Do I get to bring friends?

now that the dust has setteled and this meme is confirmed dead, can we please stop posting these ebin shitposts?

Who do you think you are? Do you think that you're funny? Do you think that you're better than us?
You're complaining about shitposting and yet you're doing exactly the same thing with your unwanted post.
Our shitposts are the salt and earth of the entire board. They are funny in context and make you feel a part of something you would otherwise not have. Now, we have cunts like you trying to judge us. Well you know what?
You aren't as bad as us, no, you're worse. You're coming to a board that you don't enjoy, to moan about posts you don't enjoy, and judge others on what they post. You call us sad little men, but we're doing something we find fun,
you're just trying to make your sad little life better by posting pasta on a board where you don't belong.
I understand that the only joy you have in your shitty little life is insulting others for how they choose to entertain themselves, but you seriously need to fuckoff.

I'm with this guy here. This meme was never funny and was just forced.


>meme is confirmed dead

user is confirmed for hothead

They don't look like your friends

lmao is this pasta?





Who was Juan Ovyu?


He was working for Bane.

baneposting has been here before you migrated from reddit, and it will continue being here when you go back there

Show me it's body

It goes deeper than that. Bane is a collector of Juans. A secret society of Juans inhabits Gotham. Bane seeks them out where he can and reconditions them to fulfill his needs. At first they resist, which is why he has to frighten them into submission through fear, by wearing the mask.
>No Juan cared who I was until I put on the mask
Commissioner Gordon appears to be aware of the Juans from the start.
>And it will be a very long time before some Juan inspires us the way he did.
Bane's obsession is later confirmed by Bruce when we discover that all of the men held captive in Bane's prison share this name.
>You think you're the only Juan who can find the strength to escape?
Catwoman, like Gordon, appears to be aware of the secret society of Juans that inhabit Gotham.
>You think I care what any Juan in this room thinks of me?
>I think I do more to help some Juan than most of the people in this room… Than you.
>Never steal anything from some Juan you can't outrun, kid.
We see that Batman is distrustful of the Juans to begin with.
>Some Juan will work out what Dr. Pavel did.
>Some Juan will figure out a way to make this power source into a nuclear weapon.
Batman later learns that although Bane has brainwashed these men, they're still good, deep down.
>A hero can be any Juan.
But the real shocker comes during a powerful moment with Alfred, when we discover that he is not only aware of the Juans, but has in fact been raising them as his own.
>It means your hatred... and it also means losing some Juan that I have cared for since I first heard his cries echo through this house.

>Implying Baneposting can ever die
Get this hothead outta here

Dr. Big Guy, I'm Bane.


People cared about who I was until I put on the mask

this is why youshould shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane

I've worn the mask now for a long long tiiiime!



Nothing! I said nothing!