I hate myself and I want to die

I hate myself and I want to die
wat do?

quit being a bitch and do something about it.

get a hobby


sniff essential orange oil

Go to a "party" store. You know, where they sell birthday items. Get yourself a tank of helium, some balloons too so they don't look at you like a retard. Take your shit home, go out to the closet drug store and get yourself a oxygen mask, grab some duck tape while you are at it too.

Step 1, carefully clover any hole in the oxygen mask aside from the tube connected to the helium tank.

Step 2, open the helium tank and start breathing.

Step 3.????

Step 4. Profit.

Please dont commit suicide. Try out something you have always wanted instead. Personally i would buy 3-4 hookers at the same time and try out everything ive ever wanted. Please dont die user.

Read one of those Abraham Hicks books.

depends on whether you suffer from depression or hate yourself for having done shitty things. If you are being crushed by depression seek help from a doctor as both medicine and other therapies help.

If you hate yourself it is likely you need to build self esteem. Go volunteer at a Salvation Army or some other place that helps marginalized people. Discover little bit to like about yourself lets the sunshine in bro. Helping others for no more reward than feeling a little better about yourself is good therapy for you. Good Luck Sup Forumsro

Been suffering severe depression for most of my life, now 26 years old. Been through multiple therapies, counselling, a whole fuckton of different medications and nothing's helped, if anything made things a bit worse each time.

I've given up all hope of 'getting better' at this point.

exercise dude, im telling ya.. been there too

why'd he lay down? Was he tired?

You probably have some benzos lying around then, right? Get drunk, get benzo'd, get dead. In that order. I'll be seein ya soon, OP, assuming there's an afterlife (lol)

Rob some nigger drug dealer, use the cash to buy more weapons/body armor and rob more dealers and scumbags, outfit yourself well enough to keep killing more and more criminal niggers, be remembered as a fuckin hero when you finnaly get yourself killed.

Kill your neighbours kid

Okay Omar

Are you bi-polar? Or just chronic major depressive? And have you seen a psychiatrist
or other less qualified quacks? Are you self medicating with drugs or alcohol?

If you wanted to die, you'd have killed yourself, not whine about it on Sup Forums. No, faggot, what you want is attention you fucking whore. I hope you get Cancer for Christmas.

Overdose on paracetamol.

is it because your an asshole or your depressed?

I'm not OP, figured I'd see if it was worth posting my own issues too.

I've never been formally diagnosed with either, but that's likely because the GPs I went to were utter fucking useless anyway. I'd say chronic major depressive though. Other than that, I've seen multiple professional therapists, psychiatrists and psychologists. They all just seemed more interested in pumping different drugs down my throat than actually providing help. But that's the NHS for ya... Can't afford to go private.

Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, etc. Always stayed clean. Tend to overeat to cope at times, especially on chocolate but I'm no lardo (155lbs).