/stg/ - Stranger Things General

No Pedos Allowed Edition

El does not approve of your sick lifestyle.

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to fuck that girl.


That's a girl?

Oh yeah baby. And a cute one at that.

>el will never use her powers to have BDSM sex with you

why even live?


this generation's utmost love story in the making

fuck no pedo, lucas is a bro i guess, Based Dustin is MC s2

So is this show actually good or is it just the flavor of the month? I've heard conflicting things on Sup Forums and other places.....

how come no one ever raves about the black kid?

he's the most reasonable of them all.

he's OUR ranger. OUR black knight

What's the gist (or is if jist?) of Stranger Things? I've heard nothing but rave reviews of this show, but I have no idea what it's even about.

Sure, I could Google a synopsis, but you guys will shoot me straight.

because he's a faggot and looks and acts like a little girl

Is Will slowly turning into a monster?

Why was cutie police chief leaving food in the forest? Where did Staties bring him?

Will there be a second season?

yes and she's a cute.

i'm not a pedo, i just want her to be my little sister with telekinetic powers. :(

live action anime

If you liked Super 8 or Twin Peaks you'll love it.

>Actually loved the supernatural aspects of Stranger Things
>All Sup Forums can talk about is how cute they think 011 is

I don't know why I'm still surprised anymore.

First for based Hopper the G-man stomper

you can always marathon the first 10 mins and find out

because he's an idiot and almost got the team to separate because of his minor issue with mike's infatuation with eleven
every single idea that helped them came from our guy

he spergs over his bff hanging out with a super-powered girl, my man has to fix shit that shouldn't be a problem

this is what happens after a while, people talk about the plot and the setting the first few threads then when everything has been said people start talking about who they liked the most
after that it's just pure pedophilia

just got done watching this. pretty good aside from the shitty cg and some cheesy, contrived scenes. what was up with the ending though? i enjoyed most of the ending other than the very final cliffhanger. i guess their probably isn't a definitive answer and its just a shitty cliffhanger to keep people thinking about it and speculating until the next season

the last thread we were arguing over the shadow world and the monster 1/2 the time, all threads for all shows start wit ppl claiming waifus

it's a what you call it subtle ending, they're hinting that eleven is still alive
it's a good ending if they don't get greenlighted for a second season
but i highly doubt that they won't get a second season because of how stupidly popular this show is

80s, kids do some comfy shit, adults do some adult shit, psychic powers, monsters, goverment LSD experiments and coverups.

>i guess their probably isn't a definitive answer

You can't even type and you're asking why a show in its first season doesn't have definitive answers for everything?

You are one fucking stupid nigger.

>a shitty cliffhanger

Fuck off you sound dumb

>No Mike thread because he looks like a girl
That explains all the El threads.

El Poster Dan here, I was going to make the new general Husbando edition BUT I GUESS NOT. You're a shit OP, OP.

Alright, that's entirely pedobait Millie. At least she's older as El

>Will there be a second season?

There fucking better be.

Any progress reports on the Real Human montage and the Millie cut?

this show felt like a season long episode of 80's twilight zone/outer limits

nah i know that eleven is still alive working on exterminating the monsters or whatever i was just talking about will puking up the slug.

I actually didn't ask -WHY- there isn't a definitive answer. I can't type and you also don't have basic reading comprehension, faggot. I'm just trying to elicit speculation on the final scene in a thread about a television show.

You sound like a faggot.

>itz got bad graphics and a shitty cliff hanger

lol fuck off and go do your homework or something

the show is already one of the top 5 most watched netflix shows, of course it's going to get a second season

Neither of those things are untrue though.

I have a lot of the scenes cut and recorded from the episodes for the El supercut, but I doubt I'll work on it tonight. Don't want to go down feels lane right now.

Because shit taste

>I'm just trying to make people tell me what happened since I'm too stupid to figure it out on my own

And that is why you are a stupid nigger.

Nice, thanks.

guys, its over. millie is a grown ass woman now. shes taller than winona ryder and is in the teeth of puberty. shes aged about 5 years in the past 6 months. its time to let her go guys. it was a fun ride while it lasted.

What resolution? Will you upload it to MEGA?

Here, just watch my Mike video for now:


That picture is creepy as fuck.

>I'm just trying to make people tell me what happened since I'm too stupid to figure it out on my own
Yeah, the final scene is deliberately ambiguous faggot. There's nothing to figure out definitely but plenty to speculate on. Stop crying, you got owned, fatboy.

What is all that gross shit on her head?

they're shitty complaints though. its subjective whether or not they take away from the story.

What the fuck? So much for the sequel

>you will never lock fingers with El as she squirms beneath you whimpering as you penetrate her tight pink pussy for the very first time

Life is not worth living.

I can upload it on MEGA, but I'd just put it up on streamable all the same. Resolution is 1980x960. At least that's the native for the episodes I use. I can make it less for smaller file size.

she's 12 and 4'10''
but i guess when the next season hits she'll be 13/14 and 5' something'' and then the show will be a teenage drama show
only way they can save the show is if they did a different story


You do realize Winona is sitting down and Millie is not.

