Eric Andre getting BTFO by alex jones again

Eric Andre getting BTFO by alex jones again

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Greatest actor of our generation


I thought Eric Andre was just Andy Samberg in blackface

Jones clearly does not know who Eric Andre is or understand what it is that he does

you'd think he'd at least pay some intern to google the guy's name after getting heckled by him at the convention, but he's too lazy even for that

eric is a leftist hillary cuck

kek, stay delusional

Does Alex Jones' semen taste like fluoride water?

Did he "crash" the DNC like he did the RNC? No?

He's a leftist Hillary cuck.

he tried to but his press pass got revoked at the RNC

still did a video though

>that cheep shot at TYT

Honestly, Jones is just butthurt over a dumb joke here, and I say this as someone who thoroughly admired his trolling of Cenk.

>r/pol/ is leaking again



Go back to your cuckshed.

>r/pol is leaking again


What's funny is he didn't use any footage from that "epic" prank in his RNC clip.

Really makes you think...


andre is pathetic

Can I get a list of what counts as "white" and "black" propaganda?

black lives matter

His RNC stuff made it abundantly clear that he's only slightly funny after significant editing in post. He probably got hours of footage from the event and was only able to salvage 3 minutes worth of material. And most of that wasn't even funny.

How is that "black" propaganda? In the video, Jones states that a certain type of propaganda, implied tho be nefarious, is "black" propaganda. I just want to know what that means.

no one is falling for his epic "pranks"

black propaganda is anti-facts

Ghost blows him out of the water any time.

>implying Ghost isn't Alex Jones

The left is so fucking desperate that they grease every comedian and actor to make people vote for Shillary.
The problem with that is that people are pretty fed up with everyone defending a fucking crook and basically telling people who would vote for Bernie to "Grow up and vote for a woman as president, shitlords".
The paradigm shift is here, gentlemen. This isn't only happening in America, it's happening in my country too..

Like how Donald Trump uses?

>all those Eric Andre fans in the comment section sucking his dick so hard
Jesus, anti-humor is such a fucking cancer. I swear to Christ, its only purpose is for the audience to smirk at how clever they are for being in on the joke that this shit isn't funmy, and to look down on everyone else who's not not smirking because they don't 'get it'.


This isn't one or the other, user. And Trump is hardly the big opponent of BLM.

Fucking moron:

That is comedy in general.

hi eric

It made funny television. Nothing political, just fucking with people like his show always does. He did the DNC too, and it was just about as dumb.

*can.wav intensifies*

What country?

So does this mean Sup Forums can stop sucking Andre's dick and his shitty show? He's been proven to be a talentless hack and unfunny partisan shill.

>people unironically support and watch Alex Jones

Alex Jones in a nutshell:

"Trolling live events is for dumb childish leftists, except when I do it"

This. People keep calling him a political comedian and he isn't. It's just comedy.

I am with her tbqh