Are we really in the Golden Age of Television?

Are we really in the Golden Age of Television?

Or was the Golden Age back in the I Love Lucy era?

It began with OZ , the Sopranos if you're a pleb, and it ended exactly with the ending of Mad Men.

what is rectify
what is fargo
what is the americans
what is nathan 4 u

TV is shit and will never be good.

Pleb shows for tryhard redditors like you.

>the Sopranos if you're a pleb
You probably think you're hot shit. You aren't. Madmen ended what is actually the silver age.

what is pleb (2013-)

"Golden Age" refers to an era in which television shows had a lot more creative freedom than before, embraced moral ambiguity and had more complexity in the stories. It doesn't refer to the "objective greatest era of television" or something like that.

For comedy the early 90s and for drama early 2000's

Fuck off already, Reddit.

desu thinking golden age of tv is from oz to mad men is super reddit

The Sopranos and Mad Men are the only good shows in that image.
>Deadwood not even pictured.

>the Sopranos if you're a pleb
rebbit trying to fit in lmao

>Enlightened and Friday Night Lights and the Wire not good shows

rip your taste my friendo

The Wire is as reddit as it gets. Enlightened was made by a nu-male so it's bad.

> Lena Dunham

> Nobody from Oz

I am upset.


>implying it's possible for me to become triggered
I am a warrior who identifies degenerate media and then deals with all those who support it without compromize. I do the triggering.

wew lad. I know you're just shitposting, but there are people here who believe that shit.

who said you were the one t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-triggered - although perhaps to assume you were is a t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-trigger

Reddit is officially triggered, lmao.

you are become reddit, triggerer of memes

>yfw Fargo S3 kino

I gave up insincerity years ago. Irony is a reddit sensibility trait. I am an authentic man ready to kill and die for the future of the white race.

I know you'll think this is just le shitposting but know that on the other side of the internet there is a man pointing his handgun at the monitor while typing this. Completely devoted to his beliefs in a way a nu-male wire fan could never hope of understanding. I am the gladiator, the dragon slayer, the barbarian chieftain in his modern form.

Season 2 was a quality "entertainment" show for the most part but the COEN BROTHERS LMAO aspects of the show only work against it. It would be better if it was an unrelated crime thriller show.