/who/ - Doctor Who General

Birth of the Pie Lord edition

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Chronological user here, just started armaggedon Factor

Can't wait for based season 17.

Tfw you're outpacing me and I'm just making my way through the TV stories.

How did Srah Jane end up with K9?

Its ok, I've dedicated all of today to catch up.
The doctor drops it off, right at the beginning of K9 and company.

there's a one-off spinoff called K9 and Company that explains it

Just did a quick scan of the wiki and realised that the K9 that was given to Sarah was actually Mark III. I was trying to think how on earth she would have gotten I or II.

Is k9 and company good in any non-ironic way?

>Is k9 and company good in any non-ironic way?
Not really.

If Sladen's performance is anywhere near as much of a delight to watch as it was when she was on Who then surely it must be at least ok

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY /who/ wish me happy birthday or i shitpost this general to death


happy birthmas

S9 soundtrack fucking when

Happy birthday.

around Christmas probably

Or we could do the sane thing.
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happy birthday

>I've got no choice
Please refer to and stop shitting up the general.

>stop shitting up this dead as fuck general


Fine but just cause you did it for me.


Would you eat a cake baked by 12?

As someone who has only listened to McGann and Hurt audios what's the best way to get into the others? Any particular story arcs that are easy to get into?

Particularly interested in 7 since I've always loved his TV stories but I'd still love to hear the others.

Wouldn't you?

But you literally posted a picture saying you didn't have a choice.

If you want some cheap main range 7 stuff, I know that at least all of his in the first 13 releases are great, plus some after but I wouldn't know which

>tardis coffin

hahahahaha, holy shit. The absolute worst aspect of Who fandom manifest.

In jest m8

I don't know if I could trust it, what if he was just using me as a test subject for something he put in it?

Many happy returns m8

Price isn't really an issue since I don't plan on getting everything at once. I guess a better question would be if and how all his stories sort of break down into groups/arcs.

Like 8 had Zagreus, divergent, post divergent, Mary Shelly, EDAs, DE, DC. And the only arcs that don't require any prior knowledge would be Zagreus, Mary, EDAs, DC and maybe DE (it does directly follow the EDAs but everything you need to know is explained right away.)

So I guess what are some nice jumping on points for the other Doctors?

Fuck off Cats, and happy birthday.
NSFW and for CATS12 ONLY imgur com/a/2TpbR
I would without question.

6: start at The Marian Conspiracy

7: a new companion joins in The Harvest, this is also sort of where a big arc from 6's series gets picked up by 7's.


You could always become like the 4th or 5th user that's making their way through the main range chronologically.

5th has a couple good jumping on points,

Red Dawn starts a run with Peri that picks up a new companion in the form of Erimem

He has a rather long run with Nyssa which is alright.,

I would recommend starting with Cobwebs though, the older nyssa arc is pretty good.



so should I know Ralf Little from anywhere

>“At first they asked me to write an episode of Doctor Who,” the A Monster Calls author told the crowd, “and I said it’s a brilliant show, but I’ve just spent so much time doing work for other people, and I really want to do something of my own."

>But luckily for Ness (and Whovians worldwide), the Doctor Who producers had a plan B...

>“And they said, well we have this idea for setting a spin-off in a school. And it was like, ‘ding’!”

>Now, as the series reaches the home stretch, Ness clearly couldn’t be happier that he backed away from the original Doctor Who offer.

>“It’s been fantastic,” he said. “I’ve got six weeks of filming to go. The cast are great, and it’s been a fantastic experience. I can’t wait for you to see it.

>“Fingers crossed! It’s going well.”

have we seen anything yet

all you need to watch to understand are the opening credits:

I wonder if any of the regular writers are mad about that. They gave the spin-off show to someone who not only had never written an episode of Doctor Who before, but had no prior television credits at all. Not saying it was a bad decision, but it does seem a bit odd considering BBC usually plays it very safe with their decisions.

why the fuck has this random person's death become a /who/ meme? was she significant to people here before she died?

>had no prior television credits at all.
He did write the script of the adaptation of his book though


its just some guy constantly posting photos of her for some reason

maybe they were going to give it to Gareth until he revealed himself as an islamophobe

No. She was an excuse for some dude to shitpost about Girly Letters because she autistically asked the girl for spoilers after Capaldi visited her. That's it.
Someone started autistically posting pictures of her after she died, there was a big fuss, and now it won't go away because someone does it every time they get bored.

does anyone else on here use Sup Forums exclusively for /who/ and completely despise the rest of Sup Forums culture and Sup Forums in general?

