Met a girl not too long ago and she almost immediatly asked me to visit while her BF was at work to fuck...

Met a girl not too long ago and she almost immediatly asked me to visit while her BF was at work to fuck, we never hooked up and i deleted her.. Should i let her BF know or just leave it?

Pic unrelated

let the BF know

Its been like two months since, but it started to bug me, i know i wouldve wanted to know if I was him

let the boyfriend know. Help a bro out Bitch can't be trusted

Bro code, my dude.

What if she freaks the fuck out and tries to fuck me over?

Just tell him, it's the bitchs fault for trying to cheat.

Let him know and I hope he beats your ass after

I literally turned her down, not my fault she tried to fuck me ??

>Should i let her BF know or just leave it?

>didn't fuck her
>is so numale you can't mind your own fucking business

You sound like a ineffectual bitch. Keep your cunt mouth shut and mind your own business, you snitching little weasel.

How can she fuck you over?
>inb4 false rape charges
Stay anonymous, you're probably not the only one she has been trying to fuck.

>I always cheat on my partner and dont want to get snitched on so imma call you a bitch

We were friends on FB, could claim i fucked her anyway to gf or some shit, should probably tell him tho

>I'm a pathetic numale weakling who can't fuck a girl so I'm going to be an effeminate coward and a nark

I hope your teeth get kicked out. You're worthless.

>Asks for advice
>everyone says tell the bro
>makes an excuse why not to tell every time
stfu and tell the bro man. we answered u already

She wanted to fuck him. Are you even trying?

>I think sex offers are a big deal cause I've never laid hands on a girl

Kill yourself

Alright, thanks bros, I'll let him know, if she breaks in and stabs me in my sleep its on you

He didn't fuck her. He's a coward and clearly a literal faggot who probably wants the boyfriend to pound his asshole in gratitude.

I'm literally saying getting an offer you're too much of a sissy to accept isn't a big deal at all. You'd have to be in middle school to think this is worth making a fuss about.

Commit suicide. Nobody will care.

We both have partners, why the fuck would i want to fuck around just because i get the offer to, I would feel sorry for your GF but I know you'll never have one

>lying and projecting this much

Did you tell your imaginary girlfriend about the time you tried to fuck some random girl then chickened out like a bitch?

>This much in denial
Can't comprehend people actually having social skills, kys my man