Why is he wearing a tatooine sand robe?

Why is he wearing a tatooine sand robe?


That's how George wanted Jedi to look, he based them partially on Samurai and monks. I laugh every time some shit head says Jedi should walk around dressed like /fa/ggots.

He's from Tatooine

he is from Tatooine and thats how Luke imagined him

So it was all a dream?

Bust this: Those movies are about how the white man keeps the brother man down, even in a galaxy far, far away. Check this shit: You got cracker farm boy Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy, blond hair, blue eyes. And then you got Darth Vader, the blackest brother in the galaxy, Nubian god! Now, Vader, he's a spiritual brother, y'know, down with the force and all that good shit. Then this cracker, Skywalker, gets his hands on a light saber and the boy decides he's gonna run the fuckin' universe; gets a whole clan of whites together. And they go and bust up Vader's hood, the Death Star. Now what the fuck do you call that? Gentrification! They gon' drive out the black element to make the galaxy quote, unquote, safe for white folks. And Jedi's the most insulting installment! Because Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty, old white man! They tryin' to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white!

that's some serious reaching there lads.was Yoda dressed like a farmer too?

Reminder that jedi were originally supposed to wear badass black clothes similar to Luke's final outfit.

this is just average space attire
nothing special about it

that would've been cool,
maybe have the robes as a harsh environment alt.

If that's official Jedi robe then why Ben Kenobi was wearing one while hiding in Tatooine? Was he asking to get caught by the Empire? Oh wait, he didn't because those robes are farmer robes and he wore one to blend in!

Reminder X-wings were originally supposed to be blue like they are in TFA.

I wanna dress like that

Those are a completely different style of robes m8. Lots of people wear robes in Star Wars, but the "Tantoonie farmer style=Jedi robe" meme only came out of TPM.

or maybe they're not farmer robes OR jedi robes. maybe they're just regular space robes that everyone uses

those aren't the tatoonie robes you fuckers, its just a potato sack. Its clear the way ben refers to them that they were KNIGHTS so they'd be wearing something armored,

They're just regular, unassuming robes found on hundreds of worlds. The Jedi adopted them for attire for many reasons, one being that they helped the jedi blend in.

>was Yoda dressed like a farmer too?

No Yoda was dressed like a crazy muppet who lived alone in a swamp

Remember that scene where Luke lands on Dagobah and says "Ahh yes, I see you're wearing the official robes of the Jedi Order! You must be Master Yoda!"

Because Star Wars is a western and Jedi are the gun-slinging cowboys of the wild west.

Was Uncle Owen a Jedi? Also, Yoda is wearing a robe, but it's not the same thing Anakin and Obi-wan are wearing.

The robes were originally just Tatooine farmer's clothes. Anakin wearing them is acceptable because he was from Tatooine. But like said, the Jedi "uniform" was originally supposed to be the black outfit Luke wears in ROTJ. That's why all the promotional material released described it as a Jedi outfit.

That's literally what was intended until the prequels.

Why was he hiding on vader's home planet, a block down the street from his only remaining family and some asshole kid who has his last name, who is just the right age to have been born about the time his pregnant wife was supposed to have kids.

>went into exile to run from the empire
>still keep "Kenobi" in his name

btw this isn't what he wore in rotj, its the outfit from the ceremony at the end of star wars, minus the yellow jacket

Maybe Luke made it the official garb because he was the last of the Jedi.

Anyway TFA changed all that.

Ben Kenobi is the John Smith of the starwars universe.

>hiding luke on the planet
>keep the name skywalker

The Hutts controlled Tattooine, not the Empire.
Obi Wan keeping Kenobi and wearing "jedi" robes was fine.

ITT: Retards. There is no "official" Jedi robe. Jedi simply didn't care for material possessions and dressed humbly. Luke dressed differently because he wasn't a traditional Jedi. That was the point, he was a new generation with new ideas.

Fucking retards, I swear.

>Was Uncle Owen a Jedi?
You think anakin used up all the force magic in smee's pussy? Hell no, that was a force nexus in there. I think we'll find out in VIII that Owen is Snoke.

Speaking of Anakin, why the fuck was he wearing a black robe in Sith?

>Why was he hiding on vader's home planet
Because he knew Vader would never come back to a planet that brought him nothing but torment. Being a slave, his mother's death ,sand and shit like that.

I know, but I fucking love that pic.

Black doesn't mean evil mate, even in the Star Wars universe.

>this is what PT haters actually believe
>meanwhile, Luke's actual clothes in RotJ

Now that I think about it, I guess it's because Luke wore black in Jedi.

You gotta keep that pottery goign.

Anakin grew up on Tatooine, a friend of Owen's. He later married Owen's sister, but left to fight the Clone Wars with Obi-Wan Kenobi, who also drew him into the Jedi Knights (all against Owen's objection).

