Buffy Thread

Buffy Thread

This whole board is a fucking shitshow filled with autists acting like they're hot shit because they don't like genuinely great TV shows.

This is a great TV show. Let's get a discussion going.

Why did Baffy shot Angie?

I watched this show in high school. Who oldfag here? Xander was my favorite. I identified with him. Now he's a JUST. Sad.

literally a terrible kids show

I liked the show but it ended 13 years ago and I'm out of things to say about it.

>This whole board is a fucking shitshow filled with autists acting like they're hot shit because they don't like genuinely great TV shows
>makes a Whedon thread
The irony is palpable

I liked his S1 style, he looked like a real fun guy.

I fucking hated him. Even as a kid something about him rubbed me all wrong. Learning he was Whedon's avatar later just confirmed my feelings that he was a dick.

Yeah post high school Xander sucked. I kept expecting him to improve himselft. At least in the comics he became a bit of a badass.

Imagine being the actor. On the show, he was stepped over. Suddenly in the comics all the girls love him.

The comics are complete shit, though, so there's that.

When he wasn't being a total loser he could be pretty fun. When he was lusting after Buffy or calling Cordelia a cunt, Dawn crushing on him is also pretty cute I think.

Funny bit about Cordy is everyone says she crew as a character but I thought she was more of a cunt on Angel than Buffy. Especially S2 of AtS.

>improve himself
He was literally the only one with a not minimum wage job and his own place besides Giles

That he got through the magic of television.

>few demonstrable skills
>somehow manages to be construction supervisor in 1 year

Yeah I meant improve himself as a fighter. I know he was a nerd, but he had to have a sense of duty in terms of helping Buffy and protecting Sunnydale. Buffy trained, Willow got better at magic. At least Xander could have practiced katana in the garage or come up with vampire weapons. If you lived in Sunnydale, what would be your EDC? I'd have a water bottle full of holy water and keep a stake up my ass.

>Sunnydale EDC
Pic related, Ronald Reagan can suck my ass with his anti-open carry laws he signed. SHALL. NOT. BE. INFRINGED.
>water bottle of holy water
Why not a super soaker?
Literally everything on the show was through the magic of television or the magic of magic, that's irrelevant.

You can mock Xander but consider this:

1. He killed a shit load of vampires and demons despite having no powers
2. He banged teenage Faith
3. He banged teenage Cordelia
4. He banged teenage Willow
5. He banged 1000 year old semen demon Anya
6. He survived half a dozen apocalypses, and was left standing at the end of the show

only show in history of mankind where every character including minor ones had full arc.

Comic book writers are all crazy about this show.

I should know.

been published.

Love the show but I cant rewatch it like firefly.

I don't know. I liked that on BTVS the vamps never turned into total pushovers. On Angel, basically anyone can take a vamp. Always turned me off.

Except the real world pushback was always consistent elsewhere. They at least could have shown a real trajectory. One day he's broke, the next he has a nice pad and great job.

2.) Faith was 18
3.) No, he didn't.
4.) No, he didn't

>eighTEEN isn't being a teenager
>he wasn't constantly sneaking off to do shit with Cordelia in school
Ur wrong m80

Buffy is a shit show that had a handful of decent moments. Get over it.

wtf I hate Buffy now

He lost his virginity to Faith, long after he and Cordy broke up. He never had that booty.

I can't discuss it. I only watch Better Call Saul now that Breaking Bad is over.

>Why not a super soaker?
Yeah that would be more practical as a weapon, but walking around with a plastic gun would look weird.