'Equity' Star Anna Gunn On Unlikable Women, Equal Pay, And 'Breaking Bad' Backlash


>There’s an early scene in ‘Equity’ that’ll ring bells with any woman with has ever tried to set foot on a corporate ladder. The film’s protagonist Naomi Bishop, an experienced investment banker, meets with her male boss to ask after a promotion she’s been chasing.

>“I just don’t think this is going to be your year,” she’s told. “You rubbed some people the wrong way.”

>In a subsequent scene, Naomi, played by Anna Gunn, is told she “ruffled some feathers” in her handling of an IPO.

>This language — these loaded, misogynistic dogwhistle words — are as much part of life for women in business as perennial put-downs like “aggressive” and “pushy.”

>“There are still these somewhat antiquated expectations of what a woman should be or should act like,” said Gunn. “The whole likability factor.”

>She speaks from experience. In 2013, during her multiple-Emmy-winning run on AMC hit ‘Breaking Bad’, she experienced such vitriolic backlash from fans of the show who hated her character that she took to the New York Times op-ed page.

>“I finally realized that most people’s hatred of Skyler had little to do with me and a lot to do with their own perception of women and wives,” she wrote. “Because Skyler didn’t conform to a comfortable ideal of the archetypical female, she had become a kind of Rorschach test for society, a measure of our attitudes toward gender.”

What did she mean by this?

Women really are born insane.

She meant that she's a ditzy sheltered actress whose IQ of 110 is just high enough to let her regurgitate fashionable feminist thinking in good form but just low enough not to see how tiresome and narrow-minded she looks by cleaving to it so devoutly and reflexively.

>people don't like me because I act like a cunt
>it's the patriarchy keeping me down

Nobody cares about this old hag.

>"I finally realized that most people's hatred of Skyler had little to do with me..."

Wow, a middle aged, botox-injected movie actress decided that the problem was not her, but rather the entire viewing public and audience that kept her livelihood afloat? The revolution has begun!

Women literally can't argue for a promotion. This has been proven time and time again. Men can push and threaten to walk away when women don't have the drive to do it.

>“ruffled some feathers”
>these loaded, misogynistic dogwhistle words

what fucking planet am I on?

Will anyone make the connection between Hillary Clinton's entire bullshit "Do it for feminism!" platform and the bullshit "Do it for feminism!" agenda that studios use to shill their movies/publicists use to shill their talentless actresses?

>It's not me, it's everyone else


>if I don't get exactly what I want and a male is the roadblock as to why they're misogynists

>>“Because Skyler didn’t conform to a comfortable ideal of the archetypical female, she had become a kind of Rorschach test for society, a measure of our attitudes toward gender.”

It seems that she doesn't understand the character that she played for five years.

Skyler betrayed Walter precisely because she clinged to the traditional familial ideal which Walter made impossible due to his drug business.

>“The whole likability factor.”

Assholes, men or women, don't get promotions.

Nice sentence, mind if I save it?

I'm convinced Ghostbusters 2016 was nothing more than a test run for future Hillary media campaigns.

Nigga im a neet and ya got these millionaire actresses finna complaining about not making enough. God damn greedy cunts.

wtf i hate men now

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist to post on Sup Forums. Occupy space. pass the time.

You're bored, as usual, posting about your fucking dislikes and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other people. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting plebbit stories about people who made interesting buildings for their populace or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your ears that guarantees you'll at some point have to get up and move around and perform physical labor to support yourself.

And then you see women, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent from them, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them.These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that.You can never have it. So you sit down, you post on Sup Forums, and you fucking ruin your life, the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it.Because you're failure like OP.

>Because Skyler didn’t conform to a comfortable ideal of the archetypical female

Actually, I didn't care much for Skyler because she acted like she was on the moral high-ground, but would proceed to do immoral shit like cooking books and helping Walt launder his drug money. She was a hypocrite.

Fuck off nigger

she's right though, there was nothing wrong with her character. Walt was her partner and he betrayed her by lying to her for half a year and putting his entire family's safety at risk. she did nothing wrong

that picture lmao

>Not getting a promotion is misogyny
Is this that sense of entitlement that feminists are always whining about?

>Because Skyler didn’t conform to a comfortable ideal of the archetypical female, she had become a kind of Rorschach test for society, a measure of our attitudes toward gender.”
fucking lel. an unfaithful woman is not expected in society? top lel

my ex asked for a promotion twice when we were together and got it both times

Cunts don't get promotions be it a man or woman, she's clearly never worked a day in her life and just riding the feminism wave to get some free pr for her shitty movie.

