God, having a hard time concentrating today

God, having a hard time concentrating today.

Just think of burying your muzzle between Zabivaka's warm pawpads and you should be fine

It's going around man, the atmosphere of today's world is tense and people are feeling it


what the fuck is wrong with you?


pity bump






Getting a quick wank out of the way before getting ready for work.

Maybe its because what you post is directly related to the physical feelings of malaise brought on by the toxoplasma gondii growth sites in your brain.

kind of reminds me of the scene in The Wolf of Wall Street where Matthew McConaughey says he doesn't jerk off because he wants to, he does it because he fucking needs to or something along those lines

That was pretty much it. Now time for a shower.


Ihr degenerierten Pissnelken haut mir bloß ab mit eurem abstoßenden zoophilen scheißdreck


I have reached a point where I am no longer capable of posting an image and text at the same time, whtas wrong with me.

Also, sup guys

>"You didn't understand that?"

Not planning to

Sup Forums gfur threads are what turned me gay and furry. Haven't been on this site in ages; it's good to see that these threads are still made.


update this

7/5/16 is the most recent.

yeah i saw, i thought there would have been more you would have added since then

I havent really seen any.

fair enough

gibe qt furs plz

you killed the thread

No, I wasn't like that at all. I didn't feel any shame, oddly enough. I think I was too young and I was having all sorts of sexual thoughts so I didn't know what to be ashamed of. It would be weird to discover furry shit as an adult with a fully developed sexuality.



Got any more like this?
