Why do atheists put all of their faith in the scientific method while rejecting the evidence for the existence of god?

why do atheists put all of their faith in the scientific method while rejecting the evidence for the existence of god?

answer me that. why?

google neurotheology

religion is now integrated into science

Because no one has invented the sucker's proof yet

LMAOOO what evidence you faggot

inb4 god is real because he is

Just because you say the word "evidence" doesn't mean you have any, or that you even know what the word means.

Isn't he?
But if god isn't real, where did theists come from?

Why do fags keep posting this gay shit?
Get your god to answer that.

>evidence for the existence of god

Because science works and prayer doesn't.

ugh. i see this post everyfucking day.
its the same fucking post
same fucking picture
Killing me here.
You dont accept other peoples opinions (if you're not a troll which i doubt) and move the fuck on.

at least the other cancer has some variety
this is just hardcore samefagging

Please kys.
This has been boring for so long now.

prayer works if you have faith in the lord.

if you're a hateful atheist it doesnt.

you have to let jesus into your heart first.

Has to be b8.
Nobody could be this retarded.
>faith in the scientific method
When it clearly describes steps to test the validity of something and discard it if it doesn't pay out

I was at church with a friend recently and had the most bizarre experience. Now bearing in mind I had only just met this guy through a friend from the neighbourhood, but he seemed normal and level-headed. We were attending mass along with two of my other friends, when all of a sudden this guy shouts out "GOD WAS A PEDOPHILE". The whole church went silent, even the priest. He didn't seem to know what to do for a few seconds. Then he tried to continue as if nothing but this guy just went on, he said "HE IMPREGNATED MARY WHEN SHE WAS 13 ALL CATHOLICS MOLEST LITTLE BOYS" and he was going to say more but someone grabbed him by the collar and started dragging him out, much to the dismay and shock of everyone. The priest simply stood there dumbfounded, and as this guy was being dragged out he kept up, saying stuff about Catholics liking boys and how is that a coincidence. In the end me, my friends and this idiot were outside in front of the church being like what the fuck just happened. The guy that dragged him out had already
disappeared back inside. We looked at each other, at a loss for words. Eventually, he gathered himself together and stood up and we asked him what the fuck that was. Without for a moment addressing his behavior in church he launched into a rant about how one of God's prophets married a 6 year old, how Jesus took little boys into the desert, that it was mistranslated as "without bread of water" which is such a fucked up thing to say the words burned into my mind. I don't even remember the rest of it we just told him he needs to settle the fuck down, and we took him away from there. Turns out he was on some heavy drugs, so we got him talking some more and it turns out he was molested by a priest when he was younger.

After a few days it hit me. The endgame of all religions is child molestation. It all made sense. That's when I became an atheist.

So by this logic nothing Christian has ever thought to pray to end world hunger and wars.

it is not the Lord's fault that men are wicked and evil. but there will be a judgement day and God will punish those who wage wars and create hunger.

Atheists don't believe in God. How do we hate it?
We just hate the stupidity it leads humans to and the consequences the world has to bear due to the dogma.

They're all using blind faith.

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7

Seems to be the trend mate!

"So Dave, take us through the undercard."

"Okay, just let me get my notes here....."

*shuffles papers, unzips pants*

"Okay, so first we got some pictures of her tits taken in a mirror. It was fine, y' know, I liked the schoolgirl skirt I thought that was a nice touch, but other than then that it wasn't anything too special, it was just kinda there, y'know.

"So next we had we had our first video of the night..."

"I thought this was so disappointing, Maddox came off like a total geek, you could barely see Paige at all. I gave it MINUS 3 STARS."

"W-well, y'know, I wouldn't quite go as low as minus 3 stars, but, y' know, it was definitely a disappointment given the hype. But y'know, Maddox is a lower card guy and Paige, I mean she's over and all but, y' know... I mean, If you wanna talk about Maddox looking like a geek, what about the video with Xavier?"

"Well take us through it, because I was doing Observer live when that one broke"

"Okay, so it's Page, okay, and she's riding Xaviers dick, which is fine, y' know, nothing too crazy... okay... so I'm thinking, God, there's not much heat here at all. I mean interracial stuff got over huge in the 70's, y' know because it was a different time and whatever, but in 2017 it's just not much of a taboo, y'know. So I'm watching, gettin' kinda bored, then all of a sudden, Brad Maddox takes his camera, i'm not making this up, and he starts filming close ups of them fucking..."


"I KNOW. It was like, God, could they book this guy like any more of a geek. A-And you know this was all Vince's idea right?..."

"Oh yeah"

that's because someone is praying that science works, and someone else is praying that prayer doesn't

Atheists are the worst kind of people irl. I'm not religious, but damn they're ignorant.

amen brother, they think they know everything because "science told them".

Religion sucks ass.. its the cause of some major problems.. seriously wise the fuck up

men create problems. not religion. religion is good for people overall but men pervert God's love.

