Just ate some mushrooms i found growing in my garden , are they liberty caps ?

just ate some mushrooms i found growing in my garden , are they liberty caps ?

You're going to die

You will die!

good luck OP

You fucked up.

whatever these are, they are not liberty caps (stem is to thick), have a nice trip OP!!

doesnt look like it, and obligatory b8. But since I have some experience here.

Dont eat mushrooms. Dont trust your dealers either. I've seen guys eat what they were convinced were psyclodelic shrooms only to get a stomach ache.

Drink some hard liquor and smoke some weed. Fuck messing with shrooms. Even if you got the good stuff by tomorrow you'll be rocking back and forth puking on your shoes swearing to god you'll never do it again if he takes the pain and nausea away.

Aint worth it OP. Stick to a smoke and a drink. If thats gotten too mild for you OP take a week long tolerance break. If a tolerance break sounds like hell to you then you definitely need it.

they are not. they are nothing psychoactive at all.

you should never eat mushies without properly identifying them. unless you like the idea of death or complete liver failure.

beta fag can't handle his psychedelics

You are fucked OP.Toxin is currently accumulating in your liver,slowly killing it off.

I'd tell you to go to a hospital but noone believes an user

You should eat my mushroom ;)

Even identifying the mushrooms in isolation isn't enough. Dangerous mushrooms in the area will spread their toxins through the mycelium of other nearby mushrooms, so unless you sweep the area you can't be certain of safety.

Don't fuck with wild mushrooms. If you knew enough for it to be safe you wouldn't be asking Sup Forums for help.


They are toadstools.
Quick, induce vomiting

general rule of thumb; small and brown? Put it down.

I'd recommend you make yourself get sick.

Hm, you and everyone you associate with must be a complete idiot. I have never had a bad experience consuming magic shrooms.

i really hope you didn't eat those.
go to a hospital......jesus christ

throw up now. these are poisonous.

Shrooms are cool If you stay in you're room. I experienced extreme, schizophrenic like paranoia, in public.

'member OP

if you press on the underside of the mushroom and it changes colors, that shit gonna be dank afuck

i don't feel nauseous

looked at all the toxic ones in my area , none look anything like this

ty user :D , took hour ago dont feel much i think

but i am on a full stomach soo , not sure