Who in the hell watches this show?

Who in the hell watches this show?


my cousin

*brews beer*



Donald Trump's 'base'

I'll watch if it's on. Corny and stupid but comfy af. Especially the before-meal prayer at the end of the show. It makes happy that it triggers liberals, fememenists and other worthless "people"

Funny how they looked before the show started.

This is a better comfy show desu

Everyone back home.

Racist drunks without any education and people who enjoy cringing at such people

Who is also your brother and uncle.

Redneck confirmed

I don't like the faces that old man in the front makes

>muh libruls
>muh feminists

exactly the kind of person I thought would watch this show

God I hate all these shows. Painstakingly choose the ugliest people they can find to censor curses, chase after bullshit, laugh and eat nasty food and do dumb shit with the most generic tv programming music I've ever heard day in and day out it's all the same thing it is killing me

Rich white people who like to laugh at lower working class people

Now contemplate that this guy is going to become President even though literally no one you've ever met in person in your entire life is going to vote for him

That's more Honey Boo Boo t.b.h. The people featured in this show are well-off rednecks.

what the fuck are you on about? I'm not even murrican, but isnt trump very popular?

Those beards are fuck ugly, they should all shave. It's not the Middle Ages anymore.

>tfw the only people I know who are Trump fans are my parents

He's very popular in rural areas, and some suburbs. You could walk through Los Angeles or Baltimore or San Francisco or Philadelphia or even Houston and ask literally 1,000 people if they're going to vote for him and get zero "yes" responses.

I have three American friends and I know that two of them are voting for him.

>inner-city Liberal zealots are terrified of someone who doesn't conform to PC dogma

More at fucking 11.

You would vote for him too if your weren't in your period of teenage rebellion

Everybody I know is voting for him.

How's Kansas, Cletus? Give my regards to your cousin/wife

People who dont live in big cities, that are notorious for being politically left leaning, dont count? He shouldnt be president because your friends dont vote for him?

>the only people I know are teenager hipster douches

Older people love him, they're the ones who's vote matters most. Most younger people just bitch about him but won't actually be bother to leave their house election day.

This isn't even close to being reality. You probably hang out with 16-17 year olds who watch Jon Stewart. Most adults will be voting for Trump. Hillary is literally only getting the dykes and niggers in posh areas. Even the spics are voting for Trump (or haven't you read the DNC leaks).

not an argument

I do.

>person clearly fits demographic is made for
>"exactly the kind of person I thought would enjoy " complete with condescending tone
Please fuck off.

How's San Fran, Fernando? Make sure to tongue your gay lover's hairy asshole for me.

How SF, juan? Give my regards to your wife's son and your husband

>triggered by a bunch of dumb rednecks doing dumb redneck things and embracing it

please have sex



for saying something that makes sense? what?

>triggered by an inoffensive Sup Forums post

>a known liar is going to beat Trump in the elections.

How do trumpets even recover from this.



>Americans literally cannot watch anything remotely educational without Real Housewives-style manufactured drama

>how can I show people, that I'm just a normal person and that I just want to live my life like everybody else
>I got it!

this isnt related to my post at all. good point

>a known liar is going to beat a known liar in a lying contest

stop the presses

>duck dynasty

OP here,
I love how a shitty show can start an interesting debate

>interesting debate


This whole thread is just standard Sup Forums shitposting.

Watched the first 2 seasons, I was entertained and parts were funny.
I'm not from the states.

You mean
*blows up the moonshine still*

ITT: Coastal degenerates try to pretend they're not everything wrong with America


trips of truth
KEK has spoken


for pure/unpure white Christians girls but the show is about the guys.

I'm from Louisiana and I used to watch it as background noise. People here like it because it's all white people (except for the Asian adopted daughter but she barely appears) and no blacks

Macy, Brighton and Madeline need to see a kidney doctor ASAP

As a native American I appreciate this show.
One of the few shows about real native Americans who believe in real American values.
Good people those duck boys.

Didn't the brother of the main character adopt a black kid in a spinoff show?

we can't all be as sophisticated as you