Ask a 33 year old kissless virgin anything

Ask a 33 year old kissless virgin anything.

I am a 28 year old KV.

Have you had any attention from women beyond just friendship?

How? I mean, has no woman ever shown a little interest in you?

>Have you had any attention from women beyond just friendship?

>How? I mean, has no woman ever shown a little interest in you?

Answer to both is: no.

go to gym

eat healthy

brush teeth

get pussy

not that hard faggot

>Have you had any attention from women beyond just friendship?

I asked because even though I am one just like you I have had girls like me in the past. I was just too beta to do anything about it.

Doing all of that. Although my body is still a piece of shit.

What is your strongest magic skill?

33? Yeesh. Amateur.

>counting down the hours until my powers are ready to destroy Earth

ok, just dont stop because it can get discouraging. after a year you should be able to get something, doesn't have to be a dime. make sure you get in at least 45 min cardio daily

also, shower a lot, don't wear cargo shorts, don't wear baggy jeans, and if you can't get the nerve up to approach womenz in person, just use an app with 5-6 pics of yourself that are semi presentable. you can come off as anything you want online, you can pretend you are the slickest nigga alive even if you've never touched a girl's skin in your life

ALSO, never ever ever tell anyone outside of the internet what you posted here. it will not make the girl feel more special that you are her first anything


can we see your cock?

Just get a prostitute

>ok, just dont stop because it can get discouraging. after a year you should be able to get something, doesn't have to be a dime. make sure you get in at least 45 min cardio daily

I'm definitely getting enough cardio. I rather have problems building muscle.

Femanon here. I would totally get off to knowing I'm a guys first.
>inb4 tits or gtfo

So do you still have hope?


buy some test online, it will transform you within 8 weeks, just make sure to do research first about PCT (post cycle therapy) and try not to get it from china or somewhere shady

i was more telling him not to tell them in advance, like right off the bat. i'm sure there are girls who would get off on it just like a dude would get off on taking a guy's v card

nice tits btw

Here you go.

wtf ur body is fine ??

since you are not looking to be a body builder just run 1 or 2 cycles of test like i said, you will keep the gainz and achieve in a few months what otherwise would take years

you don't need to take it your entire life, 1 or 2 cycles at most will change you completely and if you stay disciplined in the gym and diet from there, youll be good

can probably do all this for under $1500

might sound steep but is it really that much compared to 33 years of no vagine, i am gonna say no. it sounds shady but literally everyone buys their shit online

just do ur research. i'm out, good luck OP

It's pretty shitty for years of gym.

you look fine. nothing wrong with you.

if that's really you, you have a body that 99% of people on Sup Forums would kill another man for. so it's more of a confidence thing than a looks thing obviously

if you posted that pic on tinder with a black bar over your dong i guarantee you'd get matches from some at least semi bangable sluts. better than literally nothing, no? you probably wouldn't even have to interact with them. swipe, make plans, fuck, voila


>if you posted that pic on tinder with a black bar over your dong i guarantee you'd get matches from some at least semi bangable sluts. better than literally nothing, no? you probably wouldn't even have to interact with them. swipe, make plans, fuck, voila

I did that. Got a few matches. Spilled spaghetti everywhere. My body isn't really the problem, my personality is.

i know this is going to sound horrible but you should try to treat them like shit. not abuse them or anything insane. just act indifferent towards them like, yeah you'll fuck them but you don't care too much because you have a lot of options, and maybe you don't have time for them (obviously never letting on how desperate you are). i know, you are probably thinking this is impossible. but it's not. the more you act like you do not give a fuck the more they will want to fuck you. remember jerry: it's not a lie if you believe it

fuck man idk, i want to help you, i am 100% sure you can get laid considering you are not morbidly obese and have actual muscle definition

i guarantee you will get pussy within the next year, as long as you can work up the nerve, because again - you are not a fat pig, and there are more than enough women out there who would be happy to fornicate (mike tyson voice) with you

anyway peace

Apart from a little bit more muscle definition, I've been looking like this my whole life. Didn't help.

thats why you need to start acting like an asshole

WTF you're fine... lol

40? FFS have you got all your limbs, are mobile and have some coin?

