Hi Sup Forumsoo/b/ahs

hi Sup Forumsoo/b/ahs,

come join our discord server full of autistc, racist, hapa, opinionated idiots. if youre into bullying people or enjoy being bullied yourself, you'll fit right in.

haha benis xd


Other urls found in this thread:












need some cute boipussi



name's Francis. Come watch the Prequels and together you and I can rule the galaxy, make things we want them to be!

































Get drunk with me on pleb paisan juice

























Come roast the Germanic savages with me. They toppled Rome and are proud of it? Savages.





i went to this discord yesterday and they banned me immediately. looking for vc only

not a place for btards




Instead you could browse to s,n.a.p.c,h.a.t,y(.)me to share local sluts nudes.








holy shit it's really autistic in here









