Weed should be illegal

Weed should be illegal.
Pot heads are just trying to exploit sick people as an excuse for medicinal marijuana. Instead of supporting scientific measures to distill a useful medicine from it, they just want exploit the sick. Cutting the science short to smoke it to get high, and think they can get away with being a drug addict during their every waking moment easier they don't care if it helps sick people.

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So they're stealing from the sick now to get their fix?

This is supposed to be bad?

Committing transgressions against vulnerable people, like someone that is sick, is even more cowardly than doing it to some fucking normie.

i smoke weed cuz i like it. fite me fagoosh

Don't doctors do shit like this all the time.
>Dudelmao here's your chemo bill.

>fite me fagoosh
See this is why I hate you junkies. You wanna chimp out and fight even when you get your fix. Dumb fucking savage animal. You probably robbed someone to afford your drugs.


i'm smoking a joint right now with my morning coffee. Nothing like a nice wake and bake after a long week.

>inb4 degenerate: i'd wager i make more than you do OP.

Alright say you won the lottery or something. Just got a large chunk of money.
If I ask you what would you spend it on?
The answer isn't going to be curing people of cancer.
I don't see you trying to cure people for cancer any cheaper than them so I suppose it's pretty easy for you to criticize

Listen up guys. Lazy people are lazy. Determined people are not. You may be swayed a little by drugs, but determined wont do the ones that fuck you up completly and will limit so that they will succeed. There are plenty of lazy fucks that dont do drugs. Those that put in the work should be allowed to responsibly do what they want.

Not OP but cool story bro

>>inb4 degenerate: i'd wager i make more than you do OP.
Holy shit you probably are a hopeless degenerate if you think making more money makes you not a degenerate. smh superficial douche

why so salty gents?

Please, like chemical painkillers are much better... at least my weed is mine and I know what it's its chemical components and the making process.

>I know what it's its chemical components and the making process.
No you don't. you just assume you do and that it's okay because it's a plant. Maaaaaaan, it's natural maaaaaaaaaaan. There are natural poisons too, it's like you walked into a field full of inedible plants found one that makes you sick but doesn't kill you and declared it's as healthy as a carrot.

I saw a pot head at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

not everyone is a stereotype, I have no illusions about the health risks of smoking pot, but it's my vice, and everyone deserves a vice or two.

why the fuck do you care so much?

Pot heads should be incarcerated. I shouldn't have to interact with criminals when I go out in public.

>implying you ever go out in public

Laws are so layered and complex that when you get down to it 90% plus people are criminals, assuming you're defining it by "anyone who breaks laws."

I know cops who say that if they want to, they can simply follow any one driver for a bit and will inevitably spot them make an error and ticket them.

You're a faggot.

>Implying curing cancer is possible

Fuck you shit cunt,

I know 3 people who have used med canna to treat problems with their healt, problems that your pharma shilling fuckheads couldn;t fix with their artificial garbage.

Do everyone a favour and neck up, cunt.

There is a huge difference in making a mistake and willfully doing things with criminal intent like being a drug addict. People like to pretend like it stops there, but it doesn't. Drug addicts steal to get their fix. They go around doing all sorts of illegal shit they can get away with to aggravate other people they just want legal weed so they don't get in trouble for having their addiction substance get them in trouble when they get caught/questioned about doing other illegal shit they can't stop doing.

Tobacco should be illegal.
Cig heads are just trying to exploit sick people as an excuse for medicinal tobacco. Instead of supporting scientific measures to distill a useful medicine from it, they just want exploit the sick. Cutting the science short to smoke it to get high, and think they can get away with being a drug addict during their every waking moment easier they don't care if it helps sick people.

I grow, and make oil for anyone who needs it.

And I give it away for free.

So fuck you, and your argument.

Oh how witty, the old school yard tit for tat. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because something else is bad or worse doesn't make the other thing better. Grow up and act like an adult nobody should need to explain this to you at your age. Did the weed stunt your maturity level when you destroyed brain cells using it?