I hope you didn't edit that pasta yourself.

She gets to perform on the main stage now?

Why do American's treat their women like shit?

What a stupid bitch. And I actually liked her a lot as an actress and wasn't projecting hate of Skylar (who was a gigantic whore) on her.

Doesn't apply to me in the slightest. A cunt is a cunt, regardless of your success in life.

>there was nothing wrong with her character

Except that she was a manipulative, cold shrew.

Just because she wasn't selling meth doesn't mean she wasn't a shitty person.

You're on a computer, what fucking reason do you have to ruin everyone's mood around you? And then expect a promotion?

Fuck sky and fuck the actress that portrayed that trash

Who says "a coffee"?

Yeah but you're not constantly going on about Walt being a cunt are you?


Look at those cold, emotionless pits of darkness she must call her eyes.

You can call Walt a cunt and people will agree with you and life will go on.

But oh, call Skylar a cunt and give perfectly valid reasons why she's a cunt and it's the end of the fucking world.

Do you see the problem here?

What is the sauce on this picture

should I see this or Jason Bourne?

>Yeah but you're not constantly going on about Walt being a cunt are you?

That's because his demeanor in social situations is not one that is disturbingly off putting, you fucking moron. Stop trying to draw parallels between them, you're too stupid to do so.

>she experienced such vitriolic backlash from fans of the show who hated her character that she took to the New York Times op-ed page
Because only old middle-age women are hated?

I just finished season 2 of Deadwood. Her character is a major drag, bro!

Not the same user, but I always thought Walt was a real bastard. The only person I had any real sympathy for the shitty things they did was Jesse and possibly Mike.

That's great. Just don't expect men to want to marry a woman that acts like a man.

>she's right though, there was nothing wrong with her character
She literally cheated on her dying husband.

Skylar was only trying to do what she could for the family to keep it working. She did all she could and people keep talking shit about her nonstop.

Walt went on a male fantasy power trip and thought he could become a drug lord with all the good and none of the bad. Truly, toxic masculinity showing its true colors.

being a cunt doesn't make you unique, it isn't other people's problems she was unlikable and written so, plenty of assholes have been written with redeeming qualities that people end up liking, see House.

No redeeming qualities and being a cunt just means she is a cunt.

She also decided to take the roles of being portrayed as a cunt or she is a bad actor and it turned out that way regardless.

>She did all she could and people keep talking shit about her nonstop.

While being a cunt. That makes her a cunt.

Don't post again plz

Literally pic related.

>a female millionaire celebrity is the REAL victim here
I'm getting pretty sick of this shit.

>loaded, misogynistic dogwhistle words

Do words mean anything anymore at this point?

Is it really hard to understand?

Both Walt and Skylar were shitty people. But Walt was the de facto protagonist of the show, and entertaining to watch go down his shit spiral. Skylar was in an antagonistic role, and she was the proverbial wet blanket on the joyride that was Walt's descent into crime.

People didn't hate her because she's a woman. They hated her because that's the function she served in the show. She was written to be hated.

become a productive and wonderful person in socity

>Do words mean anything anymore at this point?

When heard by a dumb bitch, they mean only what the woman wants them to mean, and nothing more. They are discarded via excuses for why they are empty. A woman could dismiss 2+2=4 and her sisters would back her up as a strong woman fighting for her rights in a woman hating world.

>I finally realized that most people’s hatred of Skyler had little to do with me and a lot to do with their own perception of women and wives

Well, let's see here...

>spreads her legs for another man while her husband is dying of cancer
>steals millions from said husband to get her faggot boyfriend out of debt
>not once expresses gratitude for all Walt did for the family
>basically Carmella 2.fucking0.

I hated Skyler, not Anna Gunn. I think the mark of a good performer, particularly a villian, is how detestable they are. That's why I think she did such a fantastic job in Breaking Bad. It's a shame she has such difficulty divorcing reality from fiction.

This is analogous to Jack Gleeson saying people don't like him because he's British or whoever played Marlo Stanfield saying people don't like him because he's black.

This is just plain silly. It also happens to be a self-fufilling prophecy, because I really dislike Anna Gunn after reading this... Not for having a cunt, but for being one.

Imagine how irrelevant this cunt would be without her fake sexism complex

nobody hated Skyler for being a woman wtf

You know how i know this is bullshit.
Women dont have fun over in a corner by themselves. If they dod then GG or Anita would not happen.

>"You did a bad job."



Nobody on the show is likeable except

True. We hate her because she fucked Ted

Pretty much this.

