Anyone want to recommend a movie?

anyone want to recommend a movie?

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kingdom of heaven, always gets me all deus vulty


pretty sure I saw that and it was totally meh
nothing really happened


been rewatching the harry potter movies

quads confirm!

Natural Born Killers?

die hard
the fifth element
heavy weights
harry potter and the chamber of secrets
blank man
dude where's my car

I mean The Social Network is good

you'd be much better off just watching a few random episodes of the show that picture is from...


That's from a movie.....

that's Starsky and Hutch the movie

Pulp fiction

that's from the Ben Stiller show from the early 1990s..the character is anyway, funny ass show...

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

His twin brother kills him.
anyway thought it will be a better movie for some weird reason.

If you like famous stand up comedians, then I recommend Amy Schumer's new routine on Netflix. She does a lot other good comedians material.

started watching it,
but didn't watch the whole thing

What kind of movie are you in the mood for OP?

Secret life of Walter Mitty was good

Amy Schumer is a fucking hack and a thief.

I just watched it, it's a pretty good feelgood-movie

the nice guys
i was surprised how much i liked this movie he's a recurring character on the sketch comedy show "the ben stiller show" you'll get a few laughs from the other skits as this one is rather repetitive

I recommend star wars

Midnight Cowboy
Taxi Driver
The DeerHunter
Jacobs Latter
A Serbian Film

Shaun of the Dead
Hot Fuzz

A Serbian Film is the kind of movie you watch before you put a gun in your mouth and paint the wall with your brains

I watched The Edge of Seventeen today.

Great fucking film all around. Except for aesthetics. Terrible aesthetics but so good other than that. If the director had any style of his own, shit would be top ten for me for sure.

Then you obviously haven't seen it.

I pretty unfortunately did see it. The most disturbing thing about the whole thing was the boner it gave me.

Buttmans Anal Adventures Vol. 27

Serious point/counterpoint directing with amazing sets and sophisticated script and acting chemistry.

Well then, you possess no critical thinking skills in regards to film.

Holy mountain

Comedy: Fear of a Black Hat
Airplane/Naked Gun/ Spaceballs

Other: Running Scared

It's Jacobs Ladder fyi

forgot the pick

I have better things to do than debate some pretentious cock on Sup Forums who thinks they know shit about movies because they like A Serbian Film.

I thought that character was from Starsky and Hutch

not typical action like super hero movie
other than that.. dunno

You're welcome

A lot of the movies Ben Stiller has been in are just characters from his show, kinda like SNL, same goes for the waynes brothers.

those movies are awful and not funny

Idiocracy is pretty decent

Tremors nigga that's what I'm turning on right now.

quads dont lie

what a twist

The Boondock Saints
>cuz saint paddy's day

I wouldn't want to bullshit ya on watching something TOO stupid, but seriously man, 5 to 10 minutes per skit, the show's got a lot of "dated" stuff, but some of it is funny no matter the time era...I feel way better about wasting 20 or so minutes for a few laughs (or maybe none) than wasting 90 minutes for a few laughs (maybe none)...

Also the underground citizen's brigade has all their episodes online too...kinda funny...

and this is my 2nd set of dubs in the same post so...dubs don't like and ...checkem.

forgot pic

decent foreign movies Id suggest Aguirre, The Wrath of God, or Staligrad (2013)

If not Fury and Inglorious Basterds are cool

Aguirre the wrath of god is one movie

Make sure to watch Directors Cut.