So apparently Netflix has some fuckin Konami code type shit that opens up a new menu

So apparently Netflix has some fuckin Konami code type shit that opens up a new menu.

On a console or whatever you use open Netflix and input this on the controller: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up



wow nigger it's almost like you work for netflix or something.

>watching movies on a console

It's like you hate immersion

Netflix and shill

Yeah really, I only watch movies on my cellphone.

Now I know not to trust people claiming shill. I'm sitting here on a day off and just read about this and wanted to share it. You fuckers are paranoid.

It will never not be funny how triggered poor pieces of shit get by me spending $12 a month on something that doesn't effect them in any way. I haven't even watched my Netflix account in probably a month but I keep it just to keep triggering /reddit9kucks/.

just replying so my mom doesn't die i guess

Are you going to explain what it does? Why do I care about this?

She still will die unless you reply to my post as well.

You didn't even tell anyone what it did. He's right to sperg.

It's just a little weirdly accessed menu most don't know about. I don't know what the fuck you were expecting but I just wanted to share this little thing.

>tfw you never reply to these dumb fucking pictures and that old whore is still kicking around and making me not able to claim my inheritance

Lying fucking faggots.

you couldn't bump the first thread you made with the exact same wording? or did you not understand how this board works.

kys. lurk more next time viral faggot.

It's a config menu jackass. I wanted a few people who were bored enough to try it and laugh about having to do some konami code shit to access it.

That's it. But nooooooo. You have to make it about shilling you joyless sack of shit.

>Opens up a new menu

You illiterate fucking retards. Also this has been on Netflix for years. There's more hidden shit with bandwidth caps and things too.

If dubs your mother will die

sure, replying to this as well. just so my mom doesn't die

I just signed up for the next 10 years of Netflix and paid in advance! Thanks OP! I suggest everyone here do the same because it's such a great company!

you literally made the exact same thread a second ago you shill fucking jew faggot.

>the streaming jew


you leafydrone twelve year old future cuckolds of the world member piece of human garbage.

That thread got away from me. I'm tipsy and fucked up so I posted it again. I didn't intend for the original post to be fuckin cryptic. I just thought it'd be fun for people to try it before they even realized what it was.

Not how this meme works

If dubs everyone ITT will start breathing manually, feel that spider crawling on their back, and their mothers will die tonight.

She'll die unless you reply to this too. She'll die worse unless you admit I'm better than you in every way.

i'm just not gonna let my mom die because of a 3/10 thread on a 4/10 board

you need to learn to walk straight and master your high son


Shit thread.

Reply again or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

You can risk it if you want.

ok, replying. and you're better than me in every single way

Nigger I'm feeling good and just wanted to make some small thread. I think I'm mastering my high plenty.

ok, replying again so my mom doesn't die in her sleep tonight (even though ain't me...)

The console is connected to my television, you see

If you don't reply to this post with a dank meme your entire family will die in a car accident.

Amount of autism in thesw thread is off the charts

How pathetic are you seriously


>thesw thread

Thanks for adding to it.

ok, replying with a dank meme to save my family

No pls


>watching kino on a tv

Pfff nice one bro, as i said its not like this

>Posting a picture of Harambe so soon after his death

You're a sick fuck.

sorry for posting that drawing of a bear, all i have is the sample pictures folder

delete this.....