There, Anakin's need to be extraordinary was fueled by Kenobi's tutelage of the Force, but soon the well was tapped dry, and Anakin sought further knowledge, eventually going under Palpatine's wing to learn the Dark Side. His increased obsession with power, both in the Force and the military, left him abandoning his friends and his wife, who he never knew was pregnant.

Upon the rise of the Empire, the Jedi went into hiding and Obi-Wan sensed the dangers faced by Anakin's children. The son was placed into the care of Owen and his wife Beru, while Anakin's wife and daughter were placed into the care of Obi-Wan's superior in the Clone Wars, Bail Organa. Anakin's wife died soon after, and Owen Lars never forgave Kenobi for what he believed was his fault. In spite of Kenobi's distant watch over the boy, Owen insisted upon no contact, fearing the old man would bring Luke down the same evil path as he did Anakin.

And that is why the prequels are shit.

Dude I love ROTS. I was just saying that that was Lucas' original concept.

Still better than TFA.

>le TFA is bad because it has a nigger in it meme

Fuck off with this shit. Just watch it in grayscale and be done with it.

The Jedi were as much cowboys as they were samurai and wizards. It makes sense for them to wear robes. In fact, it could be argued that only Luke fit the cowboy mold, because he was raised differently. Obi-Wan, Vader and Yoda weren't knights and wizards, now cowboys.

>Nubian god
What's a nubian?

>Now what the fuck do you call that?
Intergalactic civil war?

>They tryin' to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white!
Well, isn't that true?

>Obi-Wan, Vader and Yoda were knights and wizards, not cowboys*

>Luke dressed differently because he wasn't a traditional Jedi.
I don't understand your meaning. I mean, he wasn't a traditional Jedi, but I think you lost your argument that he wasn't dressing humbly, or something.

He dressed as anyone else would, for the most part, except to see Jabba. In this case, he was drawing upon the mystique of the Jedi to intimidate his gang.
Not exactly what they wore in the prequels though, was it?

Fuck off with your projections mate.
I found Finn to be the only redeemable new cast member in that pile of garbage.
The movie sucked because it did nothing original and executed the copied segments poorly. If I want something different but similar to ANH ill go watch Eregon.

>I don't understand your meaning. I mean, he wasn't a traditional Jedi, but I think you lost your argument that he wasn't dressing humbly, or something.
I mean he didn't dress like a Jedi, he dressed like a regular dude, like you would wear jeans and a t-shirt.

>Not exactly what they wore in the prequels though, was it?
It's actually almost the same as Anakin's RotS robe.

>implying lukes jedi fit wasnt /fa/ as fuck

Dookus was best.

They're not though. It's more swashbuckling. The Jedi are the sword-swinging heroes fighting off pirates and thieves and corrupt naval empires.

Nobody ever said ROTJ was a good movie. It was the beginning of George's retardedness.

More like Samurai.
Han was clearly the cowboy

Why did Luke wore a glove? His new arm looked so natural why did he felt the need to hide it?

It was good but it was too black. They need some other color in there to break it up a bit. is objectively more aesthetic.

>Speaking of Anakin, why the fuck was he wearing a black robe in Sith?

Because George Lucas is a master of symbolism.

What the EU has to say about it is meaningless.

The outer layer was damaged during the fight on Jabba's sand boad. He started wearing a glove on it after that.

He gets shot in the hand during the sail barge fight.


Point where I mentioned the EU, moron.

They're Knights, literally the first time ben talks about them he calls them Knights who were guardians of peace and justice. Samurai influence mixed in cause of the spirituality bit, but it was knights all the same. Which makes the prequels all the shittier for not giving them space knight armor or helmets, creatively bankrupt when it matters most.

I honestly don't see the point. Armor doesn't seem to work against blasters and it definitely doesn't work against lightsabers. Jedi rely on their speed and reflexes to fight. Armor would just be impractical.

>Jedi simply didn't care for material possessions and dressed humbly. Luke dressed differently because he wasn't a traditional Jedi. That was the point, he was a new generation with new ideas.

Where in the movies is any of that stated? The movies never say shit about clothes. All of that rationalization is from the EU. Unless you just made it up, which makes it equally meaningless.

It can still happen.

>implying their understanding of "knights" is the same as in our galaxy

>Nobody ever said ROTJ was a good movie.
its a good movie, skip the teddies and its better than a new hope

In the EU vibro blades were a thing. Don't know if DisEU has kept it though.

TFA had the stun baton end of the rifles which could deflect lightsaber strikes like a vibroblade would. You could make gauntlets or even complete plate armor out of that shit.

>bebby needs to be spoonfed

The old Jedi die out, Luke forms a new Jedi Order, this isn't fucking rocket science. Ep. IV is called A New Hope and VI is called Return of the Jedi for a reason.

I'm speaking aesthetically, stormtroopers and vader wore armor even though as you said, it appears to do nothing.

But why would Jedi need that, they already have lightsabers, it's just redundant. Maybe during a war or something, but in peace time it would be pointless.

>I'm a Jedi, like my father before me
the only line implying anything about the Jedi luke is contradicts the idea of him having some new evolved belief. "luke is a grey jedi" is EU shit

Maybe if they had vibro-styled armor they would've fared better when Kylo and his goons came to kill them all.

Vader wore armor because he was basically a black knight in space, while Yoda and Obi-Wan (and Sheev too) were wizard types. It's a visual thing, they had to wear robes.

If Jedi had vibro armor during the clone wars, order 66 would've failed.


Is this what it feels like to be BTFO?

Vader didn't wear an armor. He wore a life support machine. What are you smoking?

Sorry you're not a real fan.

>"luke is a grey jedi" is EU shit

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you putting words in my mouth?

Luke is young and a new generation of Jedi, so he looks different at first, but by RotJ he's wearing robes even though he's not a farmer anymore.

If Jedi wore vibrating armor their joints and bones would have been wrecked in a few weeks/months.

Yes, he did. Look at his shoulders. That armor is the only thing that save him from loosing the arm when Luke get a lick in.

And now in TFA he's wearing even more robes, with a stitched on cloak.

That was EU. I'm sure disney can expand upon the stun-baton crap they had in TFA

You mean like in RotJ?

Luke, did I ever tell you, what I'm wearing is ancient Jedi robes? Even if I'm in hidding since I'm one of the last remaining jedis, I still choose to wear these robes, further increasing suspicion. Why does your uncle wear them? Idk lol

Was the cloak stitched to his shoulders in RotJ?

Not that guy but Rey grew way to strong way to quickly mate, it took luke years to get where he was and here she waltz in mind tricking troopers and overpowering some fag actually trained in the force. Also death star v3

He probably didn't want to lose it. He's old, you know.

kek, I like you

Rey clearly has some mysterious background though, she obviously had some training before getting dumped on Jakku.

>knows how to use mind trick
>can't mind trick fatty for extra rations
>can't mind trick parents not to leave her

Rey is the worst addition to the Star Wars universe so far.

She needed Kylo to awaken her latent abilities, this is made pretty clear, user.

Poor excuses. Never in the entire series had that happened canonically until TFA. It's poor writing and poor character development if it can be called that. She's a mary sue and cancer.

Obi-wan is from Stewjon

Nah, it's consistent with how the Force was presented in the OT. You don't need decades of studying in an academy, you need to let it flow through you and guide. Let's not forget that Luke with only a few days or weeks of training from Yoda could hold his own against Vader, the greatest Jedi killer in the galaxy.

I agree that Rey's abilities are spotty, but I hope Ep. VIII will clear that up.

So as long as you have enough midichlorians all you need to do to learn something is watch someone else do it and you'll be a master at it on the first try without any training or even any explanation of the concept? Sounds good and not hamfisted to me.

It's a like a batting glove, but for lightsabers instead of baseball.

>Luke with only a few days or week of training from yoda could hold his own against vader
Citation needed.

ESB and RotJ.

Blame Lucas, not me. Luke learned to deflect blasters with his eyes closed in 20 minutes.

Luke was taught, Rey was not. Even anakin had to be taught and he was the chosen one. Propper character development was thrown out the window where rey is concerned and instead we've got some nu-age female empowerment bullshit to inspire the young kids.

Yeah, like they thought Anakin how to fly a fighter ship. Oh wait, he nuked the Trade Federation without any training, while all the trained pilots stood back impotent.

Only Luke and family Lars knew the surname Kenobi, eveyones else knew him as Ben or "that crazy wizard"

I swear to god, what a bunch of idiots and retarda you people are.

Right before he went to see Yoda, interestingly enough. I think he was embarrassed to have his Master see the result of his failure to listen.
Dude. Look at the time he spends with Yoda, and compare with how long Han and Leia were on the run. He wasn't there for years, or anything.

He always had a gift for technical shit and the ship auto-piloted until the battle. Him blowing up the ship was pure luck. Also chosen one. He had flaws, reys got none.

The difference here is that Luke was taught and Rey was not. Lucas did not fuck anything up here. Also not that first guy you responded to, but saying the titles of the movies is not proof of anything. Luke didn't get a chance to seriously fight Vader until RotJ and that was after literal years of secluded training.

The real reason he wore the glove was so the audience could remember it was a prosthetic when Luke cuts off Vader's hand and realizes its also mechanical and that he's going down the same path as his father.