Why would any of the regular writers be entitled to what's effectively a new show? They came to Ness with the idea because of his hit success writing about young people.

I'm on /vp/ a lot desu, and I occasionally check out the rest of Sup Forums, Sup Forums and sometimes Sup Forums

Sup Forums very rarely because I'm know I'm not good/funny enough

>Sup Forums

I'm sure there are others, but they don't bring it up to feel superior because they aren't snobs.

/who/ still has the same sort of people and "culture" that the rest of the board and site do, just less concentrated I suppose. But we still have plenty of bigots and edgelords.


I spend most of my time here on /who/ but sometimes I pop in threads for other shows or movies. Was originally a Sup Forums regular but haven't visited there in years.

Nah, I just steer clear of Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/

You get to be buried dressed as a doctor or companion. Who would you choose?

What theme would play as they lower your tardis coffin into the dirt?

The interior of your tardis coffin would be fashioned in whatever incarnation you choose, what is it?

I'd personally like my lifeless corpse to be propped up in a Davros chair, soundtrack to Genesis of the Daleks playing and repeated audio clips of Daleks screeching 'EXTERMINATE!' as I am wheeled of the edge of a large precipice into an old quarry


>filthy frank
This is the /who/ general user

I'm ex-Sup Forums as well, I migrated to tumblr with a bunch of the old Sup Forums crowd like 4-5 years ago

/who/ is my primary destination, however I do enjoy other boards, such as /x/, /diy/, Sup Forums, /out/, and /ck/ and will peek into other boards if a particular interest strikes my fancy or i need info, like on /an/, and Sup Forums. I don't care for the 'internet hate machine' moniker or reputation, except when it serves 'our' purpose; filtering out those of the faint of heart. The reputation of Sup Forums probably kept the more casual of fans away during 'leak /who/' for instance.
This summer has been particularly bad site wide for hatefulness. Probably due to the US election and Sup Forums being flooded, and thus spilling out to other boards.

I always have a /who/ tab open but I also browse Sup Forums, Sup Forums in general and Sup Forums of there's tournaments. I will visit other boards sporadically according to certain events but those are my mains.

As for the culture, It's everywhere, even here. You can't escape it.

fuck off, Sup Forumsutthead

Fine, it's late anyway... Don't get your hopes up though I'll probably be back later.

Hapy birfday cats


>yfw they bring back the cards in S10
>the Doctor can't remember why he had them because m-muh Clara
>he says some unknowingly rude shit and realizes why he needs the cards

>no slash between "mortally wounded" and "turned to jelly"

blame Whithouse


Happy birthday cats, it's been a long time coming.

What's wrong with his face?

Is this canon?

Why not?


>it's been a long time coming.
It's been a year.

Its a toomanytime original. Best tripfag of /who/. Doesn't come round much anymore. :(

Serious question
Is it bigger on the inside?

That's long enough.


I use the rest of Sup Forums, but I don't care about anything else but /who/ on Sup Forums well other than the occasional star trek thread.

Ypu seem upset.

classy as fuck lads, what a way to go out

>completlwy different funeral images
Fuck offerino already

That filename is golden



Bad news guys. Faceless passed away last night. He was getting milked by his milkman when it happened. My mailman is friends with his mom, so he let me know. I was told he died in peace saying red kangs are best kangs. If you want me to pass along anything to his male mom, let me know.

God this sucks.
Spoilered for bad taste and inappropriate meme-ing
Im going to hell.

That's what you get when you google "tardis coffin".
Is this how you would want to be remembered?
Maybe an ICP juggalo casket would be less tacky...
Dunno, it's like they intentionally wanted to be laughed at. After all it's only death, no big deal.

toomany is the founder of /who/

No that's toomuchtime

that's who i meant. didn't realise there was a toomuchtime ripoff trip

There's at least 2...uh homage trips of toomuch. Ripoff seems harsh.

Maybe the last thing they wanted to do on this earth, was make someone laugh one way or another.

I forgot how bad Death In Heaven was. The only good part was the scene where 12 and Clara lie to each other.

That part was fucking GOAT though user

Yes. The rest of the episode though was pretty bad, especially Danny's speech.

I like the scene where Clara unknowingly tells Cyber Danny the Doctor is her BFF and he raises his cybergun like he wants to shoot her

Seeing reanimated rotting danny was pretty good too desu

Are you guys hype for the first gay companion?