Please reccomend some horror/thriller movies that are scary or disturbing because of relatively realistic situations...

Please reccomend some horror/thriller movies that are scary or disturbing because of relatively realistic situations and not because a monster jumps out at the characters every so often.
Pic related, it's what inspired me to make this thread.

go eat a turd

Green room is considered a horror movie?

Anyways The Invitation is probably the kind of movie you are looking for

wake in fright

Eden Lake

I wasn't sure whether to call it a horror movie or a thriller because it felt like it had elements of both, so I thought I'd just make it open to both genres.

You'll probably like Eden Lake, horrible social commentary notwithstanding


There is an alien twist tho

Judgement Night

Night watch, the Danish one 90s movie starring this one guy from Got. I watched recently and it scared the shit out of me.

Warlock is pretty cool too if you're into 80-90s horror. You can watch warlock 2 if you just skip to the warlock parts and watch him fuck shit up along the way.

I watchex shitload of very good movies but can't really remember their names.

Pic related


bonus points since it actually happened in real life

Dahmer and Gacy were well done low budget direct to video movies made in the early 2000s

Wasn't huge fan of it, but You're Next is like that.

you should see the chaser, it's korean

gave me the same feeling like green room did

The Invitation is boring af.


I just watched it and have no idea what you're talking about

Nice ruse

in the end, technically sure but it's presented as a fairy tale sort of horror

It's presented that way, but it's a completely mundane story. No magic or monsters at all

Could she get anymore BASED?

Hush was similar and had an interesting premise that was done well. I'm surprised we don't talk about it more. Other than The girl going slightly too long without passing out at the end it's all plausible and there aren't any plot holes.

I used to be deaf also so believe me when I say all of the deaf props like her smoke detector, cell phone and the "sound effects" are pretty accurate.


Funny Games (Austrian Version)


Funny games still creeps me out to this day, after so many years. I second this

The Conversation
Fail-Safe (1964)
The Vanishing

>The Conversation

>He would kill us if HE had the chance.

Nightwatch has some really effective scenes.
Like that scene when the moth is stuck in the light and as the tension of the scene rises the sound of him hitting the light keeps getting louder and more chaotic.

But ultimately forgettable sadly, cool concept.

"" Almost had a heart attack from that balcony scene. All that built up tension and that shit comes so unexpected goddamn. ""

These guys get it.
Funny Games (1997) is amazing