ITT: Essential pedo-core






>most the movie is about her being too old and washed up for sex


Why is David Hamilton so based bros?

He understands us like the world never will.

Pretty much all David Hamilton works.

>he didn't see the pedo seduction scene

Please, only post heterosexual pedophilia oriented movies in this thread. Shove your gay degeneracy someplace else.


Great movie desu

the only true answer, the others are 12 and up

When was dat?

>mfw people still shill Lolita
>mfw Kubrick hated it because studio made him censor pretty much everything.
>mfw introduction to the actual fucking book says English readers are plebs because it's been censored.
>mfw translator implores English-speaking readers to stop being shitters and learn French or Russian to get an unabridged version.


I agree but even though lesbian pedophilia is fucked up as hell I couldn't help liking pic related

Looks like you're just gonna have to sit through the 4 hours again.

>the only one that dies is the father
Seriously though, she should have just raped the shit out of him. She's a fucking psychopath consent means nothing. Such a dumb ending.


>mfw introduction to the actual fucking book says English readers are plebs because it's been censored.
Wait, really? His own son censored it when he translated it? The Enchanter wasn't censored as far as I could tell.

Has anybody done a non-censored translation?

>no Happiness

How does a 70 pound girl rape a grown man?

Tie him to the bed. Dude was drunk as hell she could have lured him in there easily.

Is /ss/ ok?

I am sure an uncensored version exists. I am not that big of a fan of the book to actually look for one though.

I believe the translator's words were something along the lines of "the more grotesque or rather unseemly nature of the book have been omitted. For an unabridged version of the text I advise readers to seek out an original publication from so-and-so publishing. "


Why is this allowed? Is that her son or something

>Is that her son or something

I wish.

Apparently a co-star on a tv show with her and it's his birthday.

Wonder if she took his virginity

Happiness, the Solondz movie? Why?

That's make sense.

>Mfw that will probably be the best kiss he going get in his life

any good /ll//-core?


You're going to mention this but not Womb?

it's essential /ss/

kill youself faggot

You're probably gonna call me a faggot but I found Womb /ss/ to be just bait shit she doesn't even bang until his older.

I prefer Cracks because atleast she has sex with the spanish girl and Eva killed with her performance in it I really felt for her despite being a horrible person

Are you fucking retarded? LOLITA WAS WRITTEN IN ENGLISH. There is a fictional introduction to the novel which is part of the fiction as you can see by the fact that it reflects on Humbert as if he was a real person. Again, THE BOOK WAS WRITTEN IN ENGLISH by Nabokov in the United States in the 50s.

FUck fuck fuck fuck this makes me so angry. How can people walk around with such bullshit in their heads


>ywn have your first kiss with a young Demi Moore.

Why should I continue to live?

Is this movie good or is it just fap fuel?

Goddamn, they must be putting something in the water cause this little nigga looks like he's ready to pick up a briefcase and sign his mortgage papers.

It's decent. The cinematography is great and the acting is overall good though its to slow pace at and script could have been better.

As for lewdness in the movie it kinda lewd Eva tries to come on to spanish girl throughout the movie and half the times the underage girls kinda dress in skimpy skirts and go skinny dipping.

I am the retarded one!!!!

Why don't you do a little research before you open your gullet you piece of shit.

>The manuscript was turned down, with more or less regret, by Viking, Simon & Schuster, New Directions, Farrar, Straus, and Doubleday.[33]

Viking, Simon and Schuster, New Directions, Farrar, Strauss, and Doubleday are all AMERICAN PUBLISHERS THAT MEANS ENGLISH. AND EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM TURNED IT DOWN.

>After these refusals and warnings, he finally resorted to publication in France. Via his translator Doussia Ergaz, it reached Maurice Girodias of Olympia Press,

>Olympia Press was a Paris-based publisher....It specialized in books which could not be published (without legal action) in the English-speaking world....

That means FRENCH you fuckwit.


you're so boring


>Adolescenza Morbosa

What a great little list.

Does she sex the horse?

>wiki page for beau pere
>shows the movie's poster
>its straight up an underage girl topless

How'd they get away with this?


Needs Maladolascenza (spellcucks plz go) and Valerie and her Week of Wonders.

Don't deliver us from evil is unironically a fun movie tbqh

cheese pizza laws didn't exist until the mid to late 80s.


agree. check out Poison for the Fairies

Holy shit I just found the fedora fannypack.

RIP keyboard.

she was 19 and he was 15 tho

>All this plebshit

Add Irréversible while you at it

Still pedophilia


This is so fucked up, hope she went to jial

yet my erection stands tall and proud