Complaining about a cliffhanger is definitely subjective but poor CGI definitely takes away from the story, even if it is marginal. Seeing the monster is supposed to elicit fear from the viewer but its difficult to do that when the effects are comparable to the 1998 Godzilla film.


She's fucking ugly as shit, wtf why do you like such monster?

Was I supposed to sympathize with this whore?

Just started the first episode, I don't like how the sister looks.

No. This show is pretty redpilled on the nature of women, actually

H-how could you say that?

no, she's only there for the female audience who have nostalgic feelings about their slutty youth

Well she says herself, that she's the monster.

because she plays into the one-dimensional passive, doe eyed childishly naive archetype like rei ayanami that weak low test faggot weebs love so much.

I was just looking for pics of her with hair to show she's really a girl.

I opened the portal.

What are you gonna do about it, mouthbreather?

And don't like at my Husbando Mike, he's mine.

Yes but she's ugly, i mean look at this shit

they weren't that bad, user. you're exaggerating.

and also, this wasn't Godzilla 98. The story was so much better I can forgive them for the shitty CGI. Not every show has a 100 million dollar budget. Budget constraints shouldn't effect your outlook on the story, lol. The danger was still there,. You could argue there was major disbelief when El flipped the van, too. And I;d agree. but it was necessary for the story and I thought it was cool..

I think practical effects trump CGI, but we dont live in the era of practical effects anymore, unfortunately. and unfortunately not every show and movie has the budget for avatar and warcraft tier effects.

she was hot so yeah

I appreciate how realistic she was. No matter what kind of trauma she and Johnathan went through, no matter how close they got, the girl will ALWAYS pick the Chad in the end. I'm glad the Brothers didn't feel the need to self-insert their fantasy like some fat fanfic writing tumblard whore.

When do we get the soundtrack?

I love how bluepilled men sympathize with and immediately take the side of any attractive woman

winona is 5'2 so that's not that impressive. my little sister was 5'5 when she was 12.


did you seem to completely ignore the fact that steve changed to be more like her

Why was the monster so obsessed with Will? This is the only thing that confuses me. It follows him home, goes into his house, then teleports into his shed to snatch him and he wasn't even bleeding. Meanwhile Nancy waltzes into its bedroom and it never bothers her again (until the end obviously).

It seems weird how it seemed to target Will so specifically.

What happened was Steve's actor, Chad, was so alpha they had no choice but to make him the best character in the show or he'd fuck their wives.

>assuming I'm bluepilled because I don't share the same taste in women

Sup Forumstard detected.

it's all a ruse dude. The Chad will do anything in his relentless pursuit for the poon.

I didn't mean you my friend

He was a total loser

Yeah, I imagine we'll learn more about why

Some say will kept evading it? But maybe it chose, and impregnanted, Will for a reason?

because he encountered it on his way home after it had escaped the facility
it hung around the house because will hid himself there

and you sexists are calling nancy a slut?

my bad.

I think it just hangs out in the woods outside his property in a area between the rich fag with the pool at night.


Steve will just go back to being mean to Jonathan and creampieing Stacey on the reg while Jonathan watches from the bushes, before posting the pics on r9k

he's ok, but a little too much until El knocks some sense into him.

Also, Mike's mum is a total bombshell fugg.

>experienced teenage sex
>teenage love
>willing to protect his love against criticism and creeps
>was still together with his love in the end
he was a winner

>the Chad wars have begun ITT

Dark times indeed.

Fellow El poster, SIGNING OUT

Joking aside, this is what was said about it by the directors
>A lot of credit goes to Joe Keery [who plays Steve] because he was much more likable and charming than we originally had envisioned. If you read the pilot, he’s the biggest douchebag on the planet. It’s not that he’s a flawless character, he’s flawed, but Joe was so good we started to fall in love with the idea that he has an arc himself. He’s maybe not the perfect guy, but he’s maybe in with the wrong crowd. As opposed to him turning Nancy to his side, maybe it’s more Nancy turning him to her side. We liked giving him that arc.

Nancy- NOT a slut. Wizard neckbeard MRAs fuck off. She is CUTE and some of us date in high school who cares

Steve- A REAL human bean AND a REAL hero

who is stacey user

When will the Netflix shills just fuck off. The show is shit.

Lucas was a skeptic faggot who shit on and blamed El any chance he could get. Then when he realized El was great the whole time he suddenly becomes nice. Grade A dindu.

The sister

Couldn't remember her name

OK Sup Forums just finished this show. What should I watch next? I haven't watched another TV show in the past 3 years other than Breaking Bad and GOT.

Wait, are you serious? This dumb bitch ends up with the selfish jock? Are you serious? His true colours shiw throughout the whole show but some last minute fake "see? Hes a goos guy" bullshit is supposed to make up for that?

Fuck this show and its terrible writing. Dropped.

>some of us date in high school

Do you know where you are?

>No matter what kind of trauma she and Johnathan went through, no matter how close they got
Just because you get really close to a girl or spend a lot of time with her doesn't mean she must feel attracted to you. Jonathan is nice, he's brave, he cares about her. But she's not into him, end of story.