Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:




mexicunt aka guacamole

I fucking hate this god damn squirrel

I might be asleep by then. I like the Shrine though, so I hope it does come up

lucoa im here

still here


Thats okay. sleep well mado
I hope it ends the best it can then.

Goodnight taiga

Claiming best girl

Yeah, I'm fine. Should paint, but feeling a bit tired.
How's you?


Well, not like there's much to be expected from people frequenting this board

Oh! Revenge on who and for what?



who is this beautiful anime girl???



I will soon, but not quite yet. I'm in voice chat talking to a sexy boy voice guy.

Painting is fun, i enjoy it.

On this fucking squirrel, i bought a landmine

im here all day folks

Getting attention and stuff?

Talk about overkill. A landmine for a squirrel. You sure a squirrel can even trigger a landmine?

>Mash kissing someone hes not with
Not the first time thats happened tbh

>Hamakaze claimed

Take your top off.

Yeah it is. I should do it more often.
You paint? I kinda wanna see..

they're usually pretty chill, yeah.
it won't, but I appreciate it.
what are you going to paint?
yeah... it seems to be the case.

Alice thread just came up too

He's just a friend who sounds nice is all.

I talked about it this morning, and it's a work in progress. But im quite set on this landmine now that i bought it.

Here is one i did.


Practicing painting galaxies and stuff..

But are you here everyday?


Yeah no problem
Have fun

Nigga, fuq back to the art slave dungeon with you.

i just lurk but every new thread i claim

I saw, yeah. I'm probably going to hop over. see you all later.
that sounds fun, at least.
you're a good person.

I'll see you there


You pulling through tho? Need an open ear?

In case squirrel doesn't trigger it, use other animal. Like a dog.

>In Her Gentle Jaws
I love that album, chiptune is super innovative.
Digital Solace is my favourite song from them.
>I'm the kind of person who likes really clear, distinct pieces
Yea, that kind goes against what shoegaze is but there's plenty of bands that at least have clear vocals. This is dream pop but you might appreciate it.

I can upload it for you if you want... but again, I'm busy at the moment.

Awesome job, you're a great artist!

If anyone likes chillwave or chill electronic music in general here's a track: blutown.bandcamp.com/track/anciennes

Nah just being nice is all.

That's pretty cool!
You can have all my nopes.

I tried painting one earlier today, but it kinda looked like a bug and a vagina to someone else..


Because you're smart

I don't talk a lot either but you should join in from time to time! You're too awesome to just lurk

You're always welcome to join.

I'll use it for something at least.

Really think so?

It's pretty much as good as it gets from me though.

Absolutely, I would pay for that if I was not living so pathetically right now

nahh just gonna lurk and talk to you


Why flies and spiders though?
Did you use watercolors?
Do you have more?

People are a no go tho. They tend to investigate that shit

Thank you but im just going to keep playing tanks. Working on a mission

That's a very nice picture. Kanna best dragon loli...Maybe not best loli. But def best dragon

Thanks for the compliment.

It's fitting for me.
That one was Acrylic Paint.
This one i used pointillism with a pen.

Yeah, i know of course.


Forgot to use the picture lol

its ez pz to lurk

Wheeeere's her hands, and more importantly, how so cute?

If that's what you like to do then go for it

Im doing it. It will take a while though.

QOTT: Is anyone else seriously bored during this 'spring break'?

Not on spring break.
Bored anyways.

You're really good!
Not that there was anything wrong with the first one, but this one is much more pleasant to look at.

>'spring break'
Is that something edible?

I am, but not because of break from school. Recently moved back home, no job, and no wifi (on mobile). Very frustratingly boring sometimes.


Don't have a spring break really. I try not to let boredom get to me either way. It helps have 1 or 2 close friends that live semi-close.


thank you. ^^



^Harsh Post-Punk type stuff.

You too mado

I think im going to go bed. Good night friends.

>DeviantArt tier picture.

My spring break was two weeks ago and god damn was I bored. Even regular vidya didn't help. I went and tried some obscure NES roms and that was entertaining for a while, maybe it could work for you too? Good luck with your spring break anyways.


hey all

She keeps them hidden.
Called like I see them

How long you'll be away?

well no we kinda need you

Well that was faster than i anticipated. Did something bad happen?

I'll keep doing what I can when I'm on : )

Just more hidden hand cuteness

Who you callin' nigga, NIGGA! Take yo mutha' fuckin' top off! ...

Boredom's a good thing in my world. It means that it's time for me to get into something new, or that I'm not having to take care of a bunch of errands/responsibilities in a given moment- actual time to be lazy and relax. Of course, there can be too much of a good thing.

I don't think I could ever spread love like you do, but I'll try to help others! I hope you start feeling better

I don't quite know! hopefully not long. maybe even just until tomorrow.
I'm sorry mister user, you're going to have to do this one without me

Don't forget about friday!

No, thank you!

If you say so. This hug box works both ways if you want to talk though.

I won't

What exactly you won't forget?

that's not gonna work
come back asap

to have a drink at 6PM my time, silly!
I'm gonna do my best, just for you

I'm here if you need to talk user

IDK. All boredom makes me feel is more insecure because I can't really do anything. My tutor is out of town. I'm just anxious about what's coming.

Just try to take a step back and clear your head. After you've sorted everything out, come back to us, okay?

can we claim husbando?

That's right! You better be here by then!


thank you
thank you but unfortunately I need to stay away again

Huh. You have to keep it that unspecific to maintain that identity, aye?
Well, i'll not pry. Hope you feel better, and enjoy your... time off, i suppose.

On that note, the week will be over with sooner rather than later, what's coming down the line after classes resume?

good luck "not drunk" friend

I guess people think I can't drive stick because I'm young

Am I oppressed yet?

ever since i read his girly ass manga

Them legs Lilly legs lilly