Help me Sup Forums. I literally cannot stop watching porn

Help me Sup Forums. I literally cannot stop watching porn.
I don't even care what I watch, as long as there is a naked female involved.
How do I stop watching porn?
Should I even bother stopping watching porn?
Wth is wrong with you, watching traps and thinking you aren't gay? That's gay as fucking hell!!


Other urls found in this thread:

gif for guy that wanted it

yes this is real

How come beast threads always get deleted? They're not illegal.

go outside and do stuff if you want to stop watching porn

get an injection of a drug called Lupron. It will eliminate all sexual desire for 6 months

There used to be a time when they were considered normal around here.

holy shit shes adorable sawse plz

fucking cringe.


Jack off and you'll stop giving a single fuck about porn within minutes.

Horses eat grass all day, Atleast it won't taste all salty

Why would you want to stop watching porn?
Enjoy your life and masturbate as much as you can.
You're probably not gonna get laid anyway, so why deprive yourself from porn?

OP here
I used to find whatever cockhero video I felt like, daily, then commited to completing it before moving on.

I only do this when the girl I'm fucking is unavailable, which is quite often.
> "I'm on my period"
> "I have a headache/fever/sickness"
> "You didn't ask, so I didn't care to let you know I actually wanted to fuck you"

... The usual.

Getting of Sup Forums is a good start. Go to Sup Forums.

That will just lead you to other kinds of porn.

And other kinds of faggotry.

lucky horse

Can I get some sauce?

seriously, lazy fags that don't just do an image search. first fucking result...

Is there a site like ezgif but for webms?

Here you go, user, delivered right to your front door!

... she's fucking someone else dude.. sorry

You're a teenager, you're test levels make your emotional and horny and hungry for food.

fuck I'm saving that

I got more if you tell me how to make webms with no sound that are under 2mb

You probably should browse to s,n,a.p.c,h,a,t,y(,)me to leak local sluts nudes.

Holy fuck souce?

This needs more porn

yeh i didnt fap all week til i seen that webm

were gonna need a sauce on that, i couldnt find it with the b search

Only horse gif I ever saved was this awesome one wherein this woman had a horse's whole pener in her ass and she slid it out and there was a wonderful and voluminous stream of steamy semen seeping out of her gaping hole like a tsunami. I was mesmerised by it, it was amazing.
I don't have it anymore, unfortunately.

Phone and laptop die...

was a 4 tissue load after seeing that whore

OP here,
I'm 33. I eat enough food, and I'm not fat. I'm just hungry for the V,

>I don't have it anymore

same thing here, 27, don't really care too much about it though. It isn't hindering anything in my life

>image search
Tineye isn't fucking magic retard.

OP here,
Whenever I reach day 5-6 of no sex, I tend to go on a faprampage and just get it all out, every day until I get laid.

The girl I'm fucking seems to have these 1-3 week no-show periods, then suddenly we fuck for 3 weeks straight until her period, then her headaches start acting up, and then she "forgets" to tell me that she's not ill. She also won't care to tell me that she "actually wants to fuck".

I've confronted her and she claims that she's just "ignorant" or "distracted" and doesn't mean to cause me any grief.
I know she's not fucking around because I know she's home from work and stays home. She never leaves and never have any visits. We live together.

How can I make her more horny, for more consistently frequent sex?

Smoke weed everyday for fifteen years. I rarely get hard anymore

Tannis root

Sorry to tease, M8. It got lost in the great smut purge of days past. I had to be rid of what I had amassed because it was too great, too massive, and distracting, too. Couldn't function properly with it all, and had to destroy it before it possessed anybody else, the benevolent voices told me so. It was for the best, I guess.

Big nipples and no tits?


Thank you user for your answer that indicates the usage of a fictional herb. I can now fictionally have as much sex as I wanted due to this! Well done!


Sorry i watched rosemarys baby this morning

Those are regular nips n tits. Whats your point?
