I have never slept with a woman before, and this Asian chick wants to do me. I'm not a racist...

I have never slept with a woman before, and this Asian chick wants to do me. I'm not a racist, but what if she is into some weird shit like cosplay BDSM?

What's the problem? That's just anxiety in your head. I'd recommend you take viagra, you seem like you'd get soft based on how worried you are about random stuff
Just fuck her, who cares, get rid off that cherry

This is the girl and I'm a virgin.
I'm not ready for anything.


I don't even know what an Asian pussy looks like.

This girl and I have nothing in common, and I don't know if she's meant for me.

Proof it "fem user"

No, I can't. I haven't had sex.

You just called me a fem user?

Did you just assume my gender?

So user, tell me

Do girls' lips match their vaj colors?

Reverse search the images, saged faggot

Are you a woman?

Can you tell me if women can fuck someone just because he's a virgin?

Do you think she will get offended if I said I want to check out her titties first?

I don't want to turn her down,

but I'm not mentally prepared for sex

Should I bump this thread?

This is important....

low quality bait here

Are you a virgin too?

Shes not girls are not your anime waifus you fucking worm.
Just have a drink with her eat her out have her get you hard then fuck her stop over complicating it you wanna know what not to do? Watch those videos of randos getting picked up to fuck pornstars dont be those guys

If a girl lets you see her in a bathrobe,
it means she's ready, right?

You mean girls maybe filming?

Well,. what if she wants something other than a dick?

How can I tell?

Mire off her?

Does she want my dick
or does she want my money?

I don't want to lose my virginity to someone who fucks for money.

How can I tell?

You mean,

more pics of her?

She always wears suggestive clothes

Yeah or any name to search more of her

Do people take off kimonos completely when they fuck?

Her name is in Nihongo

I think she's Japanese