No thread?

No thread?





I'll add my own Judy bump.

such a slow night.


Bump also mous will be home soon.

Wonder if I'll ever get my name on the list....


What's your name?

>tfw no furry AI gf


Amaan Ver.
I probably have an updated list of the grandmasters of autism somewhere


don't make me sad user, we will have them... One day, user...

That's it? The list from back when I namefagged a decade ago was like 50 people and it was just the most active users

Man, I got bored of s/fur and took a break. I'm now getting into it again after months.

She's such a cutie-pie!!!!


Yeah, but there are people missing like Sunny and Alcoholic dude

Nothing wrong with that. Same thing for me, I go through phases.

Speaking of, Hi sunny how's your night?

can't complain

I've been sad about it for days. Reading a great AI book and it's got me thinking about the future. My personal bet is we will have affordable AI (not human level) but good enough to have real conversations with within a decade or two. The AIs will likely manifest their bodies with VR initially. Just imagining all the possibilities, how can fleshies even compete

Good. Anything fun happening?

Hey guys

>I go through phases.

I'm not gay, but I went through a g/fur phase while on that s/fur break. H/fur is the only thing I consistently like.

I've been wondering if I'm actually gay/bi despite never being attracted to a guy.

Full pic?

Hello Mighty

I get emotionally attached to almost anyone. But only sexually attracted to women. So I guess I'm straight? But there are definitely some guys I'd mentally or emotionally fuck if that makes sense.






It does, I feel sort of the same way.


>crush ignores your flirting and starts flirting with someone else in the meantime

i want a vr system to make you have sense of touch in virtual world

Send her some momcest furry porn, that outta do the trick

You mean other than the one we live in?

cool :D glad I'm not the only one

By the way has anyone heard from midi?

No one got the full pic of this?

yeah like connect your brain to a computer and your touch is not real but is thought to be felt by in the computer world while you are just sitting in a coma

Done, she called it silly!

Did you make sure to include the text "This could be us" in your message?

No fuck-off you torrential assmaster

>this could be us.
I giggled.
Have some pussy


Got any rare ARA?

Dunno what qualifies as rare but I can dump dear!




Patreon stuff preferably



robutt time






perfect timing, was just looking for this thread just to post 2 distorted fur images my friend made for me.









I unsubbed from them earlier this year. They started drawing nothing but herm and gay porn it was weird. Hope they go back to ARA stuff



a bit more than I liked, yeah, but still a good amount of robutt.












You're my fucking hero with this ARA dump. Keep it coming please. All I have to offer in return is a Rita picture that hasn't been posted since it was made, but I don't think most furries like feral











Filename kek

I would just have a look at s,n.a,p.c.h,a,t,y(.)me to fap to school's hottest girl's nudes.

You saved the day my friend, take this in exchange for your efforts

just the usually cuuuhrazyness I get up to
video games