This newfriend thinks being an addict is a crime

Well tobacco is way more widespread but you're not whining about that

nice bait m8

Acting like poisoning people and getting them hooked on your drugs to manipulate them easier is some altruistic act. Quite sleazy.


shit bait; still answering

plenty of useful medicines have been "distilled" from cannabis

yeah man let's just make it illegal y'kno, fuck the whole industry, and those people's jobs; instead lets give the black market more work. where it is prohibited cannabis is literally bottom of the foodchain for criminal organizations, ergo taking it away from them causes them significant problems.

fuck it yeah lets just blow all this tax money incarcerating people who don't pose any significant threat to society

stoners =/= crack-fiends or tweakers

While we're at it we should also ban alcohol, fucking drunks everywhere

>stoners =/= crack-fiends or tweakers
That's where you're wrong. It's a stereotype that pot heads are not as bad or worse. If you look at all those crack fiends and tweakers, they're pot heads too. People that are into all sorts of criminal shit all have being pot heads in common. Pot junkies are the worse, they'd attack someone just for saying pot is bad let alone if they thought they could steal something valuable enough to get more pot.

Are you even trying?

How are those (you)s?

Alcohol has industrial applications. You wouldn't even be sitting around typing on the internet if it wasn't for alcohol it's used to clean electronics. Alcohol is used in all sorts of manufacture and can be quite tasty.


Marijuana has medicinal applications, your point being?

>physical assault
niggers don't count

there are two types of alcohol, the alcohol we use to do useful shit will kill you if you drink it, moron.

Really, your not able to work 1/2 hour for a couple bucks to just buy some pot? It's really not that hard

Marijuana doesn't have medical applications in it's raw unprocessed form. People pretend like it does because pot junkies are some of the most heinous criminals and want to get hopped up on their weed to do their crimes.
It doesn't help anything with the actual medicinal research of weed they're just trying to get their smoking drugs fix easier. It detracts from actual research being done because it's just a fucking scam; a front to get their drugs.

the thing that bothers me, is that they bred a strain of marijuana that provides the medicinal benefits of weed without the high. do they use it? no, of course not, because it doesn't get you high. it's a bullshit excuse to get high saying it has medicinal purposes, and then go behind that and just make it recreational? what other medicine do we allow recreational use of? none, that's right.

It's the same thing, it just has poison added to it because of prohibition. It's purposely made poisonous so people can't drink it. That's how useful it is, even when there was a ban on it like you're saying there hsould be, they still couldn't get rid of it because it's fucking essential. Maybe you should stop doing fucking weed because that shit is destroying your brain dummy.

Why are still talking no one cares about your opinion .. kill yourself

I never said unprocessed form learn to read

Side effects of pot are hundreds of times safer than alcohol, which is legal. Pot has uses in multiple industry's and would be a market gamechanger. And the added bonus of getting Sarah's autistic kid off the floor.

first off, that was my first post, I'm against weed and alcohol, second off, they don't add poison to it, there are 3 different types of alcohol, ethyl, methyl and isopropyl and we only drink one, that's ethyl, because it doesn't kill us right away. but guess what, they all three are poisons which is why our bodies react the way they do to getting drunk, similarly thc is a poison and that's why we react to getting high, getting high is being poisoned.

It wouldn't be an issue if people wanted weed processed from a raw smokable substance to an actual medicine. That's not what drug addicts want, and legalizing weed is just for them to exploit the system. It makes a joke of the actual rule of law like pot head addicts like to do. Pot junkies have extremely limited to no morals just like atheists.

This guy gets it. Of course someone is just going to want to flame you because pot heads are violent and see anyone getting in the way of their fix as a threat.

Oh your problem isn't with marijuana, but people. Maybe you should ban people.

Pot isn't safer than alcohol. Being slightly more difficult to acquire as people have to be more discrete in its acquisition simply lowers the rate of stupidity people do on pot and the harm that it causes. It will only get more magnified and obvious if it were legal.

I like people. Unfortunately some happen to be bad people or criminals. Pot addiction turns them into even more deranged and vicious criminals.

this guy gets it

It is legal m8, sorry to rain on your parade.

Stoner lingo is so fucking dumb it hurts

Well it looks like you're going to have to let those people make that decision their selves unless you think you have some sort of moral high ground

>Tfw Live in CO
brb gunna do a legal dab

No that's stupid. That's like saying "people should be able to drink and drive, it is their choice" they're a public safety nuisance and those criminals will only get more brazen in their crimes when they can openly deal and consume their drugs.

this. absolutely this.

nobody cares ya beatnik

Cite your evidence

It is illegal you fucking moron.

Watch the documentary Reefer Madness. It's not exaggerated. You'll see some guy get hopped up on weed and murder a family with an axe when that kind of thing fucking happens like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmville_murders
Look at the cartels, they get hopped up on weed to go do all those murders and other crimes.

dont wanna get too hopped up on the good stuff hopped up buzzed up zipped up zippie two shoes haha bugs bunnny guys

Lol that's anti hippie 1936 government propaganda values change over 100 years grow up

Every weed smoker i've come across falls into one of two categories…

They're either a wannabe creative and use weed to "express themselves" - this is their way of saying, "i'm a talentless fuck and I need help".

