What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Scanning... External Stimuli Detected
>Engage Facial Response
>set Awe to 95%

I'm starting to believe David Icke

She meant that she has trained to make facial expressions so she'll always look good in still images. It's just that they look inhuman when in motion.

It's the i'm going to win the elections face

maybe she saw a ghost

she's adorable

looks like a fucking child actor in a 50s sitcom. what a disgusting "person".


She's trying to devour the souls of everyone in the room.


they're democrats, so she's having difficulty finding one


>always look good in still images

Oops. You know what I meant.




Is this who you want as your next president?


Anyone else think that Bill looks a little... ill?

will she be the first US president with autism?

>Scanning for targets
>Found target: Bernie Sanders delegate
>Begin charging lazer

It's not like it's 100%, but that is why they do it.

My friend shook Bill Clintons hand, and he described the look on the man's face as 'like your idiot cousin who has just had sex', but in the still images he showed me, he looks like a perfect politician. He then did some research into it, and found they were coached to do it, because even if it makes them look foolish in person, it doesn't matter because a thousand people will see it in the media and like it.

No, I don't have the pictures.

Bill looked like he was whacked out on drugs all night.

he's going to die for sympathy votes

Oh cool, all the trump redditors gathered in one place. Nice, this will be easy to talk to all of you: you need to be 18 to post on Sup Forums so you should all return to reddit.

Bill is probably disgusted with his own party.

He can't make a singly public appearance without saying something that pisses off all of the SJWs.

I'm half-way to thinking this might actually happen.

Every time he's on camera he's not looking good.

looks fine to me

If she wins I am really interested to see what kind of philanthropic work Bill does as FMOTUS

Gerald Ford.

George Bush senior beat her to it

Based Willy

>shillary becomes president

>cheats on Bill with an intern


>wanting this to be president

Serpent's tongue.

you got me, user.

good show

The correct title is First Gentleman.


Which SJWs, the religious ones or the liberal ones?

Clinton already has a muslim dyke life partner

I miss the obamas already

every president is worse than the last, except for obama, and that's only because of how absurdly horrific bush was

fuck, I would take reagan or nixon over and democrat at this point

save me jill stein

wtf I want hillary to sit on my face now?!

I don't know how anyone has the patience to deal with these fucks.

is this real?

What the shit

It looks like someone made a big woman from feet up, but when they got to waist they ran outta clay.

>blames Clinton-hate on imaginary "SJWs" unironically
>forgets Trump whines about Clinton hitting on ugly women 20 years ago on a daily basis

Lol, is this legit what it's going to be? FGOTUS?

>that dark skinned cutie

It's as real as Trump's shot at winning the White House without the Latino vote

Jill Stein can't save you. Even if you agree with her views, her lack of experience and knowledge of foreign policy makes her a fringe candidate. At best she is a protest vote and nothing more.

With that said I can't vote for either Trump or Hilary. Why do both parties have to be such fuck ups?

How do you pronounce that?

FLOTUS - Flohtuss.

FGOTUS - Faggotuss?

>Lol, is this legit what it's going to be?
In an alternate darkest timeline where Clinton wins, yes.

Bills pushing 70, he might be in the early stages of alheizmer's or dementia. As much as I like him, I think his health is starting to fail and that's a bummer.

I take it back about her not being Chelsea's mother. She definitely delivered.

If god's light abandons us.

it's such an obvious shop. come on son.

Jefferson was an aspie.

Yeah seriously in the original that was some other woman.

Does Sup Forums have moderators?

She's her mother but bill isn't her dad.

Hnngh the thought of Anthony Weiner stealing this cutie just kills me

how the fuck should i know?

This is an amerifat we are talking about. Sheeeeit If Trumpygrumpy can graft hair on his bald eagle, then hillary can inject kardeshian dna into her gluteus optimus prime?



>stupid Bernie-brats born at the beginning of Bill's first-term, while co-opting "Black Lives Matters" brand 20+ years later really were defending murderers by taking Hillary's words out of context
>idiot Trump supporter takes Bill's words out of context just to post "based" like a Chan retard and to relay his latent bigotry

Bill looked like he was FUCKED UP on pills. Like I've seen people droning just like that at parties. I wonder if he even remembers being up on stage or playing with the balloons



Really makes you think.

I think I might be a #ShillForHill now.

he looks so powerful in this picture

like he's about to go Super Sayan


That's a toupee trying to escape.

she is paying one million dollars to get this picture wiped from the Internet


I'm quite sure some of you Chan dumbasses shilling for Trump would actually try to sign up for this in 2016.

I think you can get paid to do this on facebook.


do the normies know how corrupt hillary is?

The answer may surprise you!

>graft hair on bald eagles
my sides

imagine trump running an animal shelter program, making toupees for bald eagles. Because being bald is unamerican.

It's because we've got this retarded first past the post voting system

We need preferential voting

Who gives a shit what you think, bonehead.

It's a rhetorical question, so don't attempt to answer it, Trump-sniffer.

sshhhh, they're among us


Trump University provided a quality education.

What did she mean by this?

There is no way this bitch isn't a robot.
Who the fuck acts like that.

i'd say around 35% if im being generous

Where do I sign up?


She's shattering history with her monumental nomination?

1 Million?
Shit Jani's do it for free

h-hillary I don't feel so swell, can I get a cough drop?

>Chan moron desperately retreats to the "my bully is a Hillary shill defense" the other Chan retards taught him

I'm having a whale of a time watching my liberal friends meltdown on facebook bickering among themselves about Hillary.

>still using the word troll

It's the only explanation because no one in their right mind would support Hillary

What did she mean by this?

>delivers the best in business education
>teaches people not to waste all their money on dumb things