ITT: bad trolls successfully baiting newfags

Sup Forums is dead

LOL. What the fuck. If you're not religious than what the fuck are you?

And you're really calling atheists ignorant? We don't worship a bearded imaginary friend or start massive holy wars in the name of a fiction book.

How is being skeptic = being ignorant? We don't have our own dogma. You have your God put conveniently in the gaps of the current knowledge.

>God is an ever receding pocket of scientific ignorance
- Neil Degrasse Tyson.

If God is almighty so can he create a rock so heavy that he can not lift?

That is enough to prove that there cant be an almighty God, so all the Bible people are throw away from this conversation


This fucking kids tears get my dick diamonds.

spidrmang or sage

>- Neil Degrasse Tyson.

"You shall have no other gods before me."

Exodus 20:3

How does one samefag for over 2 years?




>evidence for the existence of god
Ahahahahahaha good one OP

This same fuckboy post this thread with the same thumbnail multiple times a fucking day and somehow still triggers dumb fucks every fucking time.

>If there is a God, why did he make me an atheist? That was his first mistake.
>Well the talking snake was his first mistake!
- Ricky Gervais

We dont murder people on a crime scene to determine who the murderer was.
We infer what the murderer did and clues to who the murderer is based on what we wind in the crime scene.

Smae logic for he existence of God. We cannot directly observe him, just like we cannot directly observe photons, so we infer their existence by indirect observations.

Holy carp, Baitman, it's this faggot again

Educate yourself.
Preferably a better book selection.
Also, please share your observations and evidence on God.
Apart from bananas. That is our (atheists) nightmare!

Oh good god this thread is such b8.

>The endgame of all religions is child molestation. It all made sense. That's when I became an atheist.
pretty retarded reasoning tbqh.

>nice bait tho

>"We don't worship a bearded imaginary friend or start massive holy wars in the name of a fiction book."
you have only supported the other anons point user.

>having faith means ignoring science

The two run alongside eachother, Christian scientists have already proven the existance of God. I wish Leftist Libcucks would stop this 'RELIGION AND SCIENCE ARE OPPOSED' bullshit and accept the truth.

If God/Allah (same thing) isn't real, then who created the USA?

Checkmate Athiescum.

Read the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.
Psychological torture with restricting the actions and even thoughts based on an irrational fear is also a form of abuse.
Children are the prime targets of such abusive behavior because it instills loyalty and unquestioning faith.


the only thing i know for sure is that nobody knows anything for sure. anyone claiming to is insane, using it as a crutch or selling something
i do believe there should be a reason but if there isn't i wont be surprised
i also believe that religion had it's place in creating a code of ethics for those who would otherwise have no common decency. being gay was a sin because the population needed constant boosting.
there are people who kill because they lack empathy and believe the world is cruel. they are the people who need religion.
once a phenomenon, twice a coincidence, thrice a pattern

for all we know the entire universe is a phenomenon and until proven otherwise all you can do is guess.
if we indeed have a multiverse then we have a pattern of universes and can start to observe the creation of new ones and the death of old ones.
we did the same thing with the sun. we revered it as a god, discovered the laws governing it, realized it was one of many, observed all types, was able to draw conclusions about their origins and deaths
TL:DR; religion is a neccecary evil

Paradoxes cannot be used as proof for an argument user, as a paradox's logic loops in on itself.
The only way out is with quantum physics: God creates a rock that Jesus can't lift, but that the father can, because God is multiple persons, so its possible for him to limit one of his persons whilst maintaining his being.
It's confusing shit, but tesseracts are as well and we don't call them impossible.

So according to your point, even if they are separate, God and Jesus can be identified as same entity while different based on their actions.

One question, Does this make Jesus a motherfucker or no?

>Richards Dawkins

Opinion immediately discarded.

skepticism is not the same a cynicism user.
Cynics refuse to change their mind. This is what the user was talking about. Atheists who see someone reading a bible in a cafe and go: "your god is fake and an imaginary friend in the sky you are a deluded retard how much cognitive dissonance do you need you child-rapist!?" and assume all sorts of shit about the faith without doing any research. They are ignorant af and frankly painful to deal with.

Skeptics on the other-hand are willing to do intensive research and change their mind should the evidence point to the contrary of what they believe. Skeptical atheists are always open to adopt religion, instead of assuming it to be useless or not worth the time to do any research on.

Instead you could go to s.n,a,p,c.h,a,t,y(,)me to fap to school's hottest girl's nudes.

Think of it how your father is your dad, but also a man, a son, a husband, a provider and emotional support. They are all the same person but you need him in different roles at different times.

Aah the ad hominem attack I had suspected was imminent!

exposing paradoxical logic IS a solid argument

you cant argue with a person who claims to be infallible

why the fuck is it always the neverending story? lol nuggs

I hear you, user.
I'm an agnostic atheist then!

nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8
srsly tho put your ballsack through a hydraulic press


You didn't answer.
Was Jesus a motherfucker?
If not, we are all Gods as per your view.

to me, the beauty of nature alone PROVES that there must be a God or other higher power. Its all too perfect to have come about by sheer chance. Even animals that shouldnt be able to live in certain conditions thrive and survive and reproduce. How much more obvious can it get?.... seriously?

