Its Arnolds birthday

Its Arnolds birthday

So lets have an Arnold thread

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A numale icon.
>b-but he's muscly and republican
Lmaoing my ass off family


Happy birthday, Arnie.

I met him when he was governor

>tfw he'll die in your lifetime

>Haha, you think today's my real birthday? IT IS

>my birthday was yesterday
its the closes ill ever get

This is fucking brilliant

Pick one

Sucks that Arnie didn't get to have a beard in most of his roles, he looks damn good with one

I had an idea to have an arnold hunger game tonsee what was his true ultimate form, but I have a shitty internet plan at the moment, anyone able to do it ?

The 80s had Arnie, Stallone, Willis, Jackie Chan, Van Damme, Norris etc
Combined with rock and metal being mainstream, there was this whole, "macho" vibe in popular media and culture.
Serious question, how did USA lose its balls and turn into the pussified cucked nation that it is today?

they started employing actual americans to make movies

Neat thread, bro.

How fucking dare you

what is 7?

In the event you have a fucked up way of counting, one is End of Days, the other is Eraser.

Tookie is dead because of this faggot.

>the no T-800 Arnold to be bros with
Life is suffering

Last Action Hero is Top 4 Ahnold movie. Happy birthday, Ahnold, have a great one!

Have top Arnold kino



you should.. chill out

Thanks, watched it long ago and couldn't remember it's name. What is the verdict on it? Worth a rewatch?

row 1:conan, terminator, predator, last action hero
row2: commando, the running man, eraser, terminator 2
row3: kindergarden cop, end of days, true lies, batman & robin
row4: hercules, raw deal, total recall, red heat.

yesterday commando & last action hero where on tv (Netherlands)

eraser is a fun movie, it has it's moments and it has it's weak points. but it's a solid movie

the world will lose the last living god when he dies

you talk like a vegatarian

Why? Because he refused to publicly endorse Drumpf?

Never talk about that

Iced that guy!

To cone a phrase

hell be fine

>not knowing arnie is now veg

Is there a better specimen of a man than Predator Arnie? Probably the best bro and fuck out of all his roles.

T1 is his best film though.

Raw Deal is an underrated Arnie, Red Heat is an overrated Arnie

Man it's shit comedy, only a brit can enjoy this crap

I think Arnold and Bill have been party bros too long for that to happen. He's Republican, but also probably mentallyHill.

Watched Commando yesterday, never bored by that movie.

I don't even think it's possible to be bored by Commando.

the constant steel drums make that impossible



I still can't believe Californians actually made him their governor.

Q: Why did the Kennedys let Arnold marry Maria Shriver?
A: They were trying to breed a bullet-proof Kennedy

>I still can't believe Californians actually made him their governor.

You have to remember Arnold replaced Gray Davis who was so horrible he was forced from office before his term was up. CA just wanted ANYONE else.


I want all of them to ravage my boipussy.





me on the left

Happy Birthday, Ahhhnold!

So did I. He wasn't as tall as I expected.

so they re-elected Governor Moonbeam

>a literal and figurative nigger is executed
>being mad at this

his IMDB bio says he's 6'2". what do you want?

You can always take off at least 2 inches.

He's a big guy

For you.


I was expecting 6'2" and I saw 6'0"", at best. Still looked like he could kick my ass, though.

I'm shocked that she survived sex with Arnold

Shave his head and remake Breaking Bad with Arnie. 10/10 hilarity

Hello beautiful

I'd watch that show.

Hey, it's California. What's scary is that Jerry Brown ver.3.0.9 is better than Arnold was. AND look who Jerry ran against, a fuckin' UFO alien. Only in California -- and no one batted an eye.

You should clone yourself

Who are you talking to dear?

this nigga look like a fucking crystal skull

gets me everytime

too bad youtube is banning now arnold prankers
