Yfw Chase is the GOAT

>yfw Chase is the GOAT

Grill Here.

Let the ChasePosting begin.

Objective no homo fact from a straight dude: short hair chase > long hair chase

>kissed cancerfu
>did the WORLD a favor by letting a genocidal African warlord die
Chase did nothing wrong


And he was House's actual successor. Foreman a shit.

Official House fellow power ranking:

>elder god tier

>high tier

>good tier

>low tier

>why the fuck is she even in the show tier

i fucking hated the taub marriage subplot. put taub in low, cameron in good and 13 in high tier and we're good. fuck masters, worst character by a country mile

Morgue guy even confirms this. Foreman wanted to be a corporate stooge and Cameron is stuck working in an inner city ER making peanuts.

Chase indeed GOAT

I can't believe Cameron let Chase go. She lusted after House for so long, then when she got a younger, hotter House she lost him.

MUH MORALS basically. Apparently stopping African Hitler isn't cool/

But that's exactly the bad boy with a heart of gold attitude that attracted her to House. Writers are fucking retards.

Or maybe they know exactly how to write women.


Cameron best girl

I like to think that chase ended up fucking adams

I found Kutner to be annoying. 13 was better.

I've erased characters like Adams from my memory.


Switch 13 and Kutner

>it's a Cuddy inexplicably decides to try and "humble" House by not letting him know he cured a patient


13: "I like boobs."

But taub as a character was good. His no-nonsense and straightforward attitude contrasted well with everyone, especially House. It also made it interesting when he actually tried to fight for something instead of being passive.

It's just that even though there's nothing wrong with Kutner per se, I never really liked the character. When he got written off the show I didn't miss him to be honest.

That wasn't on her, it was Wilson's idea.

False. Vicodin was best character. Rest of cast BTFO

>uglier version of Chris Hardwick


>implying house being a little more humble is a bad thing

>implying Cane wasn't the best character

Shit forgot about that... Bad is mine

Kind of a silly question haha, but, did anyone else hate Chase, because, he kissed cancer girl, and, you didn't get to? Haha, made me really angry to be honest.

Fuck off, you retarded mongoloid shitposter.

What's up with his career?

Even though I hated thirteen and Adams was really hot this list is objectively correct.

It wasn't super interesting, but it was always fascinating how House dag right into his bones.

His undying self-confidence is his greatest strength

I'm watching the series through again. I find myself completely losing concentration with the medical stuff and just waiting for the House/Wilson interactions.

I like the actor, but I never really thought the Kutner character fit the show. Didn't miss him when he was gone.

Let me adjust this for you:

>Elder god tier:

>who the fuck cares tier
All the pointless other ones

He got more correct diagnoses than any other side character.

muh dick

Why is Adams below Park? Adams was at least hot, and not grating.

>low tier
More like the worst fictional character in the history of mankind tier. She seems like smells awful too, the actress I mean

Nobody cares

>tfw an underage girl will never have spores infect her brain so that she falls madly in love with you


soles or gtfo

He's starring in Chicago Fire. It was kind of an okay show for about a season or two and just turned to utter shit like many NBC shows do.

If I that that lupus off will you die?

Switch 13 and Kutner and we gucci

>Hey this guy is amazingly competent and routinely saves people nobody else could in the nick of time, entirely due to his incredible mind and ability
>let's take him down a peg


>its a lupus episode.

He's a TV actor. Not much more to say.