Post fake news and don't be surprised that people shut your ass down.

This is a CHRISTIAN nation and we are making it great again, more faith schools, no more abortions and deporting heathens. Trump says BYE BYE!

The father, the son and the holy spirit are all as one. If you can't understand that and instead want to force an unfunny incest joke where it clearly doesn't fit, you really need to read through your Bible again.

Hello Mr "Feelings over facts"!

Why don't you go to s,n.a.p.c,h,a,t,y(.)me to leak school's hottest girl's nudes.

You seem to be the kind of atheists who just listens to and adopts the opinions of famous atheists and take their shit as fact without fact-checking.

Might i add that the only reason humanity stopped seeing the sun as a god was because of Christianity? This was because christianity held to the monotheistic beleif that all things that could be seen, and all that which cannot be see, were created by God and were all cogs in an intrecate clockwork made by God.

I do acknowledge that there is no absolute objective proof to the existence of God. That is, however, why i brought in the analogy of inference and indirect observation. One must decide on their own whether God exists or not based on the evidence that has been left behind, since God cannot be observed directly or scientifically. This is because science has limits to what it can measure.

wtf are you babbling about?.. Nature is FACT.

look at the beauty of nature and tell me its all by chance you fucking retard.

'Feelings over Facts' just won a cozy bed in the Whitehouse, don't pretend that 'experts' somehow know what's in my heart better than I do.

that was not an ad hominem.

please shut up bait-poster/shill.

The only man I shill for is our Lord.

In that case check out the field of biblical scholarship and try to find evidence that both supports and refutes your hypothesis that God does/doesn't exist.

More spiritual than religious. I believe God is more of a part of everything in the universe, not a being. Everything is connected somehow. Sacred geometry in a sense.

Did you just assume my nationality ?
THIS is Sup Forums and you are on Sup Forums.

What the hell are you doing on an AMERICAN website? Europoors are GUESTS on our internet, so shut the hell up and stop being an edgelord pretending God isn't real just so you look cool.

you are obvious troll.

The 'works' of Richard Dawkins were very quickly disproven by Christian scientists around the world. You've been brainwashed but swallowing humble pie and admitting you were wrong doesn't make you any less of a man.

Why does the quote from Richard Dawkins get refuted by his name and not the point that it made? Seems ad hominem for me!

2000 years ago a person could do magic, and he died and came back to life

then he flew away into the sky

WARNING: Hes still up there and can see what you do.

If you question this story then you wear funny hats


God did not fuck mary.
God is the creator of the universe and could easily have manipulated an oocyte in mary to produce complementary genes of the other sex spontaneously.

15 billion years ago there was nothing and then nothing exploded and turned into mountains, oceans, animals, birds and stars.

If you question any of this, you are retarded and should just accept some guesses made by Victorian gentlemen who fucked young boys and took opium.

Yeah it is a tedious task you know, 24/7 disregarding thew obvious on the face evidence of Mr. Godford Almighty!

If you're going to be using American internet, learn English first.

Do I have to pick between the invisible flying man theory and the big bang theory?

You mean like jesus on toast?

no, its the fact that scientists around the world refuted dawkins book by writing "the dawkins delusion". Much of the things he stated are not supported by the science he claims supports such things. He was refuted by other literature as stated.

The scientific community is largely christian as well. Especially in the biological and psychological fields, both of whithc Dawkins is NOT an expert in.

Oooooooh Science talks!
And then what happened?

Okay on a serious note, Why didn't God just not make evil? Destroy evil?
I'd love your theory.

The scientific method has been proven as a system that works.

Evidence for god mostly comes from holy books that were written thousands of years ago and the fact that humans are good at recognizing patterns, even if there are none.

"god" was used as a way to extort people, not only for money but for power.
"god" is still used to extort money from people...pretty fucking sad.

The irony!

>American internet
Oh when will the drunken nationalism end? I want out

It is a difficult question to answer, and no matter what answer/guess i provide you will imediately tear it down and then conclude that God cannot exist. Frankly i dont want to deal with that shit right now so how about a twist:
Instead why don't you step into my shoes and you tell me why God did not destroy evil or prevent it's creation?

Dawkins says ghosts aren't real but he won't spend the night in a haunted house just in case he's wrong.

When he's on his deathbed he's going to pull the same pussy shit, god doesn't exist but just to be safe, let's have a last minute conversion! It's the logical thing to do after all.

That kind of shit undermines his "god doesn't real" argument doesn't it?

>the dawkins delusion
of course a book written by a theologist and a priest has higher precedence than an evolutionary biologist!
Alister McGrath for the win y'all!

Ignoring OP but is there actually any evidence that The God exists?

look outside. you dont live in mars, do you?