAs answer to every little problem is "murder everyone involved"

Was this written by a 9/11 truther

well it wouldnt be jersin bronn without the BWEEEE

>then deploys The Asset (Vincent Cassel)
stopped reading
I'm suddenly interested in this movie.

name 3 things a bullet to the head can't fix?

But is it good?

It's Jason Bourne

I would really like to hold Matt Damon down and tattoo, in Soo-si Squaw Damaged font, "Bwee Bwee" on his forehead.

The film was entertaining but it felt completely irrelevant and unnecessary. Bourne barely had any screentime for a film with his name, and he had no reason to actually take part in this story other than The Convenient Asset. The two major stories going on are the question of people's rights clashing with people's safety, and also Jason Bourne looking for answers. Neither is resolved by the end, and the film plays out in the same way all the others do, having almost the exact same structure, except this time it feels like there's nothing actually at stake and no good motivation for any character.

So really, it's a Bourne movie and it gets all the Bourne parts right, but fails at being a meaningful and sensible story.

Just saw it, but bourne accidentally gets the agent who kills his dad captured and tortured for 2 fucking years? Fucking stupid!

learn english your post makes no sense

Neither did the movie, bitchtits

No the movie made perfect sense. You must be a fucking mouth breather

Just saw it today It's the exact same movie as all the previous Bourne movies. This can be a good or bad thing depending on your opinion on Bourne movies. Personally, I liked it. It's a decent if somewhat forgettable summer action flick

Hackers level computer shit. The whole movie is all over the place. It's just not very good. Wait for laserdisc release.

it was avarage. story could be better I think. I loved how they made connection to agent who got captured.but social media and agent tricks weren't that kinda fantastic. and camera was shaking as hell in the action sequences. Still loved Bourne's SWAT vehicle chasing. Overall it wasn't good as the first trilogy. Had good time with ol' highschool friends but that was it.

Fucking sucked. Cameraman looked like it was having an epileptic seizure. At least I'll jack off to Matt Damon and feel somehow better.

I legit thought that thumbnail was seagal and you were memeing, looks like sensei has been dipping his wick

I appreciate Legacy more now, even if only for the novelty. It wasn't the same story Greengrass has done 3 times now and Renner actually had someone to talk to.

If they do another I hope they bring him in, otherwise I'm afraid it will get too samey

Sounds alright.

Plot was kinda stupid, with this sudden back story about his father creating treadstone, then getting killed by the CIA. Other than the unnecessary plot, film was great though.

>computer hacking scene
>everything is data bars filling up

fucking seriously?

>Bourne find out his father was killed by the CIA
>The man who killed him just happens to be the one they send after Bourne
>He recognizes him and tries to avenge his father
>all this suddenly after 3 movies

Christ it's like Spider-Man 3 Uncle Ben all over again.

No way, they killed off expired it-girl actress Julia Stiles' character, who was a remaining loose end from the original trilogy, early in the new movie? What a bold storytelling move! You never know what to expect with this Bourne series!

The guy they sent to kill Borne had a compelling reason to kill him too. Without that reveal at the end, there is no reason why I shouldn't be wanting him to kill Borne.


Nothing about Stiles is expired, leave her alone I love her, you brute.