ITT blatant rip offs

ITT blatant rip offs

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Black Swan and Perfect Blue

Happy gilmore and schindlers list

>there will never be a live-action Akira miniseries

Was it really? I mean they all got the same superpowers and one dude just went kinda nuts with it. The plot for Akira is much more convoluted and different.

inception and paprika, fuck hollywood directors



>director for Black Swan bought the rights to Perfect Blue before making it
>has been a life long fan of satoshi kon
It's more of a tribute then a rip off.

>Avatar/Pocahontas/Fern Gully

avatar & fern gully

Good, half of the manga charm is the crazy Otomo detailing and the absurd animation quality in the movie.

Jem and the holograms and Jem and the holograms

>movie didn't even have synergy
>or the trouble tones
0/10 would not bang

Ghostbusters and the upcoming documentary on Harambe

Id rather have a 25 episode anime series of akira with updated animation.

>director for Black Swan bought the rights to Perfect Blue before making it
>has been a life long fan of satoshi kon
You forgot
>consistently denies any influence of Black Swan from Perfect Blue despite this

Or Dances with Wolves

No he bought it to avoid a lawsuit. This happens all the time.

don't count on it, anime series now has shit animation

There's a different between homage and ripoff. Chronicle didn't come off as the latter.

A real ripoff is Star Wars Episode 7

Every movie by The Asylim

yeah I'm never gonna watch that movie

It's a rip-off because it has teenagers with telekinetic powers? There's a shit-ton of movies with that.

>No he bought it to avoid a lawsuit. This happens all the time.
He bought the rights in order to use a scene he explicitly copied from it in Requiem for a Dream.

That's what makes it all the more baffling when he went on to make a film that basically was Perfect Blue, but insisted there was no connection.

Maybe if you boil it down to some really small parallels. Basically no.

>"In 2010 Darren Aronofsky acknowledged there being similarities between Perfect Blue and his film Requiem for a Dream as well as Black Swan.[21] A re-issued blog entry mentioned Aronofsky's film Requiem for a Dream as being among Kon's list of movies he viewed for that year.[22] In addition, Kon blogged about his meeting with Aronofsky in 2001. [23]"


You must have brown eyes because it's clear you're full of shit.

The Lion King is a kiddifed Hamlet

he bought the rights for the bathtub scene specifically

Ice blue, but you're right nonetheless. Pulled straight from my ass.

Atlantis is one of the most underrated Disney movies.

It's also completely fucking stolen from some TV show.

Maybe not so much a rip off as outrageously lazy. How they thought it was a good idea or that they can get away with it is beyond me.

Fair enough.

Doesn't it also have some similarities to Macbeth as well?

>some TV show
Nadia's a big deal, it's not just "some TV show". It was developed by Studio Ghibli before being handed over to Gainax. The stress of directing the show is what led to Hideaki Anno's nervous breakdown which then influenced his next show, Neon Genesis Evangelion, his a seminal work and one of the most popular anime ever made.

Similarly to how they ripped off a Ghibli product, Disney also pretty obviously copied the ending set-piece of "Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro" (directed by Studio Ghibli founder Hayao Miyazaki), which involves a sword fight among the inner workings of a giant clock tower.

Which all stem from Fritz Langs Metropolis.

That's... actually quite an informative post. On Sup Forums. Colour me shocked. Thanks.

What got me the most was total fucking denial for so long that Cum In Her Snatch was Khan.

I can understand the allure of trying to "remake" WoK.
But fuck, be honest about it

>Similarly to how they ripped off a Ghibli product, Disney also pretty obviously copied the ending set-piece of "Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro" (directed by Studio Ghibli founder Hayao Miyazaki), which involves a sword fight among the inner workings of a giant clock tower.
Whoops, this was such a run-on sentence I didn't notice I'd forgot to name The Great Mouse Detective as the film that copied Lupin III.

>it's a world where David Lynch cucked Aronofsky and made the best possible live action Perfect Blue
best possible existence senpai

>people who think this are either autistic or haven't seen both movies

The ending chunk is pretty obviously strongly influenced by it.