Fuck me, man. You're in better shape than I've ever been.

Your problem is between your ears

>Your problem is between your ears

My face?

No, you fuckwit. it's mental.

Ah. A troll thread. I'm out

Confirmed Troll. Thanks for wasting my time hope you had a chuckle.

No troll? Don't know how you come to that conclusion.

Because you're not unattractive, your body is fine, and when the person said that it has to be in between your ears meaning "Your brain" you said "My face?" and it showed you were trolling us.

I tried to be funny. Guess that backfired.

It sure did my dear. All and all you're fine. Perhaps something got into your head that is wrong. I know how that can happen, some off the cuff comment and boom it's the gospel truth about you.

Seen this one before in another of these threads, post a pic with timestamp, faggot

This. Post timestamp or we abort thread.

What makes me doubtful is that I never had any real opportunity or clear interest from a girl.

This than
that answer,
my sides go yolo

...dude your body is just right, as the guy said ether mental problem or you are just boring with conversations like me.

Why? Where do you live? What is wrong with the people there? Do you have a cheerful disposition? Are you talkative? Do you have any friends? Do you beat yourself up before you even give it a try? Do you go out a lot? Do you go out at all? So many questions.

Hope you can read this.

Do you have a life

Zoom out, we can't really see your body properly

>Where do you live?


>What is wrong with the people there?


>Do you have a cheerful disposition?


>Are you talkative?


>Do you have any friends?


>Do you beat yourself up before you even give it a try?


>Do you go out a lot? Do you go out at all?

Go to bars regularly. Used to go clubbing and partying quite often while in university.

Then you won't be able to read the writing. Compare the background, it's the same room.

Haha. No.

There is a lot of societal pressure on guys to make the first move, be able to strike up a conversation, and all that. Friends are also a good gateway to meeting people because of the whole "Your friends are my friends"

The fact that you don't beat yourself up is a plus. Have you tried going out to regular things? Like libraries? coffee spots? luncheon places?

this may work but i don't think being strategic is the first step... maybe after you gets some confidence... but i think the first step before trying to manipulate people is to just TALK TO WOMEN!
At the store, at the bus stop.. dont try to pick up every women you talk to but do try to talk. Accept that you will get embarrassed and awkward. Thats a given, then just do it anyway. a little bit every day/week

i mean the treating girls badly strategy

In Germany, I've found it quite ill-received when just randomly talking to people on the streets (no matter the gender). When I was in the US, it was different.

ahh yes
our resident german grocer

>better than literally nothing, no?

>Have you tried going out to regular things? Like libraries? coffee spots? luncheon places?

I do. But not with the proclaimed aim to get pussy,

That's not exactly the aim, the aim is to meet people. You said you have no friends, but without friends you can't socially develop skills to interact with other people. If you're alone all the time talking to autists here you'll not improve.

Wasn't always like this though. I had a defined circle of friends in HS and early university. I still didn't improve and I lost connection to my peers.

who is your first kiss?

well... i guess what i said was misleading. Its not about pushing social interaction on others. Women get plenty of that and EVERY women i know hates it when random dudes try to talk to them. What i mean is be available...always. Not just when you're on a tinder date or going out to meet ladies (bars, clubs, etc)... but like.. always. if there's an opening, take it. accept that it could be awkward and see it as practice. Then when you are on a date you aren't trying out awkward small talk with a women for the first time.

That happened to me as well, I don't have many friends I have two or three, but it's a huge improvement from sitting on Sup Forums

I got these friends by signing up for local activities that had interests similar to mine. Eventually they get to know me and then meet me to do other things.

na mein deutscher kamerad was ist denn los?
bist nicht alleine

What would an opening be?

how come you haven't ended your life yet?

>33 year old kissless virgin
Liar. Nobody waits that long and evades risk that often to not even have a makeout session. The internet exists. Virgins in their teens is almost impossible.

I used to do some cooking courses and currently doing yoga. Not much contact through that though.

Mir kommt dein Körper bekannt vor, bist du auf irgendeiner Pornoseite angemeldet?

I find yoga is tough to interact with people. Cooking courses sound like fun, anything else you're interested in? Might be worth a try looking at different things offered in your city.

