It's time Sup Forums. You have been taken as a class D test subject by the SCP foundation

It's time Sup Forums. You have been taken as a class D test subject by the SCP foundation.

Your task is to survive 3 rolls. The last 3 digits of each roll determines the next SCP that you're sent in to fuck with in the name of science. You are required to properly interact with it to be able to call it safe and move on. Talk to it, touch it, taste it, smell it, stick your dick in it - whatever needs to be done.

Should you survive all 3 SCPs, you will be euthanized at the end of the month for a job well done. This is a nice, painless ending.

Should you be killed or somehow bring about eternal suffering/torture/pain upon yourself, you have lost the game.

If by chance an SCP somehow allows you to escape the foundation and/or grants you a permanent solution that gets you away from the testing and imminent death, you have truly won.

Good luck.

SCPs here:

Other urls found in this thread:

Roll 1

Roll 2


Roll 3


Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Ok so I'm fucked. Lets just get this over with.

First Roll

Do I win

Roll 1

Nasal 1

roll 1

This prison is fun.



Instead you could browse to s.n,a.p.c.h.a.t,y(.)me to leak school's hottest girl's nudes.


D-46894 doing first roll.

jk rawlin

Ok roll 1.


Roll 2.

Roll 2

Roll 3

roll 2



Rawlin 2

Final roll

Ok. I can do this. Keter Class. No biggy. Just keep the damn cows in front and don't step in the sand. Easy.... Who am I kidding.

Rolling #2


>SCP-321 is safe.

Test 1 passed.

Still alive, final roll. Safe and then euclid. Here we go!

Roll 1

Safe...but now I know when I'm dead

D-1CK69 reporting for duty.

Roll 1

roll 3


r0ll uno

Roll 2

Lucked out with a nice Safe one to start with- although when it was discovered it had Keter Crabs living around it, it's supposed to be safe now.

time for round two.



Rollerino numero uno

Fuck me running. This has to be a joke by one of the Eggheads. Back to back Keter duty. The fuck is this shit. I thought we got immunity or at least a fucking holiday or something. Ok. Ok. Just don't look at the birds. Don't look at them looking at you. They aren't watching me. They aren't ALL watching me....

Roll 2


I can do this

>SCP-709 is hallucinatory spherical treehouse; Safe-Class identification.

Test 2 passed.

rol 1

Plz go easy on me daddy.


I used to read SCP's a lot, gimmie dat Lilith booty!


roll 1 fuckers

Roll 1

If I'm put in there with another person then I guess I'm fucked

rol 2

Okay, since I'm participating alone, I get to be the lucky winner in the game show of death...

So I'm down to my last roll now. Let's escape the foundation!




Roll 1

Okay, done.
Phase 2.

Okay got a little marsupial, roll 2

rol 3


Daaaamn, got my ass handed to me by a fucking TANK


K. Chubby no prob


Oh great. Cancer Babe. Fucking Stevenson gets to play with a living computer all day. Rick gets to sleep with a magic alarm clock. What do I get? Fucking Cancer Babe. Running these goddamn robots all day. I can't wait till the end of the month. Fucking kill me.

rollgay 1

Lucky me got turned into a hippy so that's good, roll 3

roll 2 fuckers

Roll 2 had sex with a dude with no anus 600

>SCP-243 classified Safe. Only requisite is to be in room without more than 4 inanimate and similar featured (almost indistinguishable) objects.

Test 3 passed. Looks like euthanization is for me.

Roll 2

Little bit of cancer from all that radiation, but still good.
Phase 3, let's see if I get a nice death.

Ive researched SCPs extensivly. Im prepared!


rolling for survival

Anybody managed to break out yet?

roll #1


Kek dammit I died of radiation poisoning.

I guess I survived that? Looks like I'm getting put down then!

okay, roll #2


roll 3 fuckers

Final Roll I have survived everything lets see what happens now.

Roll 3 cmon baby

Easy roll 1

I'm good as long as i dont attack it, roll #3


rollgay 2

I can do this

The Vessel and the Gate
Easy roll 2

So, I spend the day hiding the euclid in pictures. I live.


Ez roll 1

Active Weed Control
No problem
Easy roll3

Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]

Huh, I never really thought about it before but I've never actually seen this advertisement bullshitery on Sup Forums before.. I'd expect a lot more of it, good job mods/moot or whoever scrubs that shit clean.

Roll number 1


Ez roll 2