YLYL thread

YLYL thread

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More a nice thing then funny.

Good idea. Sucks to not have a father figure in your life.

The poor little white guy...
It's a very nice idea though.

When nigs act bad you complain, when nigs act good you laugh. Its more like YCYL in this thread .

See this is perfect because it's both; very nice and something I think could go a long way in those kids lives, and hilarious because of that one that's not quite like the others, and that's funny because stereotypes are rooted in reality.


the last three got me lol









More of these please



Ghandi's name is John Cena pretty good user






This explains so much about pol

Found the nigger


This. They're just trying to improve their lives, man.

Hilarious, but that's a good fucking idea


youtube.com/watch?v=q6mrtYqvArM e



Does anyone have that photo with the two robots dismembering some random dude and infusing his mind with the worst thing he could think off. The dude is screaming in the picture and gets put into some kind of orb.

lmaoooo... lost hard


Fuck off, cunt. Your thread is shit, and that black man is 10 times better than you will ever be.

That is something im going to do one day. This guys is a winner.

here you go


>yfw you are white and never had a suit in your life
>yfw white trash

probably a high black population density area, that's why they are only blacks

that is the kind of things we need to avoid nigger epidemic

did they have sex?


whats so funny? let the bitches get tired and let them suck your dick later normal day

oh vey goyim you need to become gay, is good for you. don't reproduce

Thank you user! You're the real mvp!






oh shit my tummy

This. I wish I would have had a teacher like this. My teachers were mostly cunty women. No I am not black.






Fixed for you OP

Fuck. I lost to this shit.
This weakened it though.

yeah im white, never knew my dad, thats just a nice initiative. Makes me want to do something similar


Comment better than the picture. Kek

looks like fun


Not all heroes wear capes

How's this funny, teacher's a good man.
>inb4 hurr durr niggers


i have no idea why I kek'd so hard



Cringed then kekked

OP's an edgy faggot

>he was only 6 years old.
Loud screechy
>really wasn't expecting that

>u mad human boi?

I was in that thread. A few days ago. Lost when he said that. What a fag.

That's fucking quality service. I'd give her a tip.

>not the tip of my dick


That's sweet not funny, and a good idea, broken families are rife in the ghetto and contribute greatly to the squalor.




No harm in doing both if she's up for it.
Probably should give the tip first.
Or after if she's up for that.

That's a nice story, though "gentleman's club" is kinda funny since that's where I go to watch skanks get naked and grind on my crotch.

gentleman's club is another name for a strip club. (in the US at least)
the teacher chose an unfortunate name.

>tfw I've done this

Pizza and sex with the delivery girl?
I wouldn't turn that down, tbh.
But that still deserves a tip.

fucking hell this isn't even funny but i lost because i changed the situation in my head

Holy shit this is aswesome!!!



I don't even know,what I was thinking,when I thought it was good idea to come back to Sup Forums.
Some of the guys humor is good and some are like what the actual fuck.

Absolutely beautiful

I'm not being edgy or anything but have you ever considered suicide? It really is your only option.

Let me guess.... FAGGOT. You WISH you were black.

Fucking gooks