Gotta get my loli fix

Gotta get my loli fix

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow, I used to wonder why everyone hated you guys and wanted to kill you guys. I even defended you all more than a couple of times and put my own neck on the line for you. I'd always say, "Hey they aren't that bad.", "They aren't really hurting anyone., "It's just a harmless phase, they'll grow out of it.", and "It's only images.", but now after viewing this thread you guys have gone too far. I seriously can't believe you guys. It's not just images anymore, everything has a meaning you can't just post these and get away with it. It's not 'just a phase' you guys are sick and broken. You guys ARE hurting people and you really are THAT bad. I can't believe I'm saying this after all this time. In all honesty it really is nothing personal. It's just a mature and logical conclusion that had to be made. All of your actions have consequences and suffice to say, the only punishment that surmounts to your actions is, well, death.

I really wish there was some other way, if it was up to me I honestly don't mind you all, but something has to be done and this isn't my choice. This is the only way, we have to put an end to you




Nice pasta my dood














mostly afk bump





I'll post some.





















You know what, whenever I see a child, drawn or not, reacting fearfully to sex, it turns me off greatly.

online predator?



I need a recommendation Sup Forums.
I need a new lolicon Hentai movie.
I currently have
>Harumi's Bad Play
>Shoyonoido Mako Chan
>Story of Little Monica
>300 En No Otsukiai
>Shoujo Ramune
What should I get next?
I prefer stuff where the loli is happy (not rape). Even better when it's reverse seduction.




i did things to a couple of little girl irl

kodomo no jikan
Anime and manga, not a movie
sorry if that's not what you're looking for

did you ask user to help?

>drawn or not


Yunyun Paradise

There's also lolicon angel but i can't seem to find it anywhere.

Maybe you're right. Life with faggy lunatics out on the streets "protesting" (rioting) is too vulgar and alien for me to adapt to.




>Anime and manga, not a movie
>sorry if that's not what you're looking for
Anime is fine. I just meant not still images/manga.
Thanks for the tip.




Thanks. I'll look into those.




you're going too far buddy



i don't bother saving most of these types, but damn this one is done really well! by chance moar?





Imouto Jiru (sister juice)
Pisu Hame (has some loli)
Suki de Suki de Suki

ty and ty! really enjoyed that last one








source pls


Sauce please







underage content is illegal you know, op.
so why are you posting that shit here?