Nein. Sollte ich?

Ja/Nein egal, der Körper kam mir nur sehr bekannt vor.
Kann deine Situation aber gut nachvollziehen bist nicht alleine.. aber in dem Alter.. ist schon verdammt spät, überhaupt schon mal eine Beziehung gehabt

I spend most of my times doing sports, primarily climbing/bouldering, running and cycling.

Cool, I like the idea of cycling and climbing things. Are there any groups that get together to do climbing? Here they have an open group to rock climb with.

an opening would be any situation where there's a somewhat justifiable reason to talk to them. I was just at a house concert and went outside to smoke. There was a women there smoking. I had a lighter but i asked for hers. Then asked if she was involved with organising the show. We chatted for 5 minutes or so. This may sound lame.. i dunno. I didn't get laid or anything but i have a really hard time talking to women and this was good practice for me.

I went through all of the courses etc. offered by my rock climbing gym. Beyond that, it's just doing your own stuff.

It's not too dangerous to do alone?

Hey lads, can I get some advice?
>20 at the moment
>go to private liberal arts university, love it there
>college football player, fit and muscular
>recently rushed a frat

With the bg info out of the way, here's the meat of my problem.

>have never been in a relationship, virgin
>many are surprised at this fact, with so many people saying "you're so nice and honest, and oh you're so cute and muscular" and all that shit
>every girl I've tried to get to know better would reject me in various ways, almost all being low and devious, with no honesty upfront
>from lying and flaking dates because they're busy, excuses, and just flat out ignoring me or blocking me on twitter
>try my best to be kind and understanding, for that's just who I am, but with banter to go along with it
>always willing to give second chances
Fucking fuck.

Have you ever had a girl in your room/car/bed?

Did you tell them that Skyrim belongs to the nords?

Bouldering doesn't require belay. And for rope climbing, there is auto-belay.

Car? Yes for driving to dates.
Anything sexual related involving room/bed? No. Not at all, sadly.
Fuck. I didn't. Damn imperials.

God damn you! They're going to win now. Those imperials with their long lists.

Oh neat, I didn't know that. I think there is actually a movie about a guy climbing alone. I didn't put two and two together. You seem active and do things a lot, how would you rate your social skills? How easy is it for you to find something to say if you were say dealing with a server at a restaurant, or a clerk at a store?

It's on you to make it sexual. I'm gay and have a small cock but I still seal the deal. It's just about "taking it" even if it feels like the timing is wrong. I don't even get to the chatting on social media stage or knowing a girl's Twitter account, I'm pretty sure that's not the way it's done.

>How easy is it for you to find something to say if you were say dealing with a server at a restaurant, or a clerk at a store?

Not difficult because those are very conventional, controlled situations. If you ask whether I am well-spoken, witty, eloquent, humorous etc, the answer is a clear no.

Lol autocorrect gay=fat

makes sense

Rape one already and then put it on the refugees got damit ( german fag here)

Pretty sure that was Freudian.

I was swyping. Fat/gay right next to each other lol

I figured it was something along those lines. So if someone were to approach and strike up a conversation with you you'd definitely be in a pickle.

FUCK YOU if i had that body i would be fucking hoes 24/7 i'm not even joking, i've been specificaly told by girls that i'm really cool and nice and they would fuck me if i didn't look as bad as i look. You must be some kind of autistic or you have a really ugly face. Fuck my life i want to die.

More like I've never had a girl in my room/dorm. Only in my car. Girls flake on me more than accepted. I've only been on 4 dates.

Well get on with it.

How hairy are your palms? What's your vision like?

Do you have rank breath or something?

Yeah it's def attitude. Kind of hard to give advice how to fix that tbh. He seems well spoken enough. I just don't think you have the drive at this point to connect all the dots. Just get a prostitute.

Hold on, you've had girls say you're too ugly to fuck?

Sorry bro, that's harsh

well if I had your character I would be fucking hoes 24/7. Guess you can't always get what you want.


I forgot to add that I am totally inept socially. I have a stutter to boot. So I'm not judging your inability to speak because I'm no better.

Well be happy then, for some its the body, for others the personality.