Let's not forget the inspiration it took from the Stargate movie.

The plot is practically identical
>Disgraced archaeologist has a disastrous presentation but is picked up, in the rain, to go talk to a wealthy benefactor who believes his theories that involve ancient technology and a code that only he can decipher.

Sauce on the gif since I went though the trouble of looking for it...

>the chase-fight through a clock tower trope was invented in the 80s
>not Disney and Ghibli cribbing classic movies where it was ubiquitous

Modern Doctor Who often seems to rip things off, be it plots, sci-fi gimmicks, even the music.

The recent run with Capaldi as the Doctor has this constantly recurring theme that is a really poor reworking of Hans Zimmer's Batman theme.

I swear randy newman stole the melody of 'When She Loved Me' from Ernest Goes to Camp.

Incredibles and Iron Man 3

Robocop is such a blatant ripoff of the Judge Dredd comics, at one point they even stole the helmet design wholesale for a prototype suit.

ITT: Retarded lowbro weebos whose entire scope of general knowledge is restricted to kid's manga and anime

Just shameful, you're the illiterate and small minded cancer killing this planet

Not really. The ending of Akira is him fighting off the military before turning into a baby monster and getting hit by a space laser. The ending of Chronicle is two guys with telekinesis fighting each other while a bunch of cops watch on doing nothing.

That post doesn't say the ending of Chronicle ripped off the ending of Akira.


Then user should have been more specific with what "ending chunk" and "influence" means.

I don't think you know what a rip off is

There's not vague words.
Influence means not a direct copy.
Ending chunk is clearly referring to the chaos that goes down in the third act of Chronicle.

If we're being that vague the list of movies "influenced" my Akira would be in the hundreds.


prove me wrong.

forgot image.

eleven's storyline is a blatant ripoff of elfen lied but with less nudity.

Stranger Things was closer to Firestarter imo

The creators even admitted they drew "a lot of inspiration" from Elfen Lied.

it's not a ripoff if they admit to it.

>"while E.T. may have been our biggest inspiration, there is plenty of Elfen Lied and Akira in the show's DNA as well."

Not really Nana wasn't his daughter and eleven doesn't ride around in a wheelchair

I don't watch a lot of anime, but I just finished Elfen Lied and it was pretty good except I got a headache during pretty much every Nyu scene and the love triangle really did nothing at all for me. Is this movie you're saying is like it more sci-fi oriented or does it have the same amount of drama? Because I'd love to see something similar to EL without so much time wasted on sex crap.

>Because I'd love to see something similar to EL without so much time wasted on sex crap.
Anime needs the "sex crap" because the industry is kept alive by horny otaku

>inspiration = rip off

What is this?

Yeah, but I only watch borderline-normie anime like Evangelion and Attack on Titan. I also watch exclusively dubbed.

>Because I'd love to see something similar to EL without so much time wasted on sex crap.

I guess that is Strangest Things and It's a family show so it won't have any sex crap, also the characters are actual kids not drawings so they couldn't without causing some controversy.

how the fuck is chronicle anything like Akira, there are dozens of movies about people with super powers. Chronicle is the most unique because it was filmed with a found footage style.


>found footage

On the theme of Judge Dredd, contrary to popular belief 2012's Dredd is not a rip-off of the Indonesian movie The Raid because Dredd was released half a year later, not only is it not a rip-off The Raid is probably a rip-off of Dredd

Dredd began shooting well before The Raid started it's shoot and the raid was probably based on a script of Dredd that was leaked onto the net in 2009

yes. chronicle is the most unique superhero movie because it was the first found footage SUPERHERO movie.

Reminder that he vehemently denied any intentional similarities between Black Swan and Perfect Blue regardless.

that scene with everyone's iphones and cameras being used as the film was unique as hell

>expect a good thread
>it's full of children who still watch cartoons

>not watching cartoons
>feeling superior about it