Secondly are the people who use it for medicinal purposes, they use it to help with physical and/or mental pain, again these people are simply weak-willed and need to toughen up.

I had this discussion with my mother a few weeks ago, I asked her what she thought of weed and its ongoing effects, my mother said nothing… I don't have a mother, she died because of weed. I'm a pastor now and in my spare time I play D&D with my fellow brethren.

> (You)
>Watch the documentary Reefer Madness. It's not exaggerated. You'll see some guy get hopped up on weed and murder a family with an axe when that kind of thing fucking happens like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmville_murders
Juggalos there's your problem
>Look at the cartels, they get hopped up on weed to go do all those murders and other crimes.
Cite your evidence

It hasn't. It's not even out dated. People like to laugh at it like it's exaggerated and untrue since there was a lot of other political issues the makers of it were involved in.

It's an accurate film. Things haven't changed so much in 100 years that it's not true. If someone showed you a film about people getting drunk from 100 years ago telling you about booze, you think people changed so much in 100 years they're not going to be drunk from drinking?

>Cite your evidence
Okay asshole fucking google it yourself. My ISP has a filter that when I search for specifics on it my connection gets throttled or cut sometimes. Look up the highway mass murders and stuff. Cartels don't just sell weed they consume it it too, to help them commit acts of savagery.

Reefer madness is not a documentary it's a drama look it up

>Okay asshole fucking google it yourself.
I stopped reading here, you threw in the towel before you even started, well-done you dirty weed sniffer.

No, you have the burden of proof, you're trying to convince me. It's your job not mine.


Come here in Russia. Talk about pot and they beat up you ass that hard you even think can't been possible.

Typical, that's exactly what I'd expect from a junkie like a pot head.

More people died from tobacco than weed user.

>dirty weed sniffer
That's the pussy way to take weed. I shoot it straight into my delts like a fucking man.

>Cartels don't just sell weed they consume it it too, to help them commit acts of savagery. Cite your evidence

Im selling weed, dont' smoking it. Im doind coke some times, but alcohol is more destructive

>Implying cancer is even real
Great job goy blame the weeds, then we can get more shekles from your ailing grandmother

OP abandoned thread?

Fuck you, Pot is Awesome!

That's because they are not suppose to have weed. Hiding they have/use it to some extent and being more difficult to acquire is going to statistically make it lower even if it's more dangerous.

Bruce Lee died from smoking weed.

I'm around, been going outside to mix drinks and have a smoke.

Only men like Arnold Schwarzenegger can handle cigarettes, most people who smoke or vape only do it to relinquish themselves of the feeling of immense loneliness they feel inside.

> Bruce Lee died from smoking weed.
Cite evidence

>Drinking tequila and smoking cigarettes
OP is a faggot indeed.

Check and mate.
Your move creep.

That's not a clickable link sorry m8

What kind of argument is that? Also, we need less people in the world anyway. If you don't think they have a cure for cancer already you're insane. In America the medicine field is all about sweet dollary doos. They will do whatever necessary to keep getting fat bills.

You do know there are many tests on weed right? And a lot of people grow it themselves. You're wrong.

Because I'm nice I'll get your materials for you.

On May 10, 1973, Lee collapsed during anADRsession forEnter the DragonatGolden Harvestin Hong Kong. Suffering fromseizuresand headaches, he was immediately rushed toHong Kong Baptist Hospitalwhere doctors diagnosedcerebral edema. They were able to reduce the swelling through the administration ofmannitol. The headache and cerebral edema that occurred in his first collapse were later repeated on the day of his death.[82]

What am I? Your mother? Do it yourself you droopy foreskin.

ur unrational fear of a PLANT is fucking pathetic...go kys

Jesus you're like a kid who forgot his pencil and blames literally anyone else for failing the test

I work my job and make money like everyone else. Occasionally I buy weed with money I make. What's being stolen. How am I addicted. It's like once every other month maybe, at most. Also I'd like to know what's being harmed. As opposed to a cigarette I'm pretty safe and nobody else is hurt let alone involved in my activities.

Bruce Lee…

More like Bruce TREE! 420 BLAZE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But seriously, these are all symptoms of smoking weed.