What is his fucking problem?

What is his fucking problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bad relationship with alcohol

>hey a-listers, stfu for a sec I have these lame ass memes to show you

He's a good lad.

I think he's the best chat show host on either side of the Atlantic. Everyone always seems relaxed and in good spirits on his show

>Everyone always seems relaxed and in good spirits on his show
That's because the ply everyone with booze before and during the interview.

His show used to be decent, but now it's shit.

My point still stands.

Is he a top or bottom fag?

I think Norton is good at keeping things light and making the celebs laugh as well

He's Irish, you can't possibly imagine that kind of pain.

Why does he look like Laurence Fishburne

I bet he's versatile. Now that he's a beaver I bet he's pumped a few twinks.

I mean, who doesn't love pumping twinks right?



Does anyone remember this guy's show? What a disaster.

Based as fuck, only reason to watch Eurovision

Wogan was better.

Not that guy, but Wogan was SHIT.

he can't stop being based

Is he black?

He's Irish, so yes.

he swears in front of amerifats

My friend went to a taping of his show and apparently it runs for like 4 hours because most of the celebrities are thick as pig shit. He said that they had to keep redoing bits because Olivia Coleman was a fucking retard.

Is graham norton gay?

This is the only acceptable celebrity talkshow.
Those episodes when the guests are really drunk are the greatest shit ever.

He's stuck on the BBC.

BBBC America or BBC England?