ITT: We post god-teir SHTF/ happening/ end of the world movies

ITT: We post god-teir SHTF/ happening/ end of the world movies.

The god of all 'end of the world' movies


Most retarded movie 2bh


only cucks disagree.

The opening scene from 28 weeks is happening kino.

it's made by Emmerich, what is there to explain?

The mad max films were decent.

All of Romeros films.

>token black


I thought this movie was excellent but it had some pacing issues.


implying emmerich doesn't make the best disaster movies

Also threads


Try this one, OP.
It was a mini-series in 1983.
DVD available.

The Day After

and what is that saying about the quality standard of the """"genre""""


comfiest zombiekino in history

Shaun of the Dead



only redditors in this thread..

Best one ever. Felt real, that epic music.
