What is the best version of the Walking Dead?

What is the best version of the Walking Dead?

Left. Middle and right is some numale shit.


Comic>game>>>>>>>>tv show

Just in case a nu-male redditor is going to claim that the game is anything other than complete shit. The game is complete shit.

video games and comics are for manbabies

>laughing at some autist spouting "the walking dead tv show is bad" meme while laying back in my chair and as girlfiend's head bobs on my dick


I disagree with what you said


There is no debate. Video game is inherently a superior medium

>actually thinks the show is good
>uses retard-speak like "numale"

No surprises here.

Name one thing he did wrong.

Kenny is an american hero

Couldn't give a definitive ranking. All have their great parts and shit parts.

Remember that time he left my ass to fight off a zombie and then had the gall to say "you handled it, didn't ya?"

The war against cuckoldry is at such a fever pitch that nobody who DOESN'T use the term nu-male is worth listening to.

Unless you're fighting the cucking of the white race at every turn that's an implicit endoresement.

It's been over a hundred Sup Forums posts since I've typed a post that didn't use the word "cuck" and my record before that was over 200.


Only one of them has Rick say niggers

S1 of the game was awesome. There will never be a better protagonist than Lee.


You sure proved him wrong

I proved him to be a cuck because you'd need to be a cuck to enjoy the taste of the diversity dick the media is cramming down your throat.

I find all of them a bit meh.
>read ~90+ issues of the comic
>watched 1.5 seasons of tv
>played the first game for ~2 hours

I have no wish to restart any of them in the near future. I would be interested in a condensed version of the comic's storyline, but even that is not that appealing.

All in all, an okay franchise, but nothing to lose your shit about.



you did handle it. didn't ya?

>he was right all along

fuck this lgbtbbq shit. Game of Thrones is the only good zombie series.

Kenny did nothing wrong.

The man was right about every decision he made.

Game of thrones is shit and has been shit for 2 seasons now.

Walking Dead TV show has been shit since season 2 though

Is that a dick growing out of the zobie's forearm in the last cover?


I haven't read the comics but the show is shit.

Hey tumblr! Watch any new cartoons lately?

Tumblr is full of SJW faggots.

Game > Show.

If you enjoy any barely interactive nu-game then you are enabling SJWs.


>le SJW's going to ruin mah videogames through people liking different genres

I don't like SJWs either bud but I don't base my choices around whether or not some guy on Sup Forums will call me a nu-male or a cuck.

>I don't base my choices around whether or not some guy on Sup Forums will call me a nu-male or a cuck.
The white race would be in a much better place if you and everybody else did.

I'll take the film-like drama over the n64 tier cellphone game and picture books.

You're surfing a walking dead comparison thread, while surfing a Korean knitting anime board while your girlfriend is soapin the dog?

Geez, she must be fucking ugly. Oh, for you numales, "fugly"

you're memeing me buddy.

I fell for the bait

This. It's limitations are only its visual appeal atm, but once video games achieve reaper than real status, better hope you don't have stock in Hollywood

My fanfic is the best version.

No bait. I am only ever sincere and in time you will think back and realize that I was correct. Break that hypnosis and stop tightening that chastity cage.

>mfw I remember i cured my boredom by reworking the first four seasons of the show into a broad outline of what would be different.

Fuck i'm lame sometimes.

>Punished Kenny

What IYO is the biggest problem with the show?

Thats a hard question.

I think if i had to nail one thing, which i specially counter in the rewrite, is they seem to lose track of character arcs/ character journeys. They are all over the place, sometimes not even season to season but episode to episode.

>whole premise of wellington existing is because zombies can't move in the cold
>this isn't true at all
>wellington still exists
Bravo Telltale!

Game S1> Show S2> Show S1> Show S5> Show S4>>> Show S3>>> Game S2> Show S6

How did a simple WD thread turn into this political shitshow? Stop bring up politics where there are none. I still need to beat the WD game, im about halfway in the comics, and seen all the tv episodes. The show has really bad acting and writing at times.

>Show S2 greater than anything

Negan's wife was named Lucille

>Stop bring up politics where there are none.
Good little puppet. Every statement is a political statement.

S2 is bad meme. 3 shit episodes dosent take away the fact that its got the best stuff out of the entirety of the show.

Season 3 is the worst and season 6 is the best you r*ddit f&ck


S6 is fucking garbage. Just cause its like muh comic books dosent make it good you fucking pleb.

Season 1 of the game, in truth.

I don't remember this because I'm not a faggot that ever doubted Kenny.

The show is objectively best and only a hipster contrarian fucktard would say otherwise. Even Kirkman would agree the show is better than the comics at this point.

That said, Based Kenny is one of the greatest fictional characters ever created.

TV show turns to shit around 4th season

Funny how that also applies to the STALKER games, book and flick.

What did he mean by this?


The only good thing ever to come out of Walking Dead game are clemetine r34
teen clementine lewds when?

The comic is utter shit with some of the worst dialog I've ever seen.