Help needed!

Kino appreciators, I need help with this. I'm buying the blu-ray and want to appreciate this with my friends. The thing is that not everyone of them is used to a three hour film and they'll probably need a break to fully appreciate this. I'm thinking of giving a pause in between, but I have no idea of where to break. Suggestions?

Please do not buy that movie.

You break the disc right in the middle by bending both the sides until the worthless piece of shit snaps troll-kun

Straight down the centre of the disc.

at exactly 2 hours, everything that happened before is forgotten/discarded/meaningless, and a completely new movie starts. So that's a good time, I guess.

You could make 2 breaks, right when the Knightmare sequence starts (~1 hour mark),

and right before the fight between Clark and Bruce starts (~2 hour mark).

Skip the first hour of the movie, it's useless garbage.

I got an even better advice, skip the movie entirely and watch something else.

I'd break right after the scene of Lois and Clark speaking after the Senate bombing. If you or anyone else is a comics buff, talk about the meta narrative implications of the following exchange:

>This means something.
>It did on my world. My world doesn't exist anymore.

And talk about how such an exchange sheds light on Superman's place in comics history and how it informs the in-universe repercussions of the film's conclusion.

>The thing is that not everyone of them is used to a three hour film and they'll probably need a break to fully appreciate this.

You have to be an ameritard. Only a dumb ameritard and it's dumb friends couldn't manage to concentrate for three hours without taking a break.

This. Especially the second part of the post.

After the senate scene is a good spot. It's pretty much exactly in the middle of the movie.

if you have a home theater setup with speakers and a nice TV/projector they wont want to leave any film.

you go buy watchmen directors cut and Man of Steel to remind Synder what he should have done.

it is hard when it's a boring ass movie with completely pointless badly edited and scripted scenes..

I think I'll go with this. Thanks, senpai.

>Marvelkeks are mad because they don't have friends to watch a film with.
Easy, anons, I watched Civil War on the theatres and probably helped more the MCU then you all did pirating it. It was shit, though

So you are a major Bang fan them Because you sure sound like one of those fucking annoying Cunts

This was the most boring movie ever. I don't have a problem sitting through movies usually, I sat through the 8 hour cut of The Godfather in one sitting, but I couldn't even make it through an hour of this without getting restless and bored and wanting to pause it.

This. I have seen the fuzz about BvS, but didn't had chance to watch it until yesterday. It's just bad. It's shit. I was just screaming WHY... WHY DID THEY MADE SUCH SHITTY MOVIE.

Sucks user. Don't buy it. Download it. It's bad. I'm traumatized about this movie. Pointless scenes, pointless plot, pointless music and slow-mo scenes. The Martha scene...


Watch Kingdom of Heaven or Gladiator instead.

If you're going to spend 3 hours watching a movie make it a good one.

Or better yet. Watch two good short movies.



is this Evans-kino?

Stop at the "TELL ME DO YOU BLEED?" point, get high with your friends and instantly forget about this piece of trash.



BvS is unironically my 3rd favorite capeshit movie and I think Eisenberg's Lex Luthor is up there with Willam Dafore's Green Goblin and Netflix Wilson Fisk in the pantheon of top tier capeshit villains.

BvS isn't a real movie, it's a 3 hour trailer for Justice League.

BvS is unironically fucking dogshit.

right before luthor kidnaps martha

what are the other 2? BvS might be the only capeshit I like

Take a break right after the time travel scene with The Flash. You'll need it trust me to recover from the laughter.

I don't hate marvel I just hate disney being successful