>Hey Skylar, here is a shitload of money to pay off my cancer treatment bills and a shitload of extra money to make sure you and the kids can live a comfortable life after I die
>If anyone accuses you of obtaining this money through illegal means, you can say it was all on me and you had no idea what I was up to


>loaded, misogynistic dogwhistle words
words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

She smoked while being pregnant. In all honesty that's worse than selling meth.

>I slept with Ted and cooked his books and gave away all your money
>Oh and thanks for turning Flynnter Jr against me when I did nothing wrong

Yeah I hated Skyler because I was misogynistic

>women are the only ones who complain of challenges
>therefore women are the only ones who must encounter challenges

do I have that right?

Did you find her behavior off putting in social situations that didn't involve Walt? Most people seemed to be upset with her based on how she reacted to Walt, which could be argued as justified. You can't define the character in just how she reacts to the husband, but that's what people do since he's the MC that people want to succeed.

ruffled some feathers

Am I missing something? I'd use the exact same phrasing to gently tell someone that their actions pissed off a group of people. How the shit is this "coded misogynistic language?"

>ugh, Skylar was such a CUNT. Why couldn't she just let Walt control the entire meth industry in Arizona, have people killed and piss off the Mexican cartels?

Its not ahe is victimizing gerself as women will do.

>le wage gap meme being touted as fact by a wealthy female

Why do neckbeards hate women so much? Is it a rejection thing?


Come to think of it, pretty much the whole main cast of BrBa hasn't been in anything good since it ended

BCS doesn't count

Is she implying that Skylar was in any way written as a likeable character? She may have been right about some things but there's a difference between being right and being likable. For God's sake we rooted for Walt and she was in opposition to his goals, it's as simple as that

She's right, Skylar literally did not do anything wrong and never did anything other than try to keep her children safe, but she did so by sexually transgressing and getting in the way of the Walter White Power Fantasy Train so everyone has to hate her worse than all the murderers on the show.

Do you seriously hate an actress because of a part she played? how the fuck does that work?


Funny way of saying sucked off

No, she's a bitch because when Walt was a teacher she was a controlling cunt that constantly treated Walt like a doormat. She was also shown to be extremely presumptuous and self righteous.

>“Because Skyler didn’t conform to a comfortable ideal of the archetypical female, she had become a kind of Rorschach test for society, a measure of our attitudes toward gender.”

I didn't like Skyler because she was poorly written. One season she's suspicious of Walter, the next she's a fucking BAWSE and laundering his money and shit and is full in on the game. Seemingly the perfect bonnie and clyde story. then the next day she's flipping her shit.

Oh just stop.

I think purposefully cheating out of spite is worse than doing illegal shit to provide for your family when you're dying of cancer even when you end up power tripping.

She could've divorced him and then hooked up with Ted instead we get "I fucked Ted".


um... so what does it mean that, considering the over the top reaction to Skyler, I kinda agree with her here?

>Walt has cancer
>tells Skylar he smoked pot because it made him feel better
>she goes to Jesse's house and gets the DEA involved because her dying husband tried to feel better

Cranstons going to be in power rangers

How do American men tolerate this kinda shit?

Anyone remember this bitch calling people misogynists because people hated Skyler?

Outside of Hank and Walt Jr, everybody was bad on the show. You can fault Walt for every bad thing he did, but the moment you bring up anything Skylar did you're instantly considered a shitlord.

The main reason she was hated though was because her plotlines always slowed everything down with unneeded drama. Viewers don't care that she's walking into pools and being retarded. They want to see why Todd is collecting spiders.

>actress has permanent resting bitch face
>primarily cast into roles of cunts
>is upset when people call her a cunt

when you're typecast into a role, people begin to believe it's all they can do because that's exactly who they're acting as: themselves.

there are many reasons to hate skylar, and it's certainly not because she had tits.

Can it woman.

>This language — these loaded, misogynistic dogwhistle words
Please someone explain to me how they aren't the weaker gender if they are so easy to control and if every word become a bullet against them?

The irony is that Skyler was a very accurate and realistic depiction of a woman in that kind of situation.

>I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.


>Audience: "I can't wait to see this spineless dweeb turn into a cold-blooded drug kingpin."
>Skyler: "I am going to attempt to stop this character arc."
Audience: "Fuck off lady."


Personally I felt sorry for Skyler but Gunn is just a massive cunt who can't accept that people didn't like her as much as Walt & Jeasie

Did Nurse Jackie ever complain like this about people hating her character from Sopranos?