She did nothing wrong

she did nothing wrong

she married Christopher

Actually she did. She should have taken the original coke charge and told the family about it so she could get a good lawyer.

She literally wanted to fuck Tony (Are you fucking kidding me) and betrayed based Chrissy

Kept letting that Matush back into her club after Christopher warned her not to and that led to her downfall

Does coke and drinks in front of Christopher after making a huge deal about him going to rehab.

Should have stayed away from Chris. But the materialistic attitude she had (all the wives actually) wouldn't let her.


>dates a mobster
>continues dating a mobster when he beats the shit out of her on a regular basis
>botched abortion that made her unfertile
>gets caught with drugs
>decides to rat on said mobster and his organization thinking he'll understand

Must I go on

in her defense she took her beatings here and there


Chris, Sil and Tone did nothing wrong.

Her throwing up in the interrogation room fucking killed any attraction I had for her, fucking nasty.

chris fucked up the most. he could've been boss/acting boss depending on what happened to Tony


That and all the talk about her nervous bowels.

Not that i was very attracted to begin with, she's a skank.

>mfw you could figure out she was about to be whacked since Sil usually took out all the rats


She had IBS.

Literally a shitlord.

she gave trashman penn teller a BJ in a public restroom

>Married to a know Mafia soldier
>Tries to cover up a murder
>Chose to betray her family

She literally deserved it

Was Adriana's whack the first solo one done by Silvio in the show?

how many thinkpieces would be done about adriana's problematic murder if this aired today?

is it wrong to say that her whacking scene turned me on a little


I find her character really fucking hot in a trashy way.

Not usually attracted to that sort of thing either.

A) she never wanted to fuck Tony
B) why wouldn't you want to fuck Tony?

Was it rape?


me on the left

Contradictory arguments.




why does this always make me laugh?

look at this dood

just got to the episode where Tony kills Ralph over a fucking horse

was really starting to like that guy

She was a beautiful, innocent creature!

Well don't forget thatRalph was top earned but also shitface who almost destroyed the relation between Tony and New york (the joke about Ginny), killed a random prostitute and a lying cocksucker


She looks pretty good for her age. Also,
