Describe Sup Forums in 6 words

Describe Sup Forums in 6 words

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a waste of time

visited because bored, stayed because lonely

desu desu desu desu desu desu

A shithole with occasional gold nuggets

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Porn, Gore, Niggers, and more Porn.

Gay shit weird shit nigger shit

Nigger, dubs, banana, traps, neckbeard, sheckles

Tits or get the fuck out

Nigger lover is my middle name

I like traps and hate niggers

Wretched hive of scum and villainy

Hell on earth on the Internet

what if we just made a board and quarantined traps to that?


Fags, antisocial, beta, strange, ethugs, depression

Sexually dysfunctional socially awkward autistic males

Boring as shit, I can't leave.

literally just saw trap thread on Sup Forums...

They should find the fucking box.

Used to be more creative. Sad.

>Used to be more creative
>Saw this yesterday and you're reposting it

Republic of shitposters and meme makers

I think it gave me cancer.

I like this dog
Don't judge

not your personal army shit eater

Shit Like This, All The Time

Oh my god my fucking eyes

Came for memes, stayed for porn


Top kek

Always the same shit on daily

demons and angels being the other

Fuck off, not your personal army

what the fuck
please kill me
i wanna die
fuck you cunt
i love life
what the fuck

[I need just one picture]

Kek, kek, more kek and tits

A shell of it's former self

What did you say about me?