Anybody want to troll trump as bad as I do??

Anybody want to troll trump as bad as I do??

No, KYS fag


We won. You lost.

Deal with it.

kek lul funny af family lit m9 tr0ll drumph amirite

Do you even know why you feel that way?

fuck off blueshill, fuck off back to poll. You wont find support here

I do. He's an easily triggered crybaby.

trumpfags are fucking annoying
>durr imma salt a duh earth prole
you're a fucking brony who works in a gun store
shut up

Nope. Trumps amazing. Gtf over it

nothing you can do is worse than what he does every day on twitter.

mlp is probably alright but your inability to shut up about it has made me hate you and it









Some more

Some mores





back to tumblr fags.

Ole' Putti

If I had a dollar for every gender, I'd only have 2 bucks and millions of illegal counterfeit dollar bills that only bring sadness and disappointment in the human race and are a scar on the face of earth, ruining and vandalising every-fucking-thing the human race has strived for.


Abc, 123, ...


Der Führer

>14 posters

>32 posts

You're not fooling anyone.

Ready for the draft. Ready for Korea?


If only



This thread again.

Best bros


Trump is to stupid to be trolled.

President, "Grab Them by the Pussy"

Bro hug

so many assblasted libtard kids who cant deal with reality

maximum overkek

Ain't this da truf

Trump is butthurt all day everyday. Manbabby crying on twitter.


Mini me

poor shop but kek'd a bit


I know exactly why I feel that way. He's a distillation of everything that's bad about america. He is the president of the united states of wal mart.

Ba ha ha, checked

President El Duce

Can you name one instance where Trump was able to articulate a thought completely?


Can you name one instance where Trump didn't say the literal most retarded thing possible?



"You have to go back."

Shillary cucks cool the fuck down, you've had your fun. Some people have work to do to make this shithole Great Again


fucking nazi... i knew it tbh


Our country is being lead by a retard who seems bent on appointing more subhuman-tier conservatives to his cabinet. Our country is irreparably fucked. Our education, our arts and our international relations are all fucked but it's okay because you and your sister fucking buddies got to raise your middle fingers to the SJWs. Fucking kill yourself and clean up the fucking gene pool.

Lesson concluded

that's an England meme dumbfuck

>The majority of American voters didn't want it

"Only Rosie O'Donnell."


>lost by 3 million votes
>most hated president in history
>lowest approval rating ever
>massive growing "Trumpgret" movement of voters who regret their mistakes
>already wasted tens of millions of tax payer dollars on vacations, more than Obama and Bush in 16 years combined
2020 is going to be a guaranteed loss for Trump assuming he's not in prison by then.

What are some ways that our country is winning? I'd love to know.

that's an actual TYT citation
back to your safe place child

So what work are you doing, cunt?

LMAO Now THOSE are some "alternative facts".

Make all the safe space jokes you want, faggot. It won't change the fact that the literal lowest iteration of humanity is at the helm of our country. I'd wish the worst things I knew on you, but your vote has already ensured that they're coming to you.

Make all the safe space jokes you want, faggot. It won't change the fact that the literal lowest iteration of humanity is at the helm of our country. I'd wish the worst things I knew on you, but your vote has already ensured that they're coming to you.

Your tears make me strong

sweeping streets and reporting illegals to the local authorities full time. how 'bout you?
>planning le trump prank

YES! We need to start a fandango or some other money thing to be able to do it.


Kek, that barrage of anti-Trump pictures were all probably from the same person.

No worries. You'll get rid pilled soon enough user

Name a single thing that that thing has done for this country other than increasing civil unrest.

1 Currently in the process of minimizing the burden of the patient protection and affordable care act pending repeal.
2 Expediting environmental reviews and approvals for high infrastructure projects.
3 Heavy border security and immigration enforcement improvements.
Just to name a few.

All of those can be verified by googling. Real facts hurt Trumpbaby and his child fans.


1. When you get renal failure from all that dip and mountain dew you'll realize exactly how helpful the ACA is
2. What the fuck is that bumblefuck of buzzword bullshit even supposed to mean?
3. You mean blowing shitloads of taxpayer money on pointless and ineffective immigration policies? Because if you honestly think a fucking wall is gonna stop people from getting in you're literally too fucking retarded to fight/

Also "just to name a few?" Maybe if your arguments weren't made up of nonsense and faggy weeaboo memes you might have a better chance of winning people over

Trumpo might be bad. Hilldog is 100.0% shit. Thank the Obama administration for not being able to offer a better candidate. Now you have a guaranteed 8 years with this dude.

Dude of course Hillary is shit, doesn't make Trump any less of a fucking trash fire though

Because you will have to go back doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad idea.

I know. And I'm not the one who thinks that crying about it and "pranking" him will help.

get over it already

Projection and name calling. Nice. I expected about as much. And for
1 The ACA is such a fucked up piece of legislation I'd like to hear what you think is good about the ACA first and I'll explain to you why you're wrong.
2 Ex•pe•dite verb: to make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly
3 There are 4 ways to get into the USA. By ocean, crossing on foot, going underground, and flying over. If you take away the option to cross over our border on foot you have effectively reduced illegal immigrants options by 25%.

Donald Trump is a bad person! Americans must shaming to have elected that shit!

How dare you he is are President , you know how hard he worked on the new heath care bill , Trumpacare

wait what? sounds like the cringiest libcuck bullshit so far. no Trump supporter would ever regret voting for him, trust me. NBC and CNN bullshit like this are just going to ensure a Trump re-election in 2020.

Sorry bad joke about the Trumpacare , I hear it gives the top one percent 190,000 in tax aid so it cant be to bad except for the millions its kicks off like 45 million.