Well Sup Forums, should he?

Well Sup Forums, should he?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bee Holocaust please.

Literally no one asked him that

Let it bee

Jerry, no...

Who asked for Bee Movie 1?

>Shrek 5
>Ice Age 5
>Bourne 4
>Star Trek 3
>Star Wars 8
>Alvin and the Chipmunks 3
>Now Bee Movie 2

What a time to be alive folks.

Yes please

This tweet makes me sad because the reason he thinks there's an audience for a sequel is because of Bee Movie memes on tumblr recently.


Who could have predicted that by 2016 every single movie would have Police Academy levels of excessive sequels?

What a time to bee alive

I don't beelieve it


Isn't Bee Movie tumblr's version of baneposting or something?

It's closer to their version of "Javert looking through a windowposting"

I thought it was a YouTube thing.

wax a time to bee ahive

>Bourne 4

You mean Bourne 5

kill me



Holy shit go to bed Mark

whats the deal with airplane food

I think it's a self-aware joke.

I bet it actually made money in the end.

Bee movie 2 : Redemption

I bet it would bee amazing

Only if we get a jason Alexander/ george costanza bee

They aren't bad memes either

We're entitling land before time territory

>they cover how bee populations are going down because they're getting gassed by humans


I never watched the first one. Is it beekino?

what are the bee memes?

It's unbeelievably good
They recently discovered the "it's hip to fuck bees" song that was made years ago





Holy shit, I never realized Seinfeld was in that movie.

he wrote it too

If you have nothing better to do, Jerry, then sure, go ahead.

I enjoyed Bee Movie



Never saw Bee Movie 1, but I'm really curious about it. Seinfeld is one of the most influential standup comedians and sitcom creators of all time, but but animated family comedy just seems so far out of his normal sphere.
