This is a 10/10 in Britain

>This is a 10/10 in Britain

>This is a 10/10 in Britain

>This is a 10/10 in every country

muh fucking dick

And they call Margot Robbie a fridge?

>Wearing clothes that give he curves

I don't get how she's a thing, she must suck a mean dick


That's a fine looking boy.

Yeah, I'd fuck that boy

Idgaf about your boydyke fridge comments I would creampie Carafu 1000 times and cuddle her afterwards every time.

>not even able to write but talking shit about someone you never met

>wearing clothes that mask your rolls

>resorting to pointing out someone's mistake in an attempt to defend a woman who doesn't give a shit about you and will never meet you

this. Same goes for Margot Robbie.

>hating on smirkfu

Looks like Jared Leto to me.

shut the fuck up bitch

who is this fridge?

She's lovely and very hot, so your joke is null and void.

she reminds me of eyebrows

At least she is interesting looking unlike all the generic curvy bimbos you people worship.

now THIS is a model

She has explicitly said that she wants to settle down and have kids some day. It will most likely be with me, sorry lads.

Look carefully and you will realize she looks like a sad frog


I'm really confused... Some pictures she looks sex as fuck whilst in others she looks like a crack whore



>hide her disgusting lack of hips
>looks better

not even an attractive beer fridge

It's like she was on her way to becoming a bit at birth and stopped halfway and became aestethic as fuck. Her face is beautiful and her tits round and perky.

Becoming a boy* fucking phones.

>Her face is beautiful

what is wrong with her? not enough estrogen?

>Sup Forums wouldn't kiss this woman


Why the meme arrows?

Also as you might know beauty is subjective. Just because you don't find her attractive doesn't mean she is ugly.


I would facefuck her when she has full makeup on but looking at her body makes me want to throw up

>current year

>a dress that hides her wide waist and narrow hips

The designers know what they are doing.


this is why chicks love high waist shit

>wake up
>get driven to photoshoot
>have someone groom and dress you
>pretend to have fun in your underwear for a few hours
>get paid a million dollars
>go have dinner with a closet lesbian hollywood actress
>eat her out so good she calls you for weeks afterwards
>don't respond because you have other actresses to eat out and other photoshoot locations to travel to

naw, its not.

Damn... Even I have bigger hips, and I'm a fuCKING WHITE MALE!


Pick only one

She is, but the lack of hips is really unappealing, I think more so than small tits or a small ass or whatever, hips are THE thing that make a woman look womany. imo ofcourse.

I'd still date her.

You're also a ham planet.

He doesn't know.

>all these internet tsundere tough guys of infinite standards

If any of the women ITT pecked on the cheek and gave u a long hug you'd get butterflies in your stomach and savor it for the rest of the day.

>he fell for the hips = fat meme

>I got bullied for being fat


>you're ugly because you're on Sup Forums
>if you're ugly, you have to fap to every dime a dozen celeb 'cause you won't pull a hotter chick irl
when will this meme stop?

also, stop projecting

I'm a 6-7/10, I don't believe all 4channers are ugly but Sup Forums has the highest uggo ratio by far.

Damn, senpai, now she eating out Smurfette? Already!


>This is a 10/10 for millennials

>she will never give birth to your child

Post the webm in a party.

She literally looks like a boy with long hair in a dress.

Fuckin kek

This is LITERALLY a 10/10

too bad she got BLACKED

this is a 10/10 in the USA


personality > face > body

Yes, Yes, Well Done, Bongs. Well Done...


>take those photos down
>t-they're not mine, though

I think she is 10/10 in these unironically. Not sure if I could stop fucking her.

hnngg Karlie

Took the words right out my mouth.


>this is a 10/10 in big bong land



bong models BTFO

Sure, but the minimum requirements for this reasoning is that the person is at least 6/10 objectively speaking.


I'm making myself sad posting these


serious question, how is this girl a model? I mean obviously i would fuck her, as would most of you, but models are supposed to be 10/10's right?

she is an 8 at best with full makeup and the right lighting. I see better looking girls at my local mall all the time, why is she a model? Can anyone explain this to me?

literally perfect ;_;


remember when she was literally caught with cocaine and nobody cared

>models are 10/10

Thats actually a misconception. Models are chosen more for "unique" looks rather than aesthetics

>This is a 10/10 in Britain
>literally no one here gives a fuck about her
>has to move to ameritard to make a carreer
nice post lad

She should have been Harley.

>assigning numbers to women's looks

I don't think it can be explained to someone like you.

Models are supposed to look interesting. While also being skinny, tall and not too curvy. This is to minimize having to fit every piece of clothing to every model. It's about beauty and not your dick. The vast majority of people don't understand it. I guess it's an aquired taste?

Sure she got a huge connection boost but you can't deny that she has unique looks. Plus she also has a quirky personality and is very sociable so that increased her popularity.

She can't even smile properly because she is so inbred you fucking retard.

Queen Liz is the only 10/10 in Britain, and she is one hell of a 10/10.
Reunion between UK and USA when?

Stop talking and post more Cara webms.

I hope she enjoys her 5 years of fame.

>playing in a capeshit
D R O P P E D !


This is 10/10 in England

That's a very hot fridge. Someone should take a look at it

Did you mean in........ MUH DICK

This is also 10/10 in England

In those shoes? Nigga what? She wouldn't be a 10 anywhere, not even in a circus with those fucking clown shoes.

Real 10/10 here

>this is a 10/10 on Sup Forums


>This is a 10